Francis Scott Fitzgerald «The diamond as big as the Ritz» — Ch. VIII (4/6)

Francis Scott Fitzgerald «The diamond as big as the Ritz» — Ch. VIII (4/6)

Фрэнсис Скотт Фицджеральд «Алмаз величиной в отель "Риц"» — Глава VIII

Simultaneously with her last word (одновременно с ее последним словом), a succession of sharp cracks tumbled in through the open window (ряд резких /орудийных/ хлопков ввалился = ворвался /в комнату/ через открытое окно). Kismine uttered a little cry (Кисмин вскрикнула: «издала маленький крик»; to utter — издавать звук), took a penny with fumbling fingers from a box on her dresser (выхватила неловкими пальцами монетку из коробочки на туалетном столе; to fumble — нащупывать; теребить /что-л./; возиться, неумело обращаться /с чем-л./), and ran to one of the electric lights (и бросилась к одной из электрических ламп). In an instant the entire château was in darkness (в одно мгновение весь замок погрузился во тьму) — she had blown out the fuse (она пережгла пробки; fuse — плавка; плавкий предохранитель, пробка; to blow out a fuse — сделать короткое замыкание; пережечь предохранитель).

"Come on!" she cried to him. "We'll go up to the roof garden, and watch it from there (поднимемся в сад на крышу, будем смотреть оттуда)!"

Drawing a cape about her (закутавшись в плащ), she took his hand, and they found their way out the door (она взяла Джона за руку, и они /ощупью/ выбрались за дверь). It was only a step to the tower lift (до башенного лифта был всего один шаг), and as she pressed the button that shot them upward (и, когда она нажала кнопку и они взлетели кверху; to shoot — выстрелить) he put his arms around her in the darkness and kissed her mouth (обвил ее руками и поцеловал в губы). Romance had come to John Unger at last (наконец-то для Джона Ангера настал романтический момент). A minute later they had stepped out upon the star-white platform (минуту спустя они ступили на белую = серебристую от света звезд площадку).


 Simultaneously with her last word, a succession of sharp cracks tumbled in through the open window. Kismine uttered a little cry, took a penny with fumbling fingers from a box on her dresser, and ran to one of the electric lights. In an instant the entire château was in darknessshe had blown out the fuse.

"Come on!" she cried to him. "We'll go up to the roof garden, and watch it from there!"

Drawing a cape about her, she took his hand, and they found their way out the door. It was only a step to the tower lift, and as she pressed the button that shot them upward he put his arms around her in the darkness and kissed her mouth. Romance had come to John Unger at last. A minute later they had stepped out upon the star-white platform.

Above, under the misty moon (в высоте, под тусклой луной), sliding in and out of the patches of cloud that eddied below it (скользя меж клочьев облаков, клубящихся ниже нее), floated a dozen dark-winged bodies in a constant circling course (плыла в непрерывном кружении дюжина темнокрылых объектов; to circle — кружиться, двигаться по кругу; course — курс, направление движения). From here and there in the valley flashes of fire leaped toward them (то тут, то там из долины в их сторону вскакивали = взлетали вспышки огня), followed by sharp detonations (сопровождаемые резкими взрывами). Kismine clapped her hands with pleasure (захлопала в ладоши от радости), which a moment later, turned to dismay (которая тут же сменилась испугом) as the aeroplanes at some prearranged signal (когда аэропланы по какому-то заранее установленному сигналу), began to release their bombs (начали сбрасывать бомбы) and the whole of the valley became a panorama of deep reverberate sound and lurid light (и вся долина превратилась в панораму глухого раскатистого звука и зловеще полыхающего света; lurid — мертвенно-бледный; зловещий, угрожающий; цвет пламени сквозь дым или туман).

Before long the aim of the attackers became concentrated upon the points (скоро усилия атакующих сконцентрировались на /тех/ точках; aim — намерение, цель; прицел; мишень, цель; прицеливание) where the anti-aircraft guns were situated (где были расположены зенитные орудия), and one of them was almost immediately reduced to a giant cinder (и почти сразу же одно из них превратилось в гигантскую головню; cinder — обуглившийся предмет, частично сгоревшее топливо /полено, уголь/; шлак) to lie smouldering in a park of rose bushes (тлеющую в саду розовых кустов).


Above, under the misty moon, sliding in and out of the patches of cloud that eddied below it, floated a dozen dark-winged bodies in a constant circling course. From here and there in the valley flashes of fire leaped toward them, followed by sharp detonations. Kismine clapped her hands with pleasure, which a moment later, turned to dismay as the aeroplanes at some prearranged signal, began to release their bombs and the whole of the valley became a panorama of deep reverberate sound and lurid light.

Before long the aim of the attackers became concentrated upon the points where the anti-aircraft guns were situated, and one of them was almost immediately reduced to a giant cinder to lie smouldering in a park of rose bushes.

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