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Dec. 1, 2005 -- -- Earlier this year, Toronto police took an extraordinary step in their search for a little girl who was being subjected to the worst kind of abuse imaginable.
She was the subject of pictures that had been showing up in the hands of pedophiles. They showed her tied up and raped repeatedly, and police could see her growing older in the photos. They feared the abuse was still going on.
So they digitally removed her from the photos -- only showing her surroundings -- and asked the public for help.
Months later, Toronto police learned that her abuser had already been jailed, and that she had been placed with a foster family.
She told her story for the first time to ABC News. She was interviewed in the presence of her new adoptive mother, her therapist and adviser -- all of whom hope that airing her story might help her heal.
"It's like he stole my childhood," the young girl, Masha, said. "He took away five years of my life that I could never get back."
Masha was born in a small, industrial city in southern Russia. She doesn't remember her father, and says her mother was an alcoholic. When she was 4, Masha says, her mother stabbed her in the back of her neck during a drinking binge. When authorities responded, they took Masha away to live in an orphanage.
It was a sad and desperate existence, but because adoption is rare in Russia, Masha expected to live there until she turned 18. Then one day, a divorced 41-year-old American showed up saying he wanted to adopt her.
Matthew Mancuso had found Masha through an adoption agency in Cherry Hill, N.J. He said he wanted to adopt a 5- or 6-year-old Caucasian girl, and Mancuso picked Masha out from a videotape sent to him by the adoption agency.
Masha said Mancuso was friendly and brought her gifts. But there was also something strange about him. "I remember asking him if I was gonna get a mother, and he'd say that he wasn't married, and that he didn't think I would," she said.
The nightmare began when Masha flew home with Mancuso to his modest, middle-class house on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. When it was time for bed that first night, he didn't send her to her room -- he told her to get in bed with him.
He wasn't wearing any clothes, she said. The first couple of nights, he touched her leg or chest. Then he started touching her private parts. And then, a few days later, he started raping her repeatedly -- and taking sexually explicit photographs.
"I'd make myself think of other things when it was happening," she said. "But it always came back to me -- couldn't stop it."
To keep her silent he used rewards -- as well as threats. "He'd tell me not to tell anyone, or else something bad would happen," Masha said. "He wouldn't tell me what it would be, but he'd just say something bad would happen. So I just didn't tell anybody, 'cause I was afraid."
The road to Masha's rescue began hundreds of miles away in the Chicago suburb of Palos Heights. Police Sgt. Mike Zaglifa had been posing as a pedophile on the Internet, where obscene pictures of children are often traded like baseball cards.
There is a limited supply of child porn, and so pedophiles are always looking for arousing new images -- so when Masha's fresh pictures appeared, this caused a feeding frenzy.
Zaglifa pretended to want them too, and struck up a conversation with someone using the handle "NkdSister." After chatting with him for a bit, he had a gut feeling -- and traced NkdSister's Internet address to Pittsburgh.
On May 27, 2003, federal agents Denise Holtz and Tom Clinton visited Mancuso's home, looking for the photos advertised on the Internet. When they pulled up, they saw Mancuso and Masha outside. They immediately separated them, and Clinton says he could tell Mancuso was concerned. "He wasn't happy that we were there and it was obvious to us," he said.
The agents found computer disks with child pornography -- but the biggest discovery was to come from Masha herself. Holtz remembers her asking: "Is this about my secret?" An agent had taken Mancuso inside his house, but even there, he tried to keep Masha from talking by yelling out to her.
But Masha spoke anyway. "It was like, I finally had someone to talk to. So once I said something -- I said everything else. It just all came out," she said. Masha was finally rescued at the age of 10. She says she doesn't know what she would have done if they didn't come. "I guess I'd still be waiting, like I did for five years," she said.
It turns out Masha was not Mancuso's first victim. His ex-wife, Doreen McDade, and his 28-year-old daughter, Rachelle, told ABC News he had done this before. He had molested Rachelle as a child, they said.
"I feel so much guilt for what happened. When I first found out that he adopted a little girl I should have spoke up, I should have said something. I feel somehow responsible," Rachelle said.
