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Milking the Cheerleader: A Hucow Story
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By Violet Kirkwood

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house wasn’t unfamiliar to her. They’d had many parties at the
pool over the years. Rob’s parents were even happier to leave the
house to him over long weekends now that he was a trustworthy and
earnest college student. In reality, it only meant that it was
slightly easier to get alcohol. Jessica knew that many of the
strange faces belonged to Rob’s new teammates. Giant, hulking
football players that seemed more interested in the keg than in her.
had been the center of attention of their small world for a
relatively large portion of their lives. She’d gone to high school
with Rob and Marie and many of the others. She’d been homecoming
queen and won beauty pageants and led the cheerleading squad since
she made varsity two years before anyone else. For the past four
years, she’d been worshiped as a goddess by everyone around her.
But then they graduated and all of that faded away. Over a normal
summer, she would have been inundated with calls to go shopping or to
hang out. If not that, then should would have been organizing cheer
practice or working on some project for school, but all of that was
over. In its place was a long two months before her first day of
college. Everyone else was busy preparing to move or, like Rob,
already practicing with new teams and other groups. Jessica had only
the wait in front of her.

had been a relief from the mundane wait when Rob told her about the
party, but now she almost regretted attending. All of these
strangers made her uncomfortable and even the people she knew were
ignoring her. Her best friend had barely stopped talking to other
people long enough to be catty about anything. She thought about
leaving, but she’d ridden with Marie and didn’t want to throw a
fit about it. Not yet anyway. Instead, she looked around for
someone else to commiserate with, only growing more disappointed as
she saw how much fun everyone else was having. Finally Marie deigned
to talk to her, “Oh my god, Jess, is that Ethan Foxe?”

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This has been inspired by happy browsing which led to just some of these images...thank you and please keep them coming. Kisses xx Moooo! Cow Dip HuCow Milking Lab Milking Maids 04 Miliking Maids 05 Moo cow Dairy pigs Pleasure island 6 Plaything in the cellar Cowsuit Milchmaedchen divorce lawyer i fantasize about being abducted, bound tight in leather and steel. Hooded to stop me seeing where i'm going. After an eternity i am manhandled to a room. My clothes are unceremoniously stripped away, the restraints removed except for my hood. At this point I am coated in a substance. As the people processing me are working silently I have no idea what it is or why it is done. i am pusehed back onto a chair, feet lifted and held as something tight is pulled up my legs slowly and carefully. It feels like someone rolling stockings onto my legs but the material is strange to me and no stocking has ever clung so tight. As they reach my upper thighs I can feel there is more to this material than just stockings. i am pulled upright before they start to roll it over my hips and up my waist. They guide my hands into tight sleeves, roling them up my arms. I am frightened when my hands reach the end, coming to rest in a hard rubber sphere, causing me to keep my fists balled. Tight wide bands are fitted onto my wrists before they continue with the suit. I gasp out in fear as my 40D breasts are rudely grabbed and pulled through 2 tight reinforced and ribbed openings, totally exposed before i feel a zipper being closed at the rear, coming up to my shoulders and squeexing me tight in the suit's embrace. Suddenly the hood is removed,. but i'm temporarily blinded by the light. I am pulled into a bent position by my hair. I hear a buzzing before I feel a clipping machine start to shear my shoulder length red hair. I scream as I'm quickly sheared and gain a stinging slap across my face. A sharp sting hits the back of my skull, almost as one would expect a stapler to feel. Some more lotion is applied to my now bald scalp before something resembling a black and white rubber swimming cap is pulled tightly over my face. It has a mouth hole, a slightly moulded nose with 2 nostril holes and an opening for each eye. It is so tight over my head as i hear a zipper fastening, followed by a soft metallic click of a padlock. Soft touches are made along my spine, over where the zipper is, followed by a smoothing down of the material. Suddenly a man's voice."There, cow, now you are permanantly sealed in your new skin." I'm turned around to face a mirror. My eyes widen in horror at the image looking back at me. There is a shapely, curvy figure, 5'6", 38-30-40D staring back at me, totally covered in a black and white patterned rubber suit! It slowly raises a shaking ball fisted hand to its face as I do the same. "Wait cow," the man laughs,"you're not finished yet!" Hands fasten on the image's head, just as they do to me. Something is forced into my mouth and positioned. I feel a large ring been turned into the vertical behind my teeth forcing my mouth wide open. A strap is tightened and buckled behind my head. The refelection is similarly gagged, wet mouth exposed, vulnerable. "And now, your crowning glory, princess" he taunts holding up a rubber hood. I look in horror and shake my head. "GGgah!!! GGAH GhaaH!" i protest uninteligably. He is holding a rubber hood shaped to look like a black and white Holstein-Friesian cow. He steps closer and pulls it over my head. Stepping behind me i feel it being fastened. It feels as if my rubber covered head is being corsetted. "Don't worry cow, I'm only using wet rawhide laces to fasten your lovely head. I'll be trimming off the excess then drying it. I'm sure an educated woman will know the effect that wil have. A stupid dumb cow wouldn't though." I hear the muffled snip of scissors and then the hood being smoothed down again. I try shaking my head but earn a slap. "There, that hood will only come off now if we cut it off. Yes, i think you'll make an excellent milker and who knows, maybe even a breeder. All we need do now is activate the chip we just implanted into your brain and you will become more docile, obedient, your IQ will start to drop...but you will remember EVERYTHING! Welcome to your new life, cow!"

