Four Alternative Mental Therapies Practitioners Can Try With Patients

Four Alternative Mental Therapies Practitioners Can Try With Patients

The use of medications to treat mental health issues is a common practice nowadays. But even though the medical establishment relies on drugs as their "go to" source doesn't mean they're the only option to treat mental health issues or are the most effective. There are numerous alternative mental health near me which have garnered a great deal of interest. A lot of them have demonstrated therapeutic benefits. Here are some ideas to help you come up with ways to interact with patients.

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

A doctor's initial step is to prescribe medication. Certain patients are not comfortable with the possible side effects of psychiatric medications and would like to find alternatives. Some patients are seeking therapies that will complement their existing treatment. Any treatment that promises relief even if it's not dangerous, is welcome.

Here are the four most effective alternative mental therapies that patients can try.

Nutrition Therapy

There are up to 40 different chemicals present in the body that can affect the mental health of a person. A recent method of psychiatry that is gaining popularity is taking blood tests to determine which chemicals are not in balance and recommend vitamins to reset the body's balance naturally. This may seem like a new age fad, but studies are finding that using such nutrients such as Aristophanes as well as vitamin B12 has been successfully used to treat patients. Patients can also be advised to alter their diets. If you're searching for alternative mental health you can visit our website.

Fortunately, holistic and alternative medicine continues to support nutrition therapy. Although a doctor will likely not recommend a St. John's wort supplement for you OCD, holistic medicine has embraced the curative power of nutrition therapy on the human mind. If you believe this is the right approach for the patient you are treating, don't be afraid to recommend a new diet program to them in your next appointment.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-pharmaceutical treatment alternative. alternative mental health therapy involves the use of powerful magnets to produce repetitive magnetic pulses. Repetitive magnetic pulsing can enhance and control neural activity in the brain. This allows your physician to to increase the brain's activity. FDA approval was given for the treatment. One of the highly-touted benefits of this treatment is that it is advertised as being non-toxic and without side effects. Within six weeks, most patients see significant improvement in their conditions. Check out our website if are in a position to.

The claims are supported by numerous clinical evidence. The transcranial magnetic stimulation method has been utilized to treat major depression for some time now. Although initially, concerns were raised about the level of security treatment could have, clinical tests have proven that TMS isn't harmful to the patient and may actually lead to successful results. TMS is a procedure that can be suggested to patients and is completely safe.

Dance, Music, or Art Therapy

Patients can find a great outlet in creative therapies like dancing, music and art. They can be used to relax or invigorate patients and allow them to focus on something else. Since the 1940s, music, art and dance therapy have been utilized to ease stress. One of the most beneficial application of creativity therapy for mental health is in dealing with schizophrenia.

Wilderness Therapy

Wilderness therapy is, as its name suggests, a way to take patients outside into the wild to learn techniques and have fun in the outdoors. It could include anything from meditation and survival skills to whitewater rafting. The mental health benefits that are derived from taking people to the great outdoors have been well documented. Clinically, wilderness therapy is beneficial in treating mood disorders among adolescents and young adults. The information is available alternative mental health near me on our website.

The benefits of spending time in nature have been proven to reduce anxiety and stress levels, lift mood and increase confidence in oneself. Patients often engage in activities that foster bonds and team building.

Furthermore, the exercise associated with outdoor activities is good for patients. It enhances the production of "feel good" chemicals, which are often lacking in those who suffer from depression, anxiety or both. Wilderness therapy can address many aspects that affect mental well-being.


Alternative therapies are an excellent option for mental health patients for which conventional pharmaceutical treatment methods have not produced the desired results. However, the best method of using this therapy is to be used in conjunction with a clinical treatment administered by a licensed mental health expert.

Combining these two methods can result in incredible results. This is important to remember if you plan to offer one of these methods to your patients.

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