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2. zari 2008 Bohuzel trida nenabizi praci s UTF-8. Po vygenerovani dostanete nekolik souboru, z nichz vsechny jsou dulezite a vsechny budete, pro spravne pouziti pisma, potrebovat: .php .afm .t1a .z. Vsechny tyto soubory je nutne stahnout a nakopirovat do adresare font. Nyni muzete toto pismo smele pouzivat:. If you still don't see it, disable zlib.output_compression in your php.ini and it should appear. 3. Accented letters are replaced with some strange characters like A©. Don't use UTF-8 with the standard fonts; they expect text encoded in ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252. You can use utf8_decode() to perform a conversion to Adding new fonts and encodings. This tutorial explains how to use TrueType, OpenType and Type1 fonts so that you are not limited to the standard fonts anymore. The other benefit is that you can choose the text encoding, which allows you to use other languages than the Western ones (the standard fonts support only 7 Feb 2013 If you use the jQuery Autocomplete widget with GeoNames webservice for city names, you'll find that city names use a bunch of non-ASCII, ISO 8859. Hello, I have one mysql database named ddms and one table named district in there. i am trying to retrieving data from my database in pdf using fpdf library of php. my data is stored in utf-8 encoding and collation is utf8_general_ci. data is in gujarati shruti font. but whene i run php script it shows me 13 Jun 2011 Don't use UTF-8 encoding. Standard FPDF fonts use ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252. It is possible to perform a conversion to ISO-8859-1 with utf8_decode() : $str = utf8_decode($str); But some characters such as Euro won't be translated correctly. If the iconv extension is available, the right way to do it is the Если расширение iconv доступно, правильный способ сделать это: $str = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $str);. ответ дан Также есть официальная версия FPDF UTF-8, называемая tFPDF www.fpdf.org/en/script/script92.php //without any encoding trouble $pdf->Cell(100,20, "Some UTF-8 String"); // ?>. Problem solved - Used script from EDIT 2 and removed all iconv() functions from phpinvoice.php file. 1 Sep 2004 FPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF files on-the-fly. Unfortunately it does not support Unicode. So I've coded UFPDF, an extension of FPDF which accepts input in UTF-8. UFPDF works the same as FPDF, except that all text is in UTF-8, so consult the FPDF documentation for usage. This class is a modified version of FPDF that adds UTF-8 support. Moreover, it embeds only the necessary parts of the fonts that are used in the document, making the file size much smaller than if the whole fonts were embedded. These features were originally developed for the mPDF project. To use a Unicode font in your

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