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Body of Proof - Dana Delany Bondage scene
Bondage scene from "Body Of Proof" with Dana Delany
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Slavic Slave Trade by Muslim Turks (Ottoman) and Tartars
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She prepares herself for a huge surprise for her boyfriend...little did she know that the joke's on her!

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Illicit CP (20 clips, one of which is New! )
Judicial CP (120 clips, one of which is New! )
School CP (411 clips, four of which are New! )
-- Australia : Parental smacking: 2 clips.
(1) Short TV news item (2006) on whether the smacking of kids should be outlawed in Australia.
(2) Brief extracts from a TV documentary showing an Australian mother spanking her daughters.

-- Canada : TV news item (2007) about a local school board offering parents lessons in how to spank their children.

A posed reconstruction of a child being spanked is shown over a phone interview in French with a psychologist who helped devise the spanking lessons for parents.
-- Canada : TV news item on legal battles over parental CP.

Clip (2003) shows parents spanking small children, interviews with a Christian father who spanks, lawyers, and activists, as anti-CP agitators take their case to the Canadian Supreme Court.
-- Peru : TV news report (2018) shows a man giving his teenage son a strapping.
-- United States : TV news report (2015) on a Florida father who called on the Sheriff's office to supervise the paddling of his 12-year-old daughter -- a service which, it turned out, they were happy to provide.
-- United States : Father is filmed whipping his son with a belt.

In California, a man punishing his son in his garden attracts the attention of prying neighbors. TV report (2012).
-- United States : Father wrongly accused of child abuse.

A man who spanked his 9-year-old son is shocked to be charged with child abuse, an accusation his lawyer describes as unwarranted. TV report (2011) from Colorado.
-- United States : Young men whipped by their relatives or other concerned adults. Five clips.
(1) A teenager gets a whipping from his angry uncle's belt.
(2) A boy is punished in a light-hearted atmosphere.
(4) Two youths paddled by, allegedly, their father.
(5) A 14-year-old is whipped by the man he tried to rob.

-- United States : Proposal to ban spanking in Massachusetts.

Two TV news films giving rival CBS and ABC takes on a 2007 bill (which failed) in Massachusetts that would have outlawed parental corporal punishment in the home. Parents are briefly seen spanking their bratty toddlers.

-- United States : Spanking controversy.

10-minute news report from Florida (2007) about a man who is in trouble for spanking his 8-year-old son with a belt. Includes interview with the man and his lawyer.
-- United States : Free paddles for parents.

Two rival TV news items (2007) on carpenter Joey Salvati of Pennsylvania, who, in obedience to a message from God, makes paddles and sends them free to parents who wish to discipline their kids.
-- United States : "Would you whoop your kids?"

Light-hearted interviews on an American street (c.2005) with people of differing ethnic backgrounds and views on parental spanking.
-- Argentina : Taekwondo belting.

A youngster gets a whacking from his Taekwondo teammates to celebrate winning his black belt.
-- China : Six new university students get an initiation paddling.
-- Japan : Whipping custom at ancient festival.

Visitors to a cultural festival get their backsides jocularly whacked by men in masks.
-- Mexico : Initiation paddlings -- two clips.
(1) At an air training school, a man gets whacked with a hefty paddle as his mates look on with amusement.
-- Poland : 18th-birthday spankings: Eight clips.

College boys celebrate attaining adulthood by receiving 18 whoops with a belt on the seat of their jeans in a Polish birthday tradition.
-- Poland : Initiation beltings. Two clips.
(1) A new member of a football team is welcomed with a severe whipping.
Video not currently available
(2) Three Polish Army officers are initiated in a mass belting session.
Video not currently available
-- Romania : Sports team initiation.
In a dormitory in Romania, serious bare-bottom pain for a young man being initiated into a sports team.
-- Russia : Five films of spankings for army recruits.
(1) Three new entrants are welcomed with a ceremony that leaves them with very sore behinds.
(2) From a TV documentary about the Russian army. Rookie soldiers get a taste of the belt from their mates.
(3) A soldier bends over his bed for a hard whack with a paddle.
(4) A young army lad gets a belting from his dorm mates.
(5) A light-hearted whack with a belt for two boys.
-- Russia : Young sportsmen punished. Two clips.
(1) Two young weightlifters get the belt for smoking.
(2) Three boys whipped in a Taekwondo class.
-- United States : Foot Locker commercial.
In a humorous advertisement for a chain of sports-shoe shops, a young woman tries out various different sneakers with which to punish her boyfriend across the seat of his boxers. Part of our "Spank while you sell" feature on CP imagery in advertising.
-- United States : Fun paddlings. Three clips.
(1) Two young men demonstrate the use of the paddle for fun, and its after-effects.
Video not currently available
(2) An American soldier in Iraq gets a paddle swat from one of his mates.
Video not currently available
(3) "Thank you sir!": A real one-swat college fraternity paddling.
-- United States : "Mikey Getting Paddled".
A jocular birthday paddling in a classroom, date and location unknown. The implement used might be the school's real paddle.
-- United States : Two spanking machines. Part of our feature The Spanking Machine: A Resilient Myth in Popular Culture .
Videos not currently available
(1) An inventor demonstrates his experimental spanking machine on himself.
(2) Self-operated paddling device made out of an exercise bicycle.
-- Venezuela : Whipping of a girl.

