Free Mind Control Stories

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Free Mind Control Stories
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Rated: 18+ Ā· Interactive Ā· Adult Ā· # 1885636
Sean, a teenage boy, gets tons of powers that lead to lots of fun. Full summary inside!
Created: August 16th, 2012 at 3:46 am
Modified: April 25th, 2022 at 4:10 am
This choice: His Little sister Amelia the goth Ā· Go Back...
Sean lay on the floor of his room rubbing his hip. He felt like he had forgotten something important, something from his dream which had caused him to wake up the way he did. He remembered it had something to do with him being different somehow. As he sat their trying to figure out what it was he heard his sisterā€™s voice on the other side of the door. "Sean are you OK?" She sounded really concerned.

Sean chuckled slightly at the thought of Amelia being concerned about anything, ever sense she got caught up in the Goth craze she has shown little regard for anything. "I am fine Amy, I just fell out of my bed."

"Grrr. Sean how many times do I have to ask you to stop calling me Amy, my name is Amelia." He heard her grumble from the other side of the door. "I can't believe I even..." The last part of what she was saying was drowned out by her slamming her bedroom door closed.

Sean shook his head in an attempt to clear out the cobwebs and the sleepies. He missed his little sister Amy, the little sister that used to worship the ground he walked on and would snuggle with him before bed and watch their favorite shows. In the last year however Amy had discovered a new love, and a new life as Amelia the Goth. Amelia definitely looked good as a Goth with her soft pale skin and raven black hair. Just seeing her walking around in the outfits she chose, especially when she went to her friends parties and wore the Gothic dresses, gave him an erection. He just hated the attitude that came with it.

As he sat their considering what to do, he finally remembered part of his dream. He had been given Mind Control abilities. Not just mind control but the ability to read minds too. That was just a dream though, wasn't it? He stood up from the floor and stared at his door. "It was worth a try." He thought "If it does not work then hey nothing lost, nothing gained."

Sean closed his eyes and pictured Amelia in his mind. He concentrated on her, on seeing her. His head began to hurt and he started to get a little dizzy, when suddenly he could see in his sisters room. He could see her but she was blurry and out of focus, she was sitting on her bead in a black lacy nighty hugging one of her pillows and crying. He could not hear anything, and he could barely see anything. He felt sorry for her for a bit until he remembered how much of a bitch she had been the last few weeks.

As he felt himself beginning to lose focus and concentration, her sent out what he hopped was a quick mental command for Amelia to come to his room. Suddenly he found himself back in his room sitting on the floor. "I wonder if it worked." he thought as he heard his bedroom door open and saw Amelia walk into the room.

He could tell she had been crying and she was wearing the lacy black nighty that he had seen in his vision. "My God." He thought "It worked. It actually worked."

Amelia stood in the doorway staring at Sean. She did not appear to be moving, or blinking or anything else. Sean stood up and approached her. The expression on her face did not change in the slightest nor did she move her head or her eyes. As he got close to her he waved his hand in front of her face, however she did not move or acknowledge his hand in any way, it was like she was in some sort of trance. "Amelia, are you OK?" He asked

"Yes, I am perfectly fine." She responded without any emotion or reaction.

He took her hand and led her into the room, quickly sticking his head out into the hallway, making sure no one noticed anything. The cost was clear so he closed the bedroom door and approached his little sister. He felt himself getting hard at the sight of her in his room wearing the light lacy nighty, it was damb near see through and he had to admit that she was developing nicely. Well he needed to test things and find out what was going on. "Amy stand on one foot." He commanded

Amelia lifter her left leg and balanced herself on her right.

"Jump up and down." he commanded, however she did not respond.

"Amy Jump up and down." He said again, she immediately started hopping on her right foot.

This was interesting; he commanded her to stop and then tried to decide what to do next.
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Hypnotic RevengeĀ Ā 90 story chaptersĀ Wand of modificationĀ Ā 343 story chaptersĀ Body Snatching At CollegeĀ Ā 185 story chaptersĀ Body Swap Story CollectionĀ Ā 396 story chaptersĀ Alone on the farmĀ Ā 359 story chaptersĀ Morph.comĀ Ā 3,352 story chaptersĀ Island of the FurriesĀ Ā 137 story chaptersĀ The HeadĀ Ā 571 story chaptersĀ Shipwrecked On Giantess IslandĀ Ā 586 story chaptersĀ The Other Side of LifeĀ Ā 227 story chaptersĀ 
Hypnotic RevengeĀ Ā 90 story chaptersĀ Wand of modificationĀ Ā 343 story chaptersĀ Body Snatching At CollegeĀ Ā 185 story chaptersĀ Body Swap Story CollectionĀ Ā 396 story chaptersĀ Alone on the farmĀ Ā 359 story chaptersĀ Morph.comĀ Ā 3,352 story chaptersĀ Island of the FurriesĀ Ā 137 story chaptersĀ The HeadĀ Ā 571 story chaptersĀ Shipwrecked On Giantess IslandĀ Ā 586 story chaptersĀ The Other Side of LifeĀ Ā 227 story chaptersĀ 
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