Française à mater

Française à mater


Française à mater
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
See also: mateř , mâter , mäter , and måter
Their maters are all pals of my mater , and I don’t want to get them into trouble for aiding and abetting my little show, if you understand what I mean.
“ Mater , you look well.” / “I am well. And you,” she said in that dryly prosaic deep voice of hers, “look healed.”

↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 “ mater, n. ” listed in the Oxford English Dictionary (draft revision; March 2009)

↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 “ mater, n. ” listed in the Oxford English Dictionary (draft entry; March 2001)

Adapter ma technique à la manière du caméléon / Sans pitié pour mater la rébellion (please add an English translation of this quote)
show ▼ Conjugation of mater (see also Appendix:French verbs )
Mater les photos, majeur aujourd'hui, poto / Pas mal d'amis se sont déjà tués en moto (please add an English translation of this quote)
show ▼ Conjugation of mater (see also Appendix:French verbs )

^ Etymology and history of “ mater ”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [ Digitized Treasury of the French Language ] , 2012.

Nē, māter ; suam. (please add an English translation of this usage example)

Istriot: mare
Italian: madre
Sicilian: matri
Ladin: mère
Lombard: mader
Aragonese: mai
Novial: matra
Old Franco-Provençal: *mādre, māðre
Franco-Provençal: mâre
Old French: mere , medre Bourguignon: meire Middle French: mere French: mère Haitian Creole: mè Norman: mère , méthe Walloon: mere
Old Leonese:
Asturian: madre , ma
Extremaduran: mairi
Fala: mairi
Leonese: mai
Mirandese: mai , madre
Old Occitan:
Catalan: mare
Occitan: maire
Old Portuguese: madre Galician: madre Portuguese: madre
Old Portuguese: mãy Galician: mai , nai Portuguese: mãe Angolar: maa Annobonese: mai , me Guinea-Bissau Creole: mai Indo-Portuguese: mãe , mai Kabuverdianu: mai Kristang: mai Principense: mwin Sãotomense: men
Old Spanish: madre
Hebrew: מאדרי ‎
Latin: madre
Spanish: madre Tagalog: madre
Friulian: mari
Venetian: mare
→ English: mater
→ Ido: matro → Esperanto: matro
→ Interlingua: matre
→ Middle English: matere
English: mater

son of such and such a father, mother: patre, (e) matre natus
Than ſpake ẜ Gawayne And ſeyde brothir · ẜ Aggravayne I pray you and charge you meve no ſuch · maters no more a fore me fro wyte you well I woll nat be of youre counceyle // Then spoke Sir Gawain, and said, “Brother, Sir Agrivain, I pray you and charge you move not such matters any more before me, for be ye assured I will not be of your counsel.”
From Latin māter ( “ mother ” ) , partly via Late Middle English matere . [1] Doublet of mother .

mater ( plural maters or matres )

(Christopher Kendris [1995], Master the Basics: French , pp. 77 , 78 , 79 , 81 ).

Uncertain, perhaps from Spanish mata ( “ bush ” ) . [1]

(Christopher Kendris [1995], Master the Basics: French , pp. 77 , 78 , 79 , 81 ).

māter f ( genitive mātris ); third declension

mater f ( genitive singular matere , nominative plural matere , genitive plural materí , declension pattern of dlaň )

1 The French gerund is usable only with the preposition en .

1 The French gerund is usable only with the preposition en .

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Developed with a respect for time and crafted from the finest materials, every creation is a minimalist and contemporary statement.
Each of the ATELIER MATERI fragrances is a variation composed around one single raw material. Traditional or unexpected, it is skilfully refined by the perfumer to reveal its most intimate facets.
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Driven to create at a pace that is respectful of nature and the creative process, ATELIER MATERI chooses a new form of luxury.
It is what inspires us, what we select from among myriad possibilities. It is sown, grown and harvested by hand, close to the earth or in the crowns of trees. Sifted and air-dried, peeled and pared, it is dissolved or distilled, steamed or roasted, filtered, blended, or extracted from rocks and soil. Handpicked for its purity and nuances, it is replete unto itself and ready to reveal its subtle secrets. Blown, shaped and sculpted, it bears the mark of the consummate craftsman. Rough-hewn or smoothly polished, its tactile textures come alive in your hand, an original objet d’art. It opens out, unfurling, unfolding, bestowing its beauty and bounty. It changes hands and crosses continents. Nothing would be possible without it. For it is the fine fruit of the creative action of mind upon matter.

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