Francis Scott Fitzgerald «The diamond as big as the Ritz» — Ch. V (3/5)

Francis Scott Fitzgerald «The diamond as big as the Ritz» — Ch. V (3/5)

Фрэнсис Скотт Фицджеральд «Алмаз величиной в отель "Риц"» — Глава V

"You have made an enormous impression on me (ты произвела на меня огромное впечатление)," said John's eyes, "and I'm not so slow myself (и я сам не такой уж бестолковый /вижу, какая ты/; slow — медленный; тупой, несообразительный)" — "How do you do?" said his voice (здравствуй, — сказал его голос). "I hope you're better this morning (надеюсь, сегодня ты уже здорова; better — лучше)." — "You darling," added his eyes tremulously (ты /просто/ прелесть, — трепетно добавили его глаза).

John observed that they had been walking along the path (заметил, что они идут по тропинке). On her suggestion they sat down together upon the moss (по ее предложению они вместе = оба уселись на мох), the softness of which he failed to determine (на мягкость которого он не обратил внимания: «мягкость которого ему не удалось определить»; to fail — не исполнить, не сделать; подвести).

He was critical about women (он был придирчив к женщинам). A single defect (/одного/ единственного недостатка) — a thick ankle (толстой щиколотки), a hoarse voice (хрипловатого голоса), a glass eye (стеклянного = неподвижного взгляда) — was enough to make him utterly indifferent (было достаточно, чтобы сделать его совершенно равнодушным). And here for the first time in his life he was beside a girl (и вот впервые за свою жизнь он находился рядом с девушкой) who seemed to him the incarnation of physical perfection (которая казалась ему воплощением физического совершенства).


"You have made an enormous impression on me," said John's eyes, "and I'm not so slow myself" — "How do you do?" said his voice. "I hope you're better this morning." — "You darling," added his eyes tremulously.

John observed that they had been walking along the path. On her suggestion they sat down together upon the moss, the softness of which he failed to determine.

He was critical about women. A single defecta thick ankle, a hoarse voice, a glass eyewas enough to make him utterly indifferent. And here for the first time in his life he was beside a girl who seemed to him the incarnation of physical perfection.

"Are you from the East?" asked Kismine with charming interest (ты с Востока = из восточных штатов? — спросила Кисмин с очаровательной заинтересованностью /в голосе/).

"No," answered John simply (ответил Джон просто). "I'm from Hades."

Either she had never heard of Hades (или она никогда не слыхала о Гадесе), or she could think of no pleasant comment to make upon it (или не смогла придумать никакого приятного замечания по этому поводу), for she did not discuss it further (так как = но она не стала развивать эту тему: «обсуждать это дальше»).

"I'm going East to school this fall (я поеду этой осенью в школу на Восток)," she said. "D'you think I'll like it? I'm going to New York to Miss Bulge's (/как/ ты думаешь, мне понравится там? Я поеду в Нью-Йорк, в пансион мисс Балдж). It's very strict (там очень строго = строгие правила), but you see over the weekends I'm going to live at home with the family in our New York house (но выходные/уикэнды я все-таки буду проводить дома с семьей, в нашем нью-йоркском доме; you see — видишь ли, знаешь ли), because father heard that the girls had to go walking two by two (потому что = а то отец слыхал, что девочки /там/ должны прогуливаться парами)."


"Are you from the East?" asked Kismine with charming interest.

"No," answered John simply. "I'm from Hades."

Either she had never heard of Hades, or she could think of no pleasant comment to make upon it, for she did not discuss it further.

"I'm going East to school this fall," she said. "D'you think I'll like it? I'm going to New York to Miss Bulge's. It's very strict, but you see over the weekends I'm going to live at home with the family in our New York house, because father heard that the girls had to go walking two by two."

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