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Print length: 244 pages
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The Sex.Com Chronicles captures the dizzying atmosphere of exploding wealth and mad ambition that fueled the growth of the early Internet in its Wild-West phase. Written by the trial lawyer who won the historic case to recover the world's most valuable Internet domain name, Charles Carreon's crisp narrative begins from the personal perspective of a lone trial lawyer challenged to take on the case of a lifetime, introduces the larger-than-life characters who will drive the action, then accelerates through a series of gripping chapters that hold the reader in thrall until the last page is turned. Fast, funny, and reckless, Carreon artfully depicts a running gun-battle on the information highway and delivers an unforgettable climax that will leave the reader reeling.
#1,368,946 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
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Charles Carreon was born in Phoenix, Arizona during the Cold War. The legend of Billy the Kid and B. Traven's novel, "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" featured prominently in the formation of his psyche. In his freshman year at Arizona State University, he met his sweetheart Tara, and a year later they married and began traveling. They spent the better part of a year traveling through Europe, the Middle East and India, then moved up to Ashland, Oregon, had three kids, Joshua, Maria, and Ana, and lived in the woods for six years. Poverty worked its magic, and in 1983, they all moved to Los Angeles, where Charles got a law degree at UCLA and spent six years in the fast-paced world of LA law. In 1993 he did another about face and moved back to Oregon where he became a small-town prosecutor, then flipped again and became a criminal defense lawyer. In 1999, he met Gary Kremen, the founder of and original owner of the Sex.Com domain, and morphed into one of the more colorful intellectual property lawyers of the early Internet era. He now lives in Tucson, Arizona with Tara.
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5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2020
3.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2012
I'll preface this by saying that I first heard about the author due to his (much publicised) representation of, and the subsequent law suits filed against various other parties. My distaste for his methods aren't factored into this review. This book... See more
I'll preface this by saying that I first heard about the author due to his (much publicised) representation of, and the subsequent law suits filed against various other parties. My distaste for his methods aren't factored into this review.

This book will most likely appeal to you if you've got an education in the Law, or an understanding of the legal concepts of property, tort, contract, and the litigation process. The author frequently discusses legal concepts such as consideration in forming a contract, duties of a bailee, etc, which means if you're not already familiar with the way the concepts function, then it will probably make the book significantly harder to follow, and will be pretty dry to boot.

The other hurdle to get past is that Carreon is prone to use some rather flowery language in his discussion of the case and some legal concepts (he often tries to create analogies to explain the concepts on which he formed his case, but they're often forced and not entirely accurate). Occasionally this makes the reading rather awkward; you'd expect similar prose from a lovesick teenager writing a bad love letter.

These points aside, the journey of litigating the case is reasonably compelling. How accurate the author's account of himself in the action is probably open to debate, but at face value, it's an interesting story.

Final year law students and very junior lawyers will find it a good book to read on the beach with a beer.
5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2013
I literally couldn't put this book down the second I started to read it while on vacation. It's a great true story of a fascinating case for those of us who grew up to see the internet become a thing. There's parts in this book that make little squares in the text but... See more
I literally couldn't put this book down the second I started to read it while on vacation. It's a great true story of a fascinating case for those of us who grew up to see the internet become a thing. There's parts in this book that make little squares in the text but after a while of it you can start ignoring it. I'm not sure what happened with the digital transfer but it's there.
Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2012
I bought this book a while ago because honestly, I used to admire the author. His First Amendment advocacy credentials were solid, though nothing special compared to others in the field, and I thought the litigation was really interesting considering the sort of... See more
I bought this book a while ago because honestly, I used to admire the author. His First Amendment advocacy credentials were solid, though nothing special compared to others in the field, and I thought the litigation was really interesting considering the sort of nebulous status a domain name has a property, especially in relationship to trademark law.

It was an interesting read, mostly for the subject matter. The writing itself wasn't spectacular--it's well edited, so you no glaring grammar or spelling errors like you'd see from bad fan fiction, but the organization and style don't really add much to make the material exciting.

Now I sincerely regret putting a few bucks in the author's pocket. Though he styles himself as a so-called "white hat," if you look at the public records on his most recent, prominent case, he's basically defending a copyright infringer by filing frivolous defamation lawsuits against the guy whose work was stolen because he had the audacity to publicly complain about his work being stolen. I would not be surprised if the California bar decides to bring sanctions against him for filing motions with no basis in fact or law.

I would never recommend that anyone steal someone else's copyrighted work, but if someone did pirate Carreon's work, and then sued him for complaining about it, I imagine the irony would be lost on him.

Moreover, Carreon's later dishonesty and lack of integrity makes me question how honest the contents of this book really was. We know from the public record who won, what evidence and arguments were presented, and what side the court came down on, but I no longer know whether to believe Carreon's version of events leading up to the case. He alleges that his client had the domain name and it was "stolen" from him through fraud, but now I wonder whether this was just a greedy domain name squatter who let a registration lapse, and then recruited a sleazy lawyer to trick a court into stealing back once he realized how valuable it was.
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2012
Curiosity brought me to the book, and like the kitty before me, killed my curiosity into the "realm" of the serious business that is the internets. My best advice to anyone wanting a chance to open the wardrobe doors and enter the Narnia that is Charles Carreon, go to your... See more
Curiosity brought me to the book, and like the kitty before me, killed my curiosity into the "realm" of the serious business that is the internets. My best advice to anyone wanting a chance to open the wardrobe doors and enter the Narnia that is Charles Carreon, go to your local used bookstore and find a copy (I'm certain there is a plethora of them there) and see what hard earned cash I may have just saved you.

You'll thank me silently at night.
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2012
The way this book switches from unnecessarily technical legalese to choppy stunted sentences one might expect to find in a 7 year old's essay about the first Thanksgiving. Perhaps if someone is trying to learn English and they are already proficient in Latin this might... See more
The way this book switches from unnecessarily technical legalese to choppy stunted sentences one might expect to find in a 7 year old's essay about the first Thanksgiving. Perhaps if someone is trying to learn English and they are already proficient in Latin this might make a good gift, but I hardly believe that is a large enough audience for this to have been published. Judging by the price point of the book and the Kindle versions, I believe this was a vanity press the author is trying to pass off as a legitimate book.
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2012
I had to read this book for class. To me, it was badly organized and read more like a propaganda piece than a factual account. I felt that the language around every piece of information was so loaded that rendered the book almost entirely useless. This is, in my opinion,... See more
I had to read this book for class. To me, it was badly organized and read more like a propaganda piece than a factual account. I felt that the language around every piece of information was so loaded that rendered the book almost entirely useless. This is, in my opinion, not so much an account as an editorial, a panageryic, and a daydream.
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2012
I purchased this book a little over a year ago, Partly to read, partly to cut a hole in the centre of the front cover to make bedtime reading a little more 'interesting'. However after I had finished reading the book, I told one of my friends that it wasn't very good, so I... See more
I purchased this book a little over a year ago, Partly to read, partly to cut a hole in the centre of the front cover to make bedtime reading a little more 'interesting'. However after I had finished reading the book, I told one of my friends that it wasn't very good, so I had donated it to my local charity shop. Imagine my shock and surprise when 12 months later I received a personal letter from the author Charles Carreon, demanding £15,000 for not liking his book...he is also now sueing my local Loros as well

I would advise all potential purchasers not to buy this book just in case the same thing happens to you.
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