A "first menstruation" rite-of-passage ceremony for girls in Venezuela.
-- Canada : Fuss over the caning of a 17-year-old Taekwondo student.

News report, March 2018: Interview with student who agreed to accept posterial CP from his Korean martial-arts instructor. The youth's father, who supported the punishment, also speaks.
Canada : Spanking by store-owner.

News report, 2012: A shopkeeper in Quebec foils a would-be young robber and spanks his bare bottom.
-- Chile : Unofficial pants-down whipping for teenage thieves.
-- China : Bank employees paddled in front of colleagues.
-- Ghana : Illicit vigilante caning of a young man.
-- Iran : Three boys spanked in public.

Caught on camera at a public swimming pool in present-day Iran, punishment is administered with a flipper by the swim coach.
-- Serbia : Unofficial paddling at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre.
Video not currently available
-- South Africa : Unofficial whippings by vigilantes. Two films.
-- Switzerland : Army recruits get a belting, 2010.
-- Zimbabwe : Police recruits initiation.
Video not currently available
Video camera captures a mass whacking at a police training camp in 2009.
-- Zimbabwe : Unofficial judicial punishments. Two clips.
-- Unknown African countries : Community JCP -- Two clips.

-- Various countries - Seven clips.
Seven film clips showing extrajudicial or unofficial punishment in Mexico (3), Iraq (2), and Brazil (2). Some readers may find these scenes distasteful or harrowing.
-- Afghanistan : Flogged for adultery.
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Public flogging of a man and a woman by sentence of a local court, 2015.
-- Afghanistan : Flogged for escaping marriage.
Video not currently available

Protracted flogging by local mullahs of a teenage girl for running away from a forced marriage, 2010.
-- Afghanistan : Woman flogged.

This 10-second video clip gives a fleeting glimpse of an impromptu flogging by the Taliban of a (mostly hidden from view) woman in a Kabul street, 2001.
-- Bangladesh : Boys caned on the hands by a village court.
-- Colombia : A youth gets a public whipping on his legs as part of a tribal community punishment for murder (2008).
-- Colombia : More public whippings on the legs by tribal custom, this time of three FARC rebels for disturbing the peace. With news item (2012).
Video not currently available
-- Ecuador : Various offenders (male and female) whipped in public tribal punishment. Three clips.
-- Guatemala : Public corporal punishment: two clips.
(1) Several young men whipped on the bare back in 2007.
Video not currently available
(2) Offenders publicly whipped on the clothed back in 2013.
-- Guatemala : TV news clip shows four youths aged 18-20 receiving a public whipping from their elders on the orders of the local tribal court, 2007.
-- Hong Kong : Demonstration in the prison museum of the A-frame and cane formerly used for judicial CP.
-- India : Police floggings. Eight clips.
(1) News item (2007): two youths get an unofficial flogging by police in a city street.
(2) In a police station in the Indian part of Punjab (2010) , a youth is punished with the "patta", more often seen in Pakistani Punjab.
(3) Two men flogged with canes (2013) in what appears to be an attempt to extract confessions.
-- Indonesia : Two video clips of public canings in Aceh province.

(1) A man and a woman are each given 7 strokes in 2007. This gives a much clearer picture of the procedure than previous clips.
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(2) An earlier and less clear film from local TV in which a man and a woman are punished.
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-- Indonesia : Unofficial public whippings -- two clips.
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(1) Five youths whipped on the bare back.
-- Iran : Two video clips of public floggings.
(1) 12 strokes with a whip are administered to a culprit lying flat on the ground.
-- Isle of Man : TV news footage from 1969 and 1978. Two clips.
Part of our feature article on birching in the Isle of Man.
-- Jersey : 53 years after being birched as a teenage criminal, an old man is interviewed about it. We also see the contraption used, still in storage after lying idle for 40 years.
Video not currently available
-- Kenya : Unofficial community punishment of a woman for adultery, 2015.
-- Libya : Mass public whipping, 2013.
Video not currently available
-- Malaysia : Fraudster, 34, sentenced to jail and caning.

May 2015: Scenes of the accused at the court premises.
-- Malaysia : Three youths caned in open court.

June 2013: Freshly whipped lads seen in the court corridors.
-- Malaysia : 22-year-old drug trafficker gets whipping.

June 2013: Scenes of the accused at the court premises.
-- Malaysia : Former policeman's appeal against caning sentence is rejected.

