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11.03.2022 um 20:37 Uhr
- Sebastian Meineck , Chris Köver - in Öffentlichkeit - keine Ergänzungen

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Sebastian Meineck ist seit 2021 Redakteur bei Außerdem schreibt er einen Newsletter über Online-Recherche . Er war unter anderem Chefredakteur von Motherboard Deutschland, Autor beim SPIEGEL und Student der Deutschen Journalistenschule München. Das Medium Magazin hat ihn 2020 zu einem der Top 30 unter 30 im Journalismus gekürt. Twitter: @SebMeineck . Sebastian verschlüsselt schreiben: .

Chris Köver ist seit 2018 Redakteurin bei Sie war zuvor auch Chefredakteurin des Missy Magazine, im Team von Wired Germany und Volontärin bei Zeit Online.
Twitter: @ckoever . Ihr erreicht sie per Mail an , am besten verschlüsselt .

11.03.2022 um 20:37
„Knocked out and fucked“: On XVideos clips dealing with rape are automatically recommended. Anonymous uploads raise doubts about whether recordings are consensual. Our research reveals how sexualized violence can spread on the platform.
Trigger warning: The following article graphically describes cases of sexualized violence.
The shaky video clip shows a motionless woman. A hand enters the frame and lifts the woman’s eyelids, first left, then right. The eyes are fixed. Apparently, the woman does not wake up, although someone is touching her face. Then the camera pans to her breasts. The hand grabs them.
Is this person aware that she is being filmed, that she is on display on the biggest porn platform in the world? Someone left a comment under the video: „I love the fact she looks so lifeless lol“. 121,000 views.
It’s easy to find videos like this one on XVideos, the most visited porn site in the world . To look at naked people here, all you need is an Internet connection. Violence and harassment are officially banned on XVideos – even if they are only staged . XVideos could thus be a place where people consensually live out their sexuality or pursue their profession as porn performers.
But that’s not the case, as research by shows. On XVideos, there are categories such as „against her will“ or „druged and fucked“. Such keywords, so-called tags, can be defined by users when uploading content to the site. When searching, XVideos automatically recommends them as related searches. We asked XVideos about several tags that deal with defenselessness and sexualized violence. XVideos says that there are already 1,704 blocked terms on the platform.
In just a few hours, we discovered numerous uploads on XVideos that were apparently made without the consent of those shown. They show people who seem to be not fully conscious but are apparently being abused for sexual acts. Others show subjects who are apparently unaware that they are being filmed, for example on the toilet.
On a platform for sexual fantasies, it’s often hard to tell what’s staged and what’s real. But if any of the above was real, it could be punishable in many countries, for example as sexual assault or rape . In Germany, violating someone’s most personal sphere through image recordings is also punishable, for example when secretly recording in spaces that are protected from view.
In any case, the videos are likely to violate XVideos‘ terms of use . They prohibit non-consensual sexual acts – even if they are only „implied“, „staged“ or „simulated“.
We anonymously reported 30 of these videos to the platform. 25 were deleted or temporarily taken offline within a day, the remaining five after we pointed to them in our press request. How does the platform prevent the spread of abusive content? XVideos remained vague on this: „We have a number of processes that we constantly improve.“
In general, XVideos answered only a fraction of our detailed list of questions. The answers came from an email address labeled „Xvideos Admin.“ When asked, „Admin“ did not disclose who was behind it. „Try to be nice and don’t trash us even though I’m sure that’s what you want to do,“ the message reads at the end, „because we don’t even reply at all usually…“
This article is part of a series. Here’s the story of how XVideos rose to the top of the world in online pornography. ZDF Magazin Royale, a show of public broadcasting in Germany, covers XVideos in their March 11 show .
At the top of the market of online pornography, XVideos is joined by two other giants: xHamster and Pornhub . After reports of sexualized violence and waves of public criticism, both sites drew consequences at the end of 2020. Nowadays users can only upload to xHamster and Pornhub after an ID check. This is meant as a safety measure to prevent people from anonymously distributing recordings of others, intended to humiliate them and exercise power over them.
XVideos continued to allow anonymous uploads. Until the end of 2021, all that was required to upload a video on the website was a free account that could be created with any email address. In January 2022, during our investigation, the anonymous upload suddenly stopped working. Apparently, the function was shut down – quietly and secretly. More on that later.
There are other signs that XVideos is at least trying to do something about the spread of sexualized violence on the platform. Some search terms are blocked – according to XVideos, more than 1,700. For example, searches for „rape“ or „drugged“ return zero results. But this protection is only superficial. Alternative spellings still return results for blocked terms. In some cases, it is even enough to just change one letter.
Users don’t even have to be particularly creative to get around search terms blocked on XVideos. The platform’s automatic search functions help. Type in the first three letters of „drugged“ and you are automatically served a suggestion for a ready-made search query: „druged and fucked.“ In this case, „drugged“ is misspelled, missing a „g“.
