Fow Studios

Fow Studios


Fow Studios

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A totally unofficial Patreon subreddit, for questions about using Patreon only. NO PROMOTION OR ADS ALLOWED!
StudioFOW's Page is down "under review", StudioFOW sent a goodbye-message to all its patrons.
They were one of the real big and well known creator collectives on the platform. Patreon's zeal to purge anything perceived as "adult" apparently does not stop at anything...
Here's the message from the studio if you folks are still interested. I'm just copying and pasting and not bothering with formatting so forgive my laziness.
Hi Pervs and Pervettes, Patreon sent me an email saying they are shutting our page down permanently and that we are no longer welcome on the platform. Pretty hilarious considering they were giving us awards and plaques just a couple of years times change. Luckily we saw this coming from a million miles away - so there's no need to panic - we've been working on a contingency platform and it should be operational towards the end of the year. It will be a place where we can have financial independence away from corrupt corporate entities such as Patreon and you can support us directly - no middleman. We've also been working on alternate revenue streams so obviously this is not the end of StudioFOW, but it does mean I cannot communicate with you guys on here anymore as this account is getting terminated In the meantime I encourage you to join the StudioFOW Discord as it is the easiest way to keep in touch until we can set up our independent platform. Kristoff should be on there soon if you got any questions Discord Link: Here's a brief FAQ rundown of any questions Q: Will this affect Kunoichi 3 production? A: I'll have to take a week or two to sort some admin stuff out but it shouldn't affect K3 too much, I still plan on releasing it before the end of the year Q: Will I still be charged from Patreon? A: No, your pledges will be automatically removed when they terminate our account Q: Can you appeal the decision? A: I can, but on principle I won't - Patreon have skimmed over $200,000 in fees from us over these past 4 years and now they chose to invest that money in a "Trust & Safety" SJW team that bans artists - why would I work with people like that? Q: Will the StudioFOW team members leave? A: Nobody is leaving, I mentioned we all saw this coming from a million miles away so I made some capital available for a rainy day, which will allow every single member to keep working for the next few months Q: Will this affect future movies production after K3? A: Yes because we'll have to focus on alternate revenue streams until we can get our funding for movies back Q: Why not go on SubscribeStar? A: Subscribestar is a temporary fix and not really one we are willing to explore now. We want financial independence, not to rely on the next Patreon. Plus they were retarded enough to let pedoshit onto their platform so I don't see their payment processors sticking around for very long Q: Why not make a new Patreon under a different name? A: In the email they stated that they're "monitoring our online presence" which means they would figure things out pretty quickly Q: What will happen to Trello and other various Patreon rewards? A: Gone - there will be new rewards on our platform when its ready Q: What other projects are you working on? A: Gotta play my cards pretty close to my chest right now, but we'll start hyping stuff soon and you'll have a fairly good idea what we've been up to. Let's just say the switch to the new engine has gone better than anticipated :) Q: Can I donate in another other way? A: I would advise you to save the money right now and then help us push when we need it most Q: Will you still do monster/beast content? A: Yes Q: Are there any other ways to follow you guys? A: Twitter and Tumblr -DC
I'm so glad that for once a patreon team has been handling their money responsibly.
Nudity and the human body has been part of art since the very beginning of our history. It is so intertwined that we would never even think to ask whether or not the “David” would be allowed on Patreon.
Nudity is allowed on Patreon as long as it is flagged accordingly:
If you are planning on posting nudity on your page, please mark your page as adult content. The same logic applies if your project changes with time. You can read more about how to mark yourself as an adult content creator here: Should my creator page be marked as adult content? . Content with mature themes should be marked as “Patron Only”. It means that you cannot post nudity in public areas including your profile picture, banner, reward images or about me section.
What does Patreon consider to be nudity or mature themes?
When looking at content and how it should be flagged, we don’t factor in artistic merit and try as much as possible to stay away from bias. You should make sure that both nudity and implied nudity such as the gimmicky censorship of breasts and genitals, sheer/see-through clothing, and overly sexual poses are always marked as adult. Please note that this list is not exhaustive as we also review for context.