Jan 2013: Scenes in court precincts as man to be caned for sexual offences is led to and fro.
-- Malaysia : Two youngsters sentenced to caning.
Video not currently available

Dec 2012: Two young men are paraded before TV cameras on the courtroom steps after being sentenced to strokes of the rotan for rape and robbery.
-- Malaysia : Illegal immigrants caned.
Video not currently available
Australian TV report, Feb 2011, on Malaysia's efforts, aided by the Australian government, to track down illegal immigrants and the people responsible for smuggling them. The Malaysian authorities remain unrepentant about their tough stance, which includes caning.
-- Malaysia : Illegal immigrants caned.
Video not currently available

An earlier (2009) report on the same subject, including a view of an illegal immigrant's bottom after one stroke of the rotan.
-- Malaysia : Real JCP session.

A 22-minute film showing several genuine judicial canings in prison. Very graphic -- not suitable for squeamish viewers.
-- Malaysia : Two more prison canings. Not suitable for squeamish viewers.
(1) Graphic footage of a different Malaysian judicial caning. Full-length version of a 10-stroke caning for which we previously had only an "edited highlights" version.
(2) Clip of a similar but different 10-stroke rotan punishment, discovered in 2014.
-- Malaysia : Furore over caning sentence on woman. Two clips.
(1) Woman sentenced to Sharia caning for drinking beer asks for the punishment to be administered in public. (In fact, it was never administered at all.)
Video not currently available
(2) 3-minute TV report (Aug 2009) gives background to the case. Includes an interview with her.
-- Malaysia : Syariah (religious) caning. Two clips.
(1) Demonstration on a dummy of the difference between the caning of Muslim men or women by order of religious courts (mild) and the judicial caning of male criminals (severe).
Video not currently available
(2) Part of the Syariah caning of a woman is shown. This was one of three, the first-ever canings of women in Malaysia (2010).
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-- Maldives : Judicial paddling of young woman.
-- Mali : Public whippings -- two video clips.
(1) Brief amateur video of a public whipping for alcohol use in Timbuktu following takeover by Islamist militants (2012).
Video not currently available
-- Myanmar (Burma) : Illegal loggers caned in the jungle.
-- Nigeria : Judicial whippings.

Two 4-minute extracts from a TV documentary about Sharia law in Zamfara state, Nigeria. A number of court-ordered whippings are shown being administered (2007).
-- Nigeria : Canings ordered by local courts: Two clips.
(1) Part of the 25-stroke caning of a man is caught on film.
-- Pakistan : Three public floggings.
(1) A brief silent glimpse of an official caning in front of a crowd of thousands under the Zia regime, c.1980.
(2) Brief film of a another public caning of that era , and of the offender being carried away afterwards.
-- Pakistan : More half-baked Taliban floggings (Feb 2010).
Video not currently available
-- Pakistan : Eight clips of CP being administered by police.
(1) In Punjab, half a dozen prisoners are disembarked from a police van and given a public paddling in the street.
(3) A young man is similarly punished in a Punjab police station.
(4) In a Punjab police station yard , two offenders undergo posterial chastisement with the "patta".
(6) Several thieves punished in a public place with the "patta" or leather paddle.
(7) More police whippings with the patta.
(8) Seven youths are disciplined with the "patta" in a very public place.
-- Pakistan : Young woman receives public flogging from the Taliban.
Video not currently available
An unofficial flogging in the Swat Valley makes international headlines in 2009.
-- Peru : Eight clips about public whippings by the local community.
(1) A young man and woman are whipped for adultery.
(2) Several men receive CP for using prostitutes, as does a prostitute herself.
(3) Three youthful robbers bend over to be punished on the seat of their jeans.
(4) A boy and a girl are disciplined with the whip for having a sexual relationship.
(8) Two lads get a whipping for stealing hats.
-- Saudi Arabia : A public whipping.

A video clip of Saudi JCP.
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-- Saudi Arabia : Part of Raif Badawi's flogging, Jan 2015.
Video not currently available
-- Saudi Arabia : Mass falaka in prison.
Prisoners are seen being beaten on the soles of their feet. Not for squeamish viewers.
Video not currently available
-- Singapore : TV news broadcast from April 1994 on the vandalism case involving Michael Fay but also, shown speaking here, 17-year-old Andy Shiu Chi Ho, who was to be caned (6 strokes) two months after this appearance.
-- Singapore : Two German youths sentenced to caning (3 strokes each) for vandalism, March 2015. Three video reports.
-- Singapore : Video report (May 2014) about a caning sentence for rioting.
-- Singapore : Two video reports (July 2012).
-- Singapore : Video report (2012) on a caning sentence for a young rioter.
-- Singapore : Three video reports (June 2010) on Swiss vandal Oliver Fricker, his offences and his caning sen
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