But McDade and her daughter both say they were never contacted by adoption authorities. Instead, Mancuso's agency relied on a home study prepared by a Pittsburgh social worker. It states: "Mr. Mancuso is very capable, willing and well-prepared to provide a stable and loving home."
"It doesn't appear that they talked to anybody about Mancuso, that they simply took what Mancuso said to them at face value and placed this child with him," said Maureen Flatley, a lobbyist who specializes in adoption and child welfare.
She has also been hired by Masha's lawyer to find out how a pedophile could have adopted a young child.
Tom Atwood, president of the National Council on Adoption, says he saw the study that was performed on Mancuso, and said it was "fairly typical." But he adds that Masha's adoption is not defensible. "Something went wrong, clearly." Adoption experts are especially troubled by the fact that, according to Masha, there were no home visits when she got to Pittsburgh. Just one, they say should have turned up some disturbing details -- like the fact that Masha had no bedroom.
"They sold her to a complete stranger. And let her go," Flatley said.
While post-placement supervision is required in Pennsylvania for domestic adoptions from foster care, no such law exists for international placement. And while more than $500 million has been spent on Russian adoptions since the fall of the Soviet Union, Flatley said, "The policy seems to be, if the check clears, the kid is yours."
Mancuso paid tens of thousands of dollars for his adoption of Masha. But Atwood said typically, "people do not provide adoption service for money. They are motivated by desiring to help children have families."
Jeannene Smith, the woman who arranged the adoption, refused to discuss the adoption, citing constraints in New Jersey law. But she issued a statement to ABC News, which said: "The unearthing of this horrific experience has further strengthened our resolve to advocate for policy and law enforcement tools to help prevent applicants with criminal motives from becoming adoptive parents in the future."
Two weeks ago, in a courtroom in Allegheny County, Pa., Mancuso pleaded guilty as charged. The judge called it one of the most heinous cases of child abuse she had ever seen and sentenced him to a minimum of 35 years in prison.
He had already received a 15-year prison sentence in February 2004 on federal child pornography charges.
Prosecutors for the state of Florida have announced they too will try Mancuso for the crimes they say he committed against Masha on a visit to Disneyworld.
Mancuso has said nothing to Masha since he was sentenced. "He never apologized to me," she noted.
Meanwhile, his actions continue to victimize her. Her pictures are still out there. But she is bravely putting all that behind her. Now 13, she lives in a quiet suburb of another American city with her new adoptive mother.
She's said she's going public to give hope to other abused children out there.
"Even if they are afraid to tell somebody, no matter what they think is going to happen, it's going to be for the better," she said. "If they tell somebody, it's going to change."
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HIT series Sex Education is back with a bang – and a lot more besides – in what is already Netflix’s most X-rated show.
And in a warning to young fans excitedly awaiting series two — cheekily billed “the second coming” — its star Gillian Anderson says: “Don’t watch it with your parents.”
The first episode of the new season, shown at the world premiere in London on Wednesday, features FIFTEEN scenes of solo sex acts in the opening three minutes.
Mother-of-three Gillian, 51 , said: “I have a 25-year-old daughter and I have never watched it with her, although she has watched it herself.
“We talk about the sex bits. But that’s a lot different than sitting next to your child and watching it together.
“I am not sure any parents would want to watch this with their teenagers in the same room.
“People say they sit and watch it at the same time but in separate rooms.”
The first series was a global hit, having been watched by 40million people in the first four weeks.
It saw former X-Files star Gillian as sex therapist Dr Jean Milburn, mother to main character Otis, played by rising British star Asa Butterfield, 22 .
Otis uses his mum’s expertise to start his own lucrative sex clinic at school, helping a band of hapless teens going through puberty.
Filmed across Wales in Newport, Cardiff and the Wye Valley, the series mixes English and US culture, which helps explain its wide appeal.
Money is in sterling and the actors have British accents, but they play American football and attend an American-type school.
Gillian said of the decision: “The rules are shifting all the time in terms of how an audience receives shows, what they’re willing to accept and what worlds they’re willing to step into.
“I think Netflix feels quite strongly that they’ve hit on something with this amalgamation.”
Although mainly focused on the trials of teen sex, Gillian strips off for a racy scene of her own in the second series opener, romping with on-screen lover Jakob.