I had originally intended this as a final reply to this comment on my Journal but dA thought it was spam, so it ends here instead!

I will remind you that YOU are commenting on MY Journal. I will reply to ANY comment ANYONE posts on MY JOURNAL!
My conciliatory tone yesterday had NOTHING to do with your reply with it's predictable, deluded. Instead it came from having spent 3 hours at the local Hospital with a friend and neighbour. Someone who has been a very good friend to me for over 20 years has just been advised to put her affairs in order as she is unlikely to see the month of March.

You ask, "did you bother to read ONE VERY IMPORTED p
The story so far...well it's there in another journal, feel free to recap.
Early in January, at the request of DeviantArtist...let's call them dA X, I removed a copy of a SecondLife chatlog with SL Avatar...hmm, same person different name, let's refer to this persona as SL J. dA X accused me of editing the chatlogs to make her look unstable and irrational, of being slanderous (sic) and full of lies but most important used without her permission. Friends, I am guilty of not receiving her consent.
I admitted that keeping my post was having a damaging effect on dA X and SL J so decided to remove it in the spirit of human kindness.

Today I rec
SecondLife Woes - with additional commentary
Following from my original Second Life Woes journal I was encouraged to share the last conversation I had with my SL Mistress. The friend who'd encouraged me to do so had also had a negative experience with this person.

She enticed me by promising to turn me into a doll of her own choosing. However she invited me to choose a StarWars race, Asari or Twi'lek as well as choose my skin colour. She asked me to find a suitable name. So much for her choosing my appearance and name. Ah well, never mind.

She promised an engaging StarWars RP using something called A.T.P. Now during my spotty teens I engaged in D&D and other RPGs so am not a total
I'm away for a week On Her Majesty's Service but rest assured I will return next weekend and even peek in if I get the chance.
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I love this. I want to be a milked cow