While we allow nudity and for creators to push the boundaries of art, we also have guidelines against funding pornography on patreon. In our community guidelines, We define pornographic material as real people engaging in sexual acts such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera .
If you ever have doubts about whether one of your posts is starting to cross the line towards content we would consider pornographic, please contact us.
God, I hope Studio FOW manages to persist through this bullshittery.
I don't know how to feel about them riding your contribution dicks and just dumps you like a used ex. That's mean.
i hope they find some way around it cuz they were making top quality content that no one else makes...patreon is bullshit always removing the good stuff
They seem to be still updating their Twitter, so I don't know what you're talking about.
if Kunoichi 3 actually never gonna make it, we can call it "Half Life 3 - Hentai Version"
Patreon's zeal to purge anything perceived as "adult" apparently does not stop at anything...
I'm not super happy with this purge either as a fellow adult creator but StudioFOW's stuff has obviously been in serious violation of the guidelines since day 1. They're doing hardcore 3d rape porn. If they're going to remove anybody from the platform for violent sexual content, it'd be bizarre to let these guys stay just because they were big.
Guess they have to have create some sort of donation system on their official page.
I'm not super happy with this purge either as a fellow adult creator but StudioFOW's stuff has obviously been in serious violation of the guidelines since day 1. They're doing hardcore 3d rape porn. If they're going to remove anybody from the platform for violent sexual content, it'd be bizarre to let these guys stay just because they were big.
But Patreon gave them awards, right? And Patreon defines pornographic material as real people engaging in sexual acts such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera.
Ehh I wont really miss it. So many unfulfilled promises from them and they were late often and delayed with releases. What ever happened to Asstroid Primed with Samus? That was like one of the first big things they planned when they started. So many teased projects that eventually went down the shitter. This paired with the fact that they released a twenty minute movie about once every 6 months. I subbed for a long time but unsubbed about a year ago because they werent active enough.
They shud try alternative platforms. Like Subsrcibestar, or paypal donation system.
well while their patreon shut down they are apparently still working on Kunoichi 3 since yagskie said about as much yesterday.
Is this true? Could you link to that source?
I was never much a fan of StudioFOW's content cuz they catered to fetishes I didn't like. Huge monster/bestiality/gangbang + non-consent were never my thing but I really liked how great the production value was so I kept tabs. Figures the moment there's finally a project I was looking forward to (Kunoichi 3) they get fucked. If nothing else I hope they leak what they had.
Article 13 is def at play. Their last activity was literally the exact day it passed in UN.
As a note: They've been warned several times about bestiality and having explicit pictures on their front-facing pictures and asked to remove certain bits of content.
They'd do so and then put it right back up a few days later.
That right there is just some asshole behavior right there. Did they not expect that bullshit attitude to catch up with them?
Speaking as an adult content provider about to launch-while Patreon's been pulling some bullshit, Studio FOW brought this upon themselves.
Ya I think they are finished because the patreon, so they cant make money. What a fucking shame Since it all began with Kuniochi 1 and wont make it to the 3rd installment, even tho its at 80% complete apperantly....
It's a damn shame, I'm not entirely sure it is Patreon's fault here though as after reading through their guidelines it appeared that StudioFOW had already changed their posts to comply with what they were asking way back awhile ago. It may be the conspiracy theorist in me but I think its far more likely that competitors who aren't making as much as them put in complaints against them as I have seen far rougher and darker material that still exist on other artists pages. I've never understood the whole point of purging adult material like this, its clearly marked so only those looking for it will ever see it and even then if you have an issue why not, I don't know, stop looking for it in the first place.
That being said, does anyone have a breakdown of the post they sent out to their patrons? I paused my pledge pretty much a week before all this went down to save for Xmas and never got it, just wondering what they said to everyone.
I think it's far more likely this has to do with Article 13. I have no doubt the IP holders of all of these franchises have had a list of high-profile accounts making large amounts of money parodying their content. They've just been waiting for the law to shift enough in their favor to make it worth pulling the trigger. Most likely the team got hit with a fuckton of lawsuits all the sudden and shut everything down immediately to try and get some damage control.


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