BRIT star Asa’s sexually frustrated character Otis pleasures himself 15 times in the first 180 seconds of the season opener – despite being in a number of public places.

The frenzy, which was filmed over six days, is sparked by him finally learning how to become aroused.
But a side effect means he is now turned on by almost anything, including a slice of Brie and wearing corduroy trousers.
Asa, who played the lead role of little boy Bruno in 2008 film The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, says: “The w***ing montage will follow me around for the rest of my career.
“When I first read it and when they first pitched it to me they said it was going to be a lot of fun. And it was.”
The actor also reveals the cast had to watch animals having sex as part of their homework for the second series.
The idea came from the show’s “intimacy co-ordinator” Ita O’Brien, who believed it would help make sex a less taboo subject.
Asa explains: “We were given a document the night before which was just animals having sex. We all had to read it. It was like homework.
“Then before filming we had a workshop where we wore loose trousers and watched snails having sex for eight hours.”
The role has rocketed child star Asa to grown-up stardom. And while he admits the part was initially a risk, it has certainly paid off.
He says: “When I first signed up, I knew it would be risky, that the scripts were treading new ground.
“I guess I hoped the show would be talked about a bit. But I didn’t expect it to connect so overwhelmingly. It hit at the right time.”
Despite finding it “hellish”, she says she was keen to be a part of the series as it makes her feel young again.
She added: “The show is actually gentle and compassionate. There are a lot of very emotional topics, a lot of difficult topics that are addressed, aside from the sex.
“Abortion, STIs , it looks at the responsibility of the choices youngsters make when they start having sex.
“I would say what draws people in is that everyone is accepted.
“Whoever you are, whatever you look like, whatever your beliefs are, you are not by yourself.
“There is an energy about this show that makes people watching it feel they are OK, however they are.
“That is miraculous. It almost feels like we are carving out another realm of it entirely because the show has taken things into such a different world.
“It feels like it is almost making its own path for that generation.
“I feel a bit more part of the young generation. Plus this role has racked up the most laughs for me.
"When I first read the script I found it really funny.
“And I haven’t had the chance to do much comedy in my career so far.”
The first series finale saw a sexually frustrated Otis finally manage to achieve his goal of pleasuring himself — in front of a crowd of school friends.
EMMA MACKEY, who plays Maeve, says the show has made her more confident talking about sex – and thinks it helps other youngsters do the same.

She says: “Just because we’ve done a show about sex doesn’t suddenly make us sex experts.
But I love it when mums come up to me in the street and say, ‘Thank you for helping me talk about sex to my kids’. I wish this show existed when I was at school. This is why it works so well.”
In the series, Maeve navigates a difficult relationship with her addict mum, played by Anne-Marie Duff, 49.
She says: “Anne-Marie is an actual living legend. All I do is react off her, that’s all I had to do. I soaked it all up.”
But with his new girlfriend Ola unaware of his unrequited love for bad girl Maeve, played by Emma Mackey, 24 , fans were left desperate to find out what happens next.
Series two kicks off where the first ended, with Otis seen constantly enjoying solo sex.
Then as an outbreak of chlamydia sweeps the school, his mum is called in to help educate the kids.
As embarrassing as that is for Otis, his new love interest turns out to be the daughter of his mother’s lover, leading to more awkward questions around the dinner table.
The second series becomes available next Friday and writer Laurie Nunn is already bursting with ideas for a longer run.
She reveals: “There are so many things we could try. I maybe won’t take the characters to university.
“I feel like that’s when it gets really wrong because you end with up 40-year-old actors in this role. But we still have loads more to cover.”

SHOW creator Laurie Nunn, who was born in London but raised in Australia, decided on an ambiguous setting in terms of location as she wanted people to focus more on the characters and less on their surroundings.

She explains: “My writing and the hook of the show have got a heightened element to them and they needed an elevated world to match that premise.
“I like to think about it as teenagers in their own utopia.” American actress Gillian adds: “The aim and the hope is that Americans will not notice.
“For instance, the Brits may notice they are throwing American footballs, whereas the Americans won’t notice that that might be strange for people speaking with British accents.”
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