Fourteen Inch Cock

Fourteen Inch Cock


Fourteen Inch Cock



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By Guest | 3 posts, last post a year ago

Kate Smith
answered this
Penis Size From Puberty To Old Age: Is Your Penis Normal?

In reply to anonymous on 2018-02-20 - click to read

Im 14 and my penis is 7 inches erect is that normal?

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Want A Bigger Penis? Penis Enlargement Techniques (And Whether You Need Them)

I’m 15 and my penis is only 4 inches

I'm 14 but my penis hasn't grown at all

15 and 3 3/4 inch penis when erect

Im 14 almost 15 and my penis is very skinny and only 4 inches erect

14 years old with question about penis size.

My penis is 3.5 inches in erect (14 years old )

penis hasn't grown and already 17

Erect penis size for a 13 years old?

im 14 years old and my penis is one inch will it ever grow

14 going through puberty and cant ejaculate yet

I am 14 years old And my penis is only 4.3 inches in erect

I’m not sure if my small penis size has to do anything with my obesity or my diet

im 14 haven't hit puberty something wrong?

I'm 13 and my Penis won't grow.

i am 15 and I didn’t hit puberty yet. should I go to the doctor?

Penis growth at 14. I think I may have a problem because I'm having skinny and short penis

Im a 13 year old boy, 14 next month, So how long should my penis be?

my penis has not grown i am 16 and have pubes and all that

Is my penis normal? (I ask the other questions at the end of what I wrote)

I'm 14 and haven't hit puberty properly and I'm rather worried

my penis is only 1.5 inches non erect and about 4 inches erect. Will it go within a year

I'm 14 and my genitals are 3.5 inches erect

I'm 14 and quite far developed but my Penis hasn't grown?!

I am 15 and have a very small penis but have signs of puberty

13 Yrs Old. Is 5.1 inches normal penis size (Erect)

I’m 14 and 2 months and my penis has barely grown. I'm started my puberty, but penis is still small

Small penis before puberty

Growth of my Penis and Development

My penis size, I'm overweight and losing weight, will I forever have a small penis

I'm 13 and my penis is 3 inches not erect and 3.7 inches erect.

A Parents' Guide To Their Daughter's Puberty

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Pimple-like Bumps on Penis and Testicles

Losing Weight With PCOS: Diet Plan For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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What Every Teen Wants To Know About Puberty And Sex

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Asperger's Or High Functioning Autism In Adults: Are The Signs Of Autism Hiding In Plain Sight?

over a year ago
Hello I currently turned 14 2 months ago. and when I masturbated 8 months ago I notice that little amounts of sperm came out when I came. Now I have a lot of pubic hair and no armpit hair and a little mustache my penis is only 4 inches erect should I be worried?

over a year ago
Average for 14-15 year old is 4-5". 
Many guys don't get armpit hair until 16 or later. 

over a year ago

a year ago



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By [FL:RP] Kyle327084 | 7 posts, last post 3 months ago

My willy is only 4 inch long with a b o n e r? Is it ment to be this small? My friends willy is 6 inch but mine is so small when i masterbate. Help me please

Hi, don't worry there is nothing wrong with you at all every guy going through puberty develops at different stages and your penis can grow right into your early 20's how do you know your friend's is 6 inches, have you actually seen it and measured it or has he just told you it is?

Well I wouldn't just go by what your told for all you know could be smaller than you :-)

Hi Kyle
Your size is fine for being 14 and you have many years of growth and development ahead of you and it will definitely grow.
As people come in all sizes the same is true about the penis there will be some guys that are bigger than you and some that are smaller try not to worry about what your friends size is yours is pretty much what is considered average for your age and soon enough it will grow.
There is no way to predict how long the process of going through puberty will take and what the end result will be and all you can do is give yourself the time you need to grow and develop.
So try not to worry your normal and developing just as you should be.

So my concern is that my body is growing but my penis is not is this normal and will it grow

In reply to anonymous on 2022-04-22 - click to read

Yeah your penis will develop just keep masterbating

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im 14 years old and my penis is one inch will it ever grow

15 year old with a 4 inch penis erect

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