Fragrance Boxes: Popular Styles & Benefits of These Boxes

Fragrance Boxes: Popular Styles & Benefits of These Boxes

Fragrances are super popular as a luxury product. People love using perfumes to complement their personalities.

They wear lovely scents to smell good and maintain a pleasant public image. 

Fragrances always ought to be packed in custom fragrance boxes that show off a scent in the limelight. 

This blog post will discuss inspiration perfume packaging styles and their benefits. 

The Evergreen Long Fragrance Boxes

Usually, perfume bottles are extra-long, and perfume retailers have to display a lot of fragrances, for which such packaging is ideal. 

Fragrance boxes are convenient to present on displays. These boxes look very sleek and do not take up more than necessary space.

The broad side panels of these boxes can be printed in high-quality intricate patterns and textual information. 

Any printed graphics and designs look appealingly exalted on high-quality cardboard stock. 

Also, the durability of cardboard and its natural strength ensures superior protection to brittle perfume bottles.

This enables you to ship fragrances in these boxes without worrying a little. Fragrance packaging can be produced in bulk and can be acquired at discounted rates.

Circular Fragrance Boxes for Scent Bottles

On window display shelves, these boxes always grab attention and fascinate onlookers to check them out. A round shape is rare in packaging, so these boxes naturally entice perfume lovers to explore the packaging further. 

Such custom fragrance boxes come in two pieces, particularly shoulder boxes. A mini round lid on top of the lower body of the box looks just amazing. 

The quirk of the shape makes these boxes pretty packaging.

Such packaging should be placed on perfume outlets' front windows for attracting onlookers. Passing by, people would want to visit a perfume store upon seeing these boxes. 

Smooth Shoulder Styled Fragrance Packaging

For an exalted fragrance appeal and outlook – custom shoulder fragrance boxes are ideal. These setup boxes are made from solid rigid stock material and are famous for their soundless opening because of friction motion. 

Such a way of taking the product out creates a sense of luxuriousness. Customers love to use these boxes as gift packaging – to present perfumes to loved ones.

Slick Sleeve Styled Box

Custom perfume boxes in sleeve and tray-style are a classical choice for high-end deluxe appeal. These boxes are superb for giving a high-end look that communicates the superior quality of the fragrance. 

A tray encasing the perfume – that smoothly slides into the sleeve is impressive to watch – and that’s the main specialty of these boxes. 

Sleeve and tray boxes appear classy on display shelve windows. But, the unique thing with sleeve boxes is that it's more about the experience and feeling when you access a scent bottle. 

Octagonal Shaped Boxes

These eight-cornered boxes are distinct and offer a quirky appeal that’s very novel. Such packaging provides you room to be more creative and pack glass perfume bottles in a unique way. 

For example, if your scent bottle’s design was inspired by the texture of a honeycomb, then octagonal fragrance boxes complement greatly. 

Concluding the Discussion

The above explored are the five most useful packaging styles for custom fragrance boxes. Get creative and customize fragrance packaging boxes to suit your branding and design needs.

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