Four investment mistakes to avoid

Four investment mistakes to avoid

Anaya Khan

Investment should be made cautiously; after all, it's your hard-earned money, and the wrong investment cost you money. Learning in advance helps you in avoiding losses and makes you earn profits by investing in the best investment plans, which makes your journey to financial independence easy. So here are the top four investment mistakes that you should avoid at all costs:

a.     Diversifying without thinking – Diversifying your investment is a good strategy as it reduces the risk associated with the investment. For example, when diversifying your savings plan in a stock portfolio, you can consider investing in gold, real estate, commodities, bonds, etc., that are independent of the stock market.

If you add more assets with a similar risk profile, your investment strategy is completely wrong. The main aim of diversifying is to add independent and opposing sources of return, which can lower the risk of the portfolio and boost your return.

b.    Don't invest without a solid plan – Studies have shown that people who plan their investment can outperform their peers. If you invest without any plan or discipline, then you are gambling and not investing. There are many investment strategies, including tax saving plans, but all those strategies need you to be disciplined; only then can you come out as a winner. Your investment should never be based on conjecture, rumors, stories, hot tips, or future predictions.

You should plan according to the proven positive expectancy because your financial security needs some solid planning.

c.     Financial education is a must – One thing that you should keep in mind is that every investment that you make will pay you in the future. Investing is a science, so you should understand that it's not simple. A proper strategy backed with proven scientific principles like valuation, allocation, probability, correlation, and diversification can help you in making the right investment decision. To understand the science behind becoming a profitable investor, you should work on developing the knowledge of investment. A little knowledge can be dangerous when it comes to investment.

d.    Be cautious of low liquidity – Liquid investment is when you can immediately convert it into cash, and illiquid investment is when you cannot convert it into cash immediately. Examples of liquid investments are government bonds, gold, etc., while illiquid investments are real estate, thinly traded stocks, etc. Most of the losses and setbacks are due to loss of liquidity.

You need to exit the investment which is causing you loss, but illiquidity can lock you in an investment resulting in losses that can grow to unacceptable levels. Never accept a low liquid asset unless the potential reward is good.

Investing can become easier and enjoyable when you learn to prevent some of the most common investment mistakes. Avoiding the above-given investment mistakes can make a huge difference in your future. Losses not only drain your money but also give you stress which can reflect a lack of enthusiasm. Enjoy your investment journey while avoiding the above-given mistakes so that you can grab endless opportunities for your financial growth.

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