Fourchette Piercings

Fourchette Piercings


Fourchette Piercings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fourchette piercing is a female genital piercing . It is a piercing done at the rear rim of the vulva , in the area of frenulum labiorum pudendi . Many people do not have a pinchable flap of skin in the area, and are not suited for this piercing. Otherwise, placement and piercing tends to be relatively easy.

The fourchette piercing is most similar in location to the male guiche piercing . It requires a pinchable flap of skin at the rear rim of the vulva. Piercers should not pierce into the vaginal tissue or vaginal canal as the vaginal tissue often rejects the piercing.

Many piercers are not willing to do this piercing. [ citation needed ] The fourchette is a rare piercing which requires the proper anatomy. Many women do not have the pinchable flap of skin, making the fourchette impossible. [ citation needed ]

Healing time is relatively quick, as with all piercings in the genital area. Healing time is usually around four to six weeks. Hygiene is usually a concern; with the piercing's proximity to the anus, the wearer must ensure the area is well cleaned following defecation.

Many wearers have reported that this piercing is prone to stretching on its own. Discomfort with intercourse has been reported by some wearers [ citation needed ] , whereas some may find it quite pleasurable. Migration and rejection of this piercing are fairly common.

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Last Updated On 08/17/2020 by Melina Jackson
Fourchette Piercing was last modified: August 17th, 2020 by Melina Jackson
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Tiffany on 09/07/2017 at 5:56 pm said:

Melina Jackson on 09/16/2017 at 11:55 am said:

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A Fourchette piercing is a form of female genital piercing and it’s not very common because not many women have anatomy suitable for it. This piercing is done at the rear rim of the vulva, near perineum. It will look like the jewelry is located “under” the vaginal opening.
To be able to get this piercing, you will need to have a pinchable flap of skin in this area. Many women don’t, so they are unable to get this type of piercing. This is why Fourchette is not such a common piercing type. However, those women who do have a suitable anatomy and can get Fourchette piercing will be glad to know that the procedure is pretty easy to perform.
The male equivalent of Fourchette piercing is Guiche piercing (done under the testicles at the perineum).
It’s important to understand that you need to have anatomy suitable for this piercing or else you won’t be able to have it. To find out if your anatomy is suitable, consult an experienced piercer. It’s very important to find a knowledgeable person who is familiar with this type of piercing. Since Fourchette is relatively rare, there are many piercers who don’t know enough about it.
If your anatomy is suitable for a Fourchette piercing, it’s vital to go to an experienced piercer who knows how to perform this type of piercing. While Fourchette piercing is relatively easy to perform, it requires a reliable and experienced piercer. Seek more than a generally experienced piercer – find someone who knows how to perform this type of piercing specifically.
When performing the piercing, it’s important not to go into the vaginal tissue so it’s vital for the piercer to pierce the flap of skin and not vagina itself. Other than this, the procedure is straightforward and relatively quick. An experienced piercer can perform it with ease.
To make your Fourchette piercing heal faster, make sure to do all the recommended aftercare and to clean it regularly. It will take about 6 to 12 weeks for your piercing to heal.
The jewelry is inserted from the bottom of the vaginal opening and it rests over the perineum. Fourchette piercing is usually done in 10 or 12 gauge.
Since this is not a common piercing, there are usually no jewelry made specifically for Fourchette. This is why you need to use body jewelry made for other piercing types. What works the best are plain jewelry pieces made for many different piercings.
The best jewelry types for Fourchette piercing are captive bead rings and curved barbells . It’s best to use smooth, plain jewelry without much decoration. Any decoration can get caught on the underwear and cause discomfort. This is why plain jewelry pieces work the best.
I’m concerned with my fourchette piercing. I don’t believe it was done properly. It seems as though it was placed towards the side rather than centered. Looks more like the way a eyebrow is pierced?
While most Fourchette piercings are done centrally, other placements are also possible. Generally, a piercer decides on the best and most functional placement based on the client’s anatomy. At the same time, it is possible that you are not pierced correctly. Make sure to book a consultation with a piercer who specializes in female genital piercings to make sure your placement is correct for your anatomy.
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About Melina Jackson: Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner.

She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”.

In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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The name Fourchette Piercing comes from the French word for “fork”, and is a particularly beautiful and straightforward type of genital piercing.
The Fourchette is performed at the end of the vagina. Where the outer and inner labia meet at the opening of the vagina there is a small flap of skin, and that is where the Fourchette piercing is placed.
The piercing canal runs vertically through the perineum.
This piercing does not come into contact with the woman’s anus. Also, it is not placed inside but outside the vagina.
Fourchette is French for “fork”, and refers to the position of the piercing at the fork between the vagina and the perineum.
This piercing is largely dependent on the anatomy of the woman and cannot always be carried out. Many women simply do not possess the additional flap of skin in the rear vaginal vestibule or at the entrance of the vagina.
If the flap of skin is present, the piercing can be carried out without difficulty. The best option is to use a thicker ring from the start, minimizing the risk of it being torn out later.
If and where it is ultimately placed will depend on the customer’s anatomy and is discussed in detail with the piercer beforehand.
In many cases the Fourchette is possible, even though the customer doesn’t think it is, based on her own inspection of her anatomy.
The Fourchette Piercing generally heals very quickly and there are rarely any complications, since it is in constant contact with urine. Approximately 3-4 weeks are needed for the initial healing stage.
Genital piercings can take between 2 weeks and 6 months to heal completely, rarely longer. Like other piercings, in the first three weeks it should be cleaned with ProntoLind spray twice a day, and then coated with ProntoLind gel. It is important to wash your hands before touching the pierced area and the jewelry itself. By caring for the piercing in the correct manner and with the proper materials, you will rarely have to deal with cases of proud flesh.
Disinfectant solutions containing alcohol or chlorine should be avoided.
When it comes to having sexual intercourse following the piercing we do not advise you against it, but usually people wait a couple of days before resuming normal sexual relations or stimulating the area in question.
Because of its proximity to the anus, you need to ensure even greater hygiene than usual during the healing phase. Therefore, when wiping yourself, ALWAYS do so AWAY from the genital area to avoid contaminating the piercing.
As jewelry we recommend a curved barbell or a ball closure ring with a thickness of at least 2.0mm.
Many customers choose to stretch the Fourchette Piercing to 3 – 4mm and find this to be very pleasurable. The ring diameter, however, is kept quite small, that is between 8 – 10mm.
Some customers prefer a banana bar or a bar instead of a ring. It is simply a question of exploring possibilities.
It stimulates both parties during intercourse and therefore provides powerful vaginal orgasms.
The piercing can be very pleasurable when performing daily tasks as well, like sitting on an office chair and sliding back and forth. But not to worry, this can also be regulated by varying the type of clothing or jewelry worn.
Overall, the women who’ve gotten this piercing have reported gratifying results.
PS: The piercing does not interfere with daily movements or sexual intercourse.
Either the anus piercing, the female Guiche piercing, or the Suitcase piercing.
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