Fountain of Dumb

Fountain of Dumb

All characters are 18+

Oh shit.

Oh shit shit shit!

Arden looked wildly at the rolling mist. How had he gone so deep into the dungeon? This was the Misty Mire, an area that should only be traversed by heroes of level 10 and over. And here he was, a mere level 7.

He never should have followed those stairs down. By the time he realized which floor they led to, he'd been swallowed by the mists, and trying to backtrack had only gotten him more lost.

Not good.

Not good at all.

He'd heard stories by other adventurers about the sort of menaces that could be found in the Misty Mire. Serpents and ravagers. Crocolasks and poison toads. At his level, such a monster would kill him instantly. And worse, he'd never have a prayer of reclaiming his equipment after respawning.

"Shit, shit, shit," he moaned again, clutching his sword tight as he peered through the mire, the mud sucking at his boots as he sloshed forward.

But wait.

He squinted. There was something ahead. Something that wasn't a skeletal tree dripping with moss or another eddy of the ghostly mists. It looked constructed. He drew closer, and his relief was palpable.

A fountain of recovery!

Any adventurer would recognize the broad rimmed fountain, flanked by two statues of the goddess of healing Ishta. Though it had seen better days, the statues crumbling, the mortar sinking into the moss, there was no mistaking it. At last! If he could recover his energy, he'd have a chance of finding his way out of here. He slogged towards the cracked marble fountain.

Then stopped dead as the water within sloshed, and rose in a decidedly human form.

Arden gaped, stumbling back as the thick blue fluid took shape, swelling into a pair of heavy, sloshing tits. A head whose features were cute but simple formed next, hair of ropy slime oozing from it like tentacles, and Arde couldn't help but notice the little golden crown which topped the figure. The creature smiled dimly.

"Hi!" she chirped.

Arden relaxed just a little. A slime. Admittedly, a slime queen, but that wasn't as bad as he'd feared. He could handle this. Probably. A slime was one of the most basic monster types, with strong regenerative powers, magic resistance, but weak to slashing weapons and, importantly, very dumb. They had a few other attributes, but Arden hadn't paid much attention when studying higher class slimes.

"Hello," Arden said slowly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Oolala! Who're you? Gosh, you're cