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Topic: My wifes sissy by Sissy Ellen (1998) (Read 20332 times)


Winner of the Golden Panties Award

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« on: August 17, 2016, 07:17:26 AM »
Let me start off by telling you that I am a 35 year old male. I am very small for a man in all areas. I am 5 foot four inches tall and weigh 130 lbs. My wife is 6 foot tall and weighs about 225. My wife discovered how much stronger she was then I was soon after we got married. We were having an argument one night, when she told me that the matter was closed. I told her she was full of shit, and started to say somthing eles, when she grabbed me and threw me across her lap.I tried to get free from her but she was just to strong. Once my wife saw that I could do nothing about my situation, she told me that she was going to have to spank me for sassing her. She very easily held me down on her lap with just one hand and began to spank me very hardly. I started to cry and sob as she beat my rear end. As she spanked me, she told me what a big sissy cry baby I was.She spanked me so hard that it made me wet my pants. Then after she was through spanking me, she held me by my wrist very tightly, as she scolded me for being such a bad sissy for sassing her and wetting my pants. Then she said, Lets get my sweet sissy out off his wet britches, as she led me up to our bedroom.She must have had all of this planned in advance. Next she laid me down on the bed and took off all of my clothes. I could tell that my wife had all this planned in advance, After she had laid me down on our bed and taken all my clothes off of me, she reached under the bed and pulled out this diaper bag. I tried to ask her what was going on, but she took a pacifier out of the diaper bag and shoved it into my mouth. Then she told me that if I took it out of my mouth, she would spank me twice as hard as before. I was still crying from her last spanking, so I did what she said and just laid there like a good little sissybaby. Next she took out some cloth diapers and folded them, and lifted me by my ankles and slid the diapers under me. Then she took out some baby powder, and sprinkled it alll over me and pulled the diaper up between my legs and pinned it snuggly in place. The whole time she was diapering me, she talked baby talk to me. Then she pulled out some pink plastic pants and put them on me over my diapers. After she had tucked the diapers into my plastic pants and was satisfied that the plastic pants would not leak, she told me that the baby was all ready. Now my sissybaby can wet himself when ever he wants to she told me as she laughed at me. I felt really rediculas, laying on our bed wearing thick bulky diapers and pink plastic pants suc-king on a little pink pacifier. Next my wife reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a small bottle of red finger nail polish. She very carefully painted my finger nails and toe nails red. Then my wife asked me to sit up so she could do something with my hair. She brushed it into a pony tail and tied it in place with a big pink ribbon, tying the end into a big bow. Next she got her perfume and sprayed it all over me. I want my sissybaby to smell sweet she told me as she sprayed it on me. Then she went over to the closet and took out a bag. I have some presents for my baby she told me as she dumped the bags contents onto the bed in front of me. Oh how cute she said as she picked up the pink training bra off of the bed and told me to hold out my arms so she could put the bra on me. after she had fastened the training bra on me, she told me how the traing bra matched my pink plastic pants. Next she put some red lipstick on my lips so they would match my finger nails and toe nails. All of a sudden I saw a bright flash, I looked up and my wife was taking pictures of me.I started to cry again, and she soothed me by talking baby talk to me.Dont worry your sissy little head baby, she told me...As long as you are a good sissybaby for me, I wont have to spank you and show all of your family, friends and work the pictures of you in your pretty training bra and diapers and pink plastic pants. Oh look she told me looking at the snap shots, you can even see your pretty red finger nails and lips she said as she laughed at me. Then she began to tickle me all over and told me," show mommy how my little sissybaby wets her diapers." She tickled me so much that I lost control and once agian wet myself. Seeing that I had wet my diapers my wife told me I was such a good little sissy.
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WHEN Peter transitioned into Peta, Kerry had a big decision to make: Should she stay married to a woman or go? One couple’s incredible journey.
Those five words changed Kerry Haywood’s life forever and hit her like a bolt out of the blue.
When her husband Peter told her he was transgender three years ago, she admits the news came as a total surprise.
The couple, who have been together for 20 years and married for 17, had a happy, loving relationship.
But underneath Kerry knew her husband was unhappy about something, she just had no idea what or why he had been drinking so heavily.
Unable to live with the truth any longer, Peter finally confessed to his loving partner that he wanted to become a woman — a desire he had suppressed since his teenage years.
The Melbourne couple were driving along a freeway on holiday at the time when Peter revealed he wanted to become Peta.
Kerry told she didn’t know whether to throw “herself out of the car” and end her marriage right there or listen to what her partner had to say.
The Melbourne couple, who own and run their own business, feature on SBS Insight tonight which looks at Love Transformed and transgender relationships.
It also looks at what is it like to be the loved one of someone who comes out as transgender and whether relationships can survive such a monumental change.
Speaking to ahead of the program going to air, Peta said she always felt different, but having gone to an all boys school didn’t want to stand out.
“My school was quite rough so I didn’t want to put my hand up and say hey I’m different,” Peta said.
But at the age of 19 the truth of those feelings were revealed when Peter, then a young father, got dressed up for a fancy dress party as a woman.
Seeing the woman in the reflection made him realise he was trapped in the wrong body.
But with a baby and soon to be married to his first wife, Peter buried his feelings.
They all came back when Peta hit 50 in what she calls her change of life. She started to thin on top, grew her nails and shave all over.
Depression began to set in and Kerry had no idea how to help.
“Peter became very angry and was drinking a lot,” Kerry said.
“But I was naive and had no idea what was wrong — Peter went to great lengths to hide it.”
What followed was a lot of soul searching and some counselling before Peta was finally diagnosed with gender dysphoria and began transitioning.
“By the time I told Kerry I had hit rock bottom,” Peta said.
For Kerry the decision was clear: She could either stay with the person she loved or end her marriage.
She chose the former realising it was the person, not the sex of the person that mattered most.
“My previous marriage had been very tough,” Kerry said “Peter had everything I wanted in a man. I had to realise Peta was still the same person just in a female form.”
Kerry admitted she never considered marriage with a woman but knew if she wanted things to work she had to learn to live with Peter as Peta, an idea which she found hard as a heterosexual woman.
“I decided to work on my marriage, a lot of people would have given up but I needed to give it a shot,” she said.
“Love is love at the end of the day.”
What followed was one of the toughest years of their lives where they “laughed as much as they cried”.
For Kerry there was a new range of emotions to deal with from grieving to anger and finally acceptance.
The couple, who have four adult children between them, said they took the news surprisingly well and Peta said she now had a much better relationship with her daughter than ever.
They said 99 per cent of people accepted their relationship but there were times it was easier to admit they were sisters rather than explaining they were in fact married.
While Peta’s trans journey has been far from easy, the couple said sticking it out has been worth it
They hope their appearance on Insight will show others that such a change doesn’t have to spell the end of a relationship but rather a new beginning.
Kerry recently proposed to Peta and the couple now plan to renew their marriage vows.
“It’s now Peta’s turn to be a bride,” she said.
The show also features other families who have had a loved one come out as transgender.
For Josh Hewitt, the news his father Kevin was becoming Karen was devastating.
When his father revealed his news, Josh tells Insight at 17 the timing coincided with everything he questioned about manhood.
He also said he felt he lost a father figure at a pivotal time in his life.
However Karen reveals she had no choice.
“My timing wasn’t exactly perfect,” she said.
“But when you hit rock bottom the choice was either my family with Karen or they’ve got no Karen.”
Sharon Swiatlo lost a daughter but gained a son when her child Nevo started taking male hormones at the age of 18.
For her the news her only child wanted to change sex was a huge blow but she has become enormously supportive of Nevo’s transition.
“I only had one child and I only wanted a girl,” she tells Insight. “I was adamant I wanted a girl. Well, I got both.”
Love Transformed will premiere on SBS Insight tonight at 8.30pm.
Continue the conversation @newscomHQ | @insightSBS | @JenBrockie
An Australian woman had ‘’no hope’’ staff would find the ring she’d lost in the mail, but to her surprise, they did.
It’s that awkward moment when you greet a friend. Is it OK to kiss your friends on the lips?
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In retrospect, the biggest mistake I made was underestimating my younger sister, Margaret; underestimating her cunning, her spite, and her ingenuity. It started with the custody battle during my parents' divorce. After my Dad left my Mom to marry Angie, his secretary, I begged him to let me live with him. The idea of living without Dad in a house with Margaret was more than I could take. I loved Mom and all that, and she really loved me, but Dad and I were best buds. We did everything together; ball games, fishing, backpacking, the works. I wanted to be just like him when I got older. I told both my parents that as a guy, I really needed to have the guidance of a live-in male authority figure.
I never figured my Mom would care so much about having custody of me. She told me it was because she loved me too much to have me turn out like my father. She was very proud of her "little man," and she bragged about me all the time. Maybe she bragged too much, because sometimes I caught Mom's friends and our neighbors rolling their eyes as Mom went on and on about what a perfect son I was and what a great man I was destined to be.
Mom was concerned enough that she even hired this bitchy woman lawyer, Ms. Proctor, to represent her in the custody dispute. I think the lawyer knew I didn't like her, because she didn't even pretend to be friendly to me. On the other hand, she and Margaret seemed to be instant friends. She was always telling Margaret how clever she was and went on and on about how much Margaret reminded her of herself when she was that age. Lots of times, Margaret and the lawyer would whisper and giggle, even when Mom wasn't around. Whatever!
That summer, before the custody trial, Margaret got way out of hand. Without Dad around to put her place, she became unbearable. She went out of her way to annoy me, acting like I was her personal slave or something. She even talked Mom into making me start doing some of her chores; stuff like delivering and picking up Mom's dresses and skirts at the dry cleaners. I felt like an idiot handing over that girly stuff to be cleaned. The ladies at the cleaners thought it was hilarious to say stuff like, "When do you need your dresses, dear?" "Oh, I bet you look just darling in this one." "Don't you think this dress is a little sophisticated for a boy your age?" "I bet your boyfriend just loves you in this!" Ha-ha, very funny. I tried to ignore the teasing, but it really embarrassed me. Worse, I always turned beet red, which just invited more teasing.
When Dad was around, he never let Margaret get away with her crap. Now that he was gone, she really stepped it up. Mom didn't seem to notice; I guess she was too busy with the divorce and stuff. I knew it was useless to complain; Mom would only tell me to stop being a wuss. Oh, well, at least school was out for the summer.
A couple of days later, I was playing a video game in my room when Margaret and her collection of bratty friends burst into my room. To my amazement, she marched over and actually yanked the power cord from the socket.
"Hey! What in hell do think you're doing?"
"For your information, dweeb, my friends and I are trying to listen to music. Your stupid game is bothering us."
Margaret's friends giggled nervously, waiting for my reaction. "Screw you!" I snapped back.
Margaret just smiled. She continued in a childish voice: "Now Priscilla. Is that any way for a young lady to talk?" Her friends' giggles turned to raucous laughter. Years ago, Dad was out of town on business, and I was complaining to Mom about something Margaret had done. Without thinking, Mom told me to stop acting like a little girl. Margaret quickly noticed how embarrassed I was by that remark, and started calling me "little girl" whenever she wanted to make me mad. She even came up with a shameful nickname for me - "Priscilla." She knew it really pissed me off to be called that stupid name.
To my chagrin, I could feel my face turn beet red. "Shut up, Margaret!"
"Now Prissy, don't be mad. I'll tell you what. I'll go get my old Barbies so that you can play dollies. Playing dollies always makes you feel better, doesn't it?" Margaret's friends laughed louder, and if possible, my face got redder. Finally, it was more than I could take. I had been in enough playground scuffles to know what to do. I easily grabbed my sister's arm and twisted it behind her. She winced in pain.
I couldn't resist rubbing it in a little. "Who's the girl now? Huh? Speak up, I can't hear you."
Margaret just glared at me with a hateful scowl. I could tell she was furious, and I've got to admit, the look on her face scared me a little bit. She couldn't stand that I was showing her up in front of her stupid friends. Still twisting her arm, I marched her over to the door and shoved her into hallway where her friends were already waiting. I felt kind of bad for being so rough with her, but she had it coming. Anyway, I guess it worked; Margaret and her friends left me alone for the rest of the day.
After that, something wasn't quite right. Margaret always tattled on me, even if I just looked at her wrong. But this time she never said anything about it. I didn't see much of her over the next couple of days; she was obviously busy with something. When I did see her, like at mealtimes, she just glared at me. It made me nervous. Eventually, she did start talking to me, but it was strange. She was acting really sweet toward me. It was sickening.
"Brother, dear, can I give you anything? How about another cookie? Peter, the ball game's on TV. Can I turn it on for you?"
I knew she was up to something, I just didn't know what. I didn't have time to worry because I came down with some kind of awful flu bug. I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible stomach cramps and a splitting headache. At breakfast, I complained to my mom.
"Mom, I feel awful. I've got stomach cramps, my muscles ache all over, and I've got no energy."
She felt my forehead. "You feel fine to me. You don't seem to have a fever. Take some aspirin and rest for a couple of days. I'm sure it's nothing," she said sweetly.
Margaret piped up: " I know what it is. Priscilla's getting her period. Isn't that precious?" At least Margaret was back to normal.
Leaving Mom and Margaret giggling in the kitchen, I retreated to my bedroom and stayed in bed the next few of days. I was absolutely miserable. It got so bad I could hardly move. Every day, Margaret stopped by my room and looked in, an evil grin on her face. It was starting to freak me out. Eventually, Mom began to be worried, but the same day Mom was going call the doctor, I started to feel a lot better; the headache and cramps went away, and I finally had more energy. My muscles also stopped hurting, but I still felt really weak. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something just felt - wrong.
That afternoon, I went to the neighborhood park to shoot some hoops with my friends. It was great to finally be out of the house away from Margaret. But the minute my best buddy, Jeff, threw me the ball, things started to go bad.
"Hey Jeff, where did you get this ball. It feels like it's made of lead."
"What you talking about? It's the same ball we always play with."
I tried to take a jump shot, but I felt like I was shooting a bowling ball instead of a basketball. The ball fell three feet short of the basket. "You guys are crazy. There's something wrong with that ball."
I listened as all my buddies assured me that there was nothing wrong with the ball. I couldn't figure it out. As we started our regular pickup game, a bunch of the neighborhood girls came over and sat in the adjace
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