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Jenny Takes a New Job at SFL The employment want-ad in Sundays Daily Mirror caught Jenny's eye: MANUFACTURERS REP. WANTED Medical supply at S.F.L. in need of energetic, enthusiastic individual for immediate part time opening. Flexible hours, excellent salary. Will train, no experience necessary. Some travel required, company vehicle supplied. Please contact: 0555-123-4567  She had been searching for a part-time position since quitting a full-time stint as a legal assistant three months ago (refer to her last adventure). The experience had left a bad taste in her mouth, and she was hoping to find a more flexible, independent position.  She called first thing Monday morning, and was told that applications could be filled out up to five o'clock all week. She decided to be one of the first applicants, and dressed up in a beige summer-weight business suit and powder blue blouse, tying back her long blond hair. She kept her make-up very subtle, trying to project a professional, yet feminine impression.  Finding the modern building in an industrial complex in the State of Yahoo off of Highway 21, she parked up front in an open spot marked for visitors only and entered a comfortable waiting area. Walking up to a waist high two-pane glass panel. Situated on the inside wall, next to a closed door marked "Employees Only."  A soft chime had sounded as she had entered, and the glass panel slid open as she approached the window. A receptionist was seated facing her at a low wrap around desk, looking her over with a bright smile. "Could I help you?" she asked. Jenny was handed a clipboard with a job application, after she explained her interest in the ad she had seen yesterday. Taking a seat in the room, and started filling out the simple application.  The receptionist buzzed the office of Dr.Scott, the Manager of the Lab. "I think we may have a live one already Dr.Scott. Do you want to see her now?" Nodding her head as she listened to his directions, she said, "I'll buzz you when she's ready," and broke the connection. Jenny finished the form in about ten minutes. It seemed most companies used the same form these days, so it certainly simplified job hunting!  "Dr.Scott will be right with you," said the receptionist, entering the foyer to retrieve the completed application. "Would you care for a cup of coffee?" she asked, pausing before turning away. "Yes, that would be great! Cream and sugar if possible" Jenny answered. "I'll be back in a jiffy. Why don't you let me hang up your jacket? It's awful warm today!" she asked, holding out a hand. "Thank you, that's very nice of you!" Jenny replied, slipping off the light jacket and handing it to her.  "So, what do you think?" she asked, as she stopped by Dr.Scott's office on her way to the break room. The Manager had opened up a wood bureau housing the security equipment and was checking out Jenny on one of the closed circuit camera monitors. "She looks perfect. Holy shit, will you look at that rack!" He was a self-made man, having started from scratch, working his way through Uni and into the thriving, multi-million dollar operation in what was a very competitive industry. He felt the key to his success was his crew of "Manufacturers Reps." They had never failed to close an order for him yet!  Unlocking the bottom drawer of his desk, he pulled out a small pill bottle. Shaking out a blue capsule in his hand, he walked over to Marsha, and handed it to her with a wink. "Nice touch asking for her coat! What would I do without you!" he said, giving her a quick peck on the forehead. "Remember that at bonus time!" she replied tartly. Fluttering her eyelids and leaving his office and made her way to the break room.  A close friend at SFL Pharmaceutical had given him the special "relaxing" pills after he had bailed him out of a bad personal situation with the bitch, Tania. They were part of a research project conducted by the NASA Lab., as they searched for new, non-invasive forms of interrogation. Hearing that the pill had no side effects, his devious mind had immediately formulated what was to prove a very successful marketing strategy.  Marsha poured out a steaming mug of fresh brew, and plopped the tablet in. It began fizzing as soon as it touched liquid, disappearing quickly after a few seconds. Stirring in a dollop of sugar and splash of fresh cream, she returned to the foyer, offering the mix to Jenny. She thanked her profusely, immediately taking a small sip. "Mmmmmm!" she exclaimed. Manufacturers Rep. Jenny, Part #2 Jenny sat waiting in the foyer, reading the newest issue of People magazine. She was having a hard time concentrating, and finally gave up, placing it back in the rack next to the chair. She took another gulp of the coffee. She remembered to ask what brand they used. Normally she only enjoyed a few sips. She tilted her head back to drain the last few drops, and licked her lips. The warmth seemed to spread throughout her body, and she smiled deeply, at peace with the world and all the opportunities it now offered! The inner door opened, and the receptionist returned to the foyer. She stooped down, her face close to Jenny. "Dr.Scott will see you now," she said softly, with a warm smile. Jenny pushed herself up off the chair, suddenly feeling very dizzy. "Whoopsey!" she said, holding her arms out to steady herself. "You must have gotten up too fast!" said Marsha, calmly taking one of her hands and slipping her arm around Jenny's slim waist. She led her through the inner door, and down the carpeted hallway.  They entered a small office midway down the hall and Jenny was directed to sit in the rooms only furnishing, a comfortable armchair facing a large TV monitor.  "This is a short orientation program for all potential applicants" said Marsha. She took her left hand, and strapped on a thin gold watch. Jenny found it quite elegant and contemporary in appearance. The company SFL logo was etched lightly in a face set with sparkling jewels. "This is a welco
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