Among the more than 500,000 search results, XVideos also suggests around 30 other „related searches“. They read like this:
   „knocked out and fucked“
   „drunked passed“
   „chloro fuck“
   „taken against her will“
   „druged so she can not resiest“
Typing the suggested search query „druged and fucked“ brings up nine alternative suggestions, including „druged tied up and fucked“ and „druged groped and fucked“ – all with the same typo.
In this way, XVideos can lead users deeper down the rabbit hole. The platform automatically suggests tags that can be used to find other depictions of sexualized violence. XVideos tells us that there are countless ways to get around blocked terms.
A simple test shows how XVideos even allows tags on the topic of rape: We tried to upload a video ourselves. In the process, we tried out different tags that clearly describe sexualized violence. XVideos informs users during the upload whether a tag is permitted.
For several tags, XVideos displayed the message „Sorry“, this term is „not allowed here“, including the terms „rape“, „revenge porn“ or „chloroform“. This contrasts with dozens of very similar tags where no such warning appeared, including „real rappe“ (with a double „p“), „revengeporn“ (without a space) and „chloro“. Chloroform is a powerful narcotic. These tags are not only allowed – but they are apparently also in use, as corresponding search results on XVideos show.
This inconsistency is not only evident in sexualized violence: for example, the n-word is blocked in the singular, but not in the plural. Due to its history, the n-word is considered as brutal and traumatizing and expresses racist oppression of black people. Searching for it on XVideos returns several hundred results.
Generally, a tag is just a hint from the uploader of what a video might show. In theory, videos can be tagged with arbitrary tags that have nothing to do with the actual content. Many recordings on XVideos also obviously show fantasies, not reality. The performers can be seen in other, apparently consensual videos. The sound, lighting and camera look professional.
It is difficult to tell if some of the shots are consensual fantasies. The shaky clips could be cleverly staged – or they could simply be real. Whether staged or not, such footage is not allowed on XVideos and would have to be removed.
XVideos responded to our questions about the tags only briefly and referred to a growing list, which currently has 1,704 blocked terms. But there is "a quasi infinity of possible combinations to write differently a word that is banned", the response says. "We can worry about this which can never be solved, or spend our time on what actually matters: the content."
The problem doesn't seem that hard to solve – XVideos could work with a positive list of allowed terms. In this case, users would not be allowed to invent tags but would have to choose from a list. More important than tags, however, is the actual content of XVideos. And here as well we found grave abuse. selected a sample of 30 recordings on XVideos to report to the platform. There is considerable doubt as to whether they are consensual.
Fifteen of the 30 videos we reported show women who do not appear to be fully conscious. Nevertheless, they are filmed naked or sexual acts are performed on them. This includes the video clip showing the woman with the empty eyes mentioned at the beginning of this article.
For comparison, the most viewed video under the particularly popular tag "amateur" has 270.5 million views.
The second half of the sample of videos we reported falls into the category "voyeur". On porn sites, this refers to recordings that were apparently filmed with a hidden camera – some real, some just for show.
The same rules apply for all these videos: In order to upload them to the site, everybody depicted would have to have consented to the footage and be of legal age. The person who uploaded the beach video would also have to have documents from all beach visitors proving that they are of age, according to the terms of use.
Anyone who – like us – discovers a recording on XVideos and wants to report it, will find an online form for this purpose. XVideos lists examples of such recordings in the form: "Harassment / revenge porn / upload without consent", but also "rape" and "minors". Entering a name and email address is optional. The form can be filled out anonymously. This gives those affected a relatively low-threshold way to report recordings.
On February 23, we anonymously reported the 30 dubious videos. XVideos responded within a few hours. Nine videos were removed directly: including the woman with the blank eyes and the recording of the allegedly drunk girlfriend on New Year's Eve. When the links were looked up again, it said, "Sorry, this video has been deleted."
Sixteen other videos were taken offline temporarily. Instead of the videos, when the links were looked up, it said, "We received a request to have this video deleted. It has been automatically disabled until we hear from the uploader. It will then be deleted or reinstated."
In such a case, uploaders are asked to hand over proof in order to unblock their videos. Uploaders will receive an email stating:
"We are questioning whether the individual involved in this and your other content all gave their consent to be published online or not. Please get back to us with information and/or documentation in order to keep this content and account online. Otherwise it may automatically be deleted after some time and may also be reported to the relevant authorities."
Three of the videos "automatically disabled" in this way were deleted a day later. We asked XVideos what evidence uploaders have to provide in such a case and how the platform verifies it. This was not answered.
While 25 videos were no longer available after our report, five videos remained online for the time being. XVideos provided a reason for this in an automatically sent e-mail. According to this, the platform had already "determined that the uploader is the owner of the content". In the case of the videos in question, however, we did not have the impression that the people shown knew about a camera. The videos included apparently homeless people having sex; women in a group shower and toilet; naked people on the beach; and a woman in a neighboring house changing her clothes, shakily filmed through the window.
In theory, such recordings can be staged so that they only give the impression of having been filmed with a hidden camera. A few days after our report, we identified ourselves as journalists and confronted XVideos about these issues. After our request, the five remaining videos were also offline: One was deleted, four deactivated.
What criteria does XVideos use to delete or deactivate reported videos? XVideos explains that recordings are evaluated differently. As an example, XVideos cited a video we reported. In it, a man used the limp hand of an apparently motionless woman to masturbate. Whether the woman was asleep, unconscious, or just pretending, could only be guessed.
It is "not credible whatsoever" that "a girl doing an actual handjob" was sleeping, XVideos writes. "Yet our reviewers still gave you the benefit of the doubt", said XVideos referring to our content removal request. "We side with potential victims when there is a conflict." Apparently, XVideos would have suspected that the woman was in fact awake.
We wanted to know why XVideos hadn't found and deleted the 30 problematic videos on its own. The question must have struck a nerve. Politics and the press would ignore "millions" of other porn sites that didn't care about anything, said the answer. Gladly, XVideos would remove unverified content – that is, uploads from unverified accounts – but only if every site was treated the same.
"Apparently is it (sic) too much to ask these days that laws should apply to everyone and not just the couple top porn sites", XVideos writes, threatening, "You should be scared of the day when strict upload and age regulations are imposed on us only." Users would then migrate to the other sites, says XVideos, and the situation would become "far worse." Those sites would "happily take all our users, who don't want to be bothered with ridiculous age verification and content limitations."
The response provides a rare insight into how the world's largest porn site sees itself. Apparently, XVideos feels it is being treated unfairly by politics and the media – and when criticized points the finger at others.
In the past, it wasn't as easy as it is today to report recordings on XVideos. An archived version of the form from November 2020 reads quite differently. Back then, anyone who wanted to report a video, for example, had to hand over their name, email, postal address and phone number. They had to explain in legal terms what was prohibited about the video, leave a digital signature and check the box: "I swear under penalty of perjury that the information in this notification is accurate".
It's hard to think of a better way to scare off whistleblowers and those affected. This is precisely what journalists from the Czech newspaper Denik N criticized in January 2021 . After that, the form was gradually adapted, as various versions in the Internet archive show.
To this day, the reporting form is not particularly easy to find. One path leads via the start page: Users have to scroll all the way down and click on "Content removal" in a list of links with small font. There is also a "Report" button for each video. However, this is hidden behind a inconspicuous three-dot symbol that has to be clicked separately. For comparison: A button for downloading videos is clearly visible.
Design decisions like this one can influence the behavior of users. XVideos could thus drive video downloads up – and push the number of reported videos down. Our query as to whether this is intentional remained unanswered.
XVideos responded quickly to the videos we reported. However, we also spoke with a survivor who reported a different experience. They asked to remain anonymous in this article. Photos showing them naked and having sex circulate on countless porn platforms against their will – including XVideos, as they tell us.
Last November, they asked XVideos to delete the photos, referring to copyright law. They showed us an automatic email XVideos sent to confirm the request.
However, XVideos did not react. According to the survivor, the images were only deleted months later when they contacted Serverstack. Serverstack is one of many providers where online companies can rent storage space for their content, and XVideos is a customer there. Three days after the report, Serverstack deleted the images. Serverstack did not answer our questions about the case. XVideos writes, "Mistakes are always possible even though we try to avoid them."
The XVideos account that is said to have uploaded the photos is still online today. Until recently it showed a gallery of more than 70 photos and the note: "various photos, some mine, some from the Internet." After we pointed this out to XVideos via press inquiry, the photos were taken offline.
Until the end of 2021, it was extremely easy for users to distribute recordings on XVideos. All they had to do was register with an email address. Then at the turn of the year, during our investigation, XVideos apparently changed the process. On an info page , XVideos still claims that an upload is possible for everyone with an account. In practice, however, XVideos now requires verification, at least in Germany. We observed this with our own test account. This makes uploading non-consensual videos significantly more difficult.
For verification, users must upload a separate video in which they say "XVideos" or show the written word "XVideos", for example on a piece of paper. They do not have to reveal their name or show their face. If XVideos has verified an account, it gets a gray checkmark.
For some accounts, anonymous uploads are apparently still possible. This is suggested by a search for new videos from the last three days. At the beginning of March, the search continues to return new uploads from XVideos accounts without a gray checkmark. Who is still allowed to distribute anonymous recordings on XVideos? XVideos did not answer this question.
The possibility for verification has been available on XVideos for a long time. However, until now it was only mandatory for people who wanted to earn money with their uploads . Uploaders on XVideos can, for example, receive a share of the advertising revenue or put content behind a paywall. "If you are a model looking to build your brand or to make money, you first have to verify," the site said. For everyone else, verification was voluntary.
We asked XVideos why they didn't introduce verification for everyone earlier to prevent the distribution of recordings without consent. After all, xHamster and Pornhub also stopped anonymous uploads long ago. No answer.
To detect abusive videos, many platforms employ content moderation workers. These are people who sift through new uploads or review reported content. Facebook, TikTok and YouTube employ thousands of them. Pornhub and xHamster, which also have millions of visitors every day, also employ them, according to their own statements.
At XVideos, there is no indication from the outside whether there are any content moderators at all. An information page states that XVideos "continuously monitors" the site. It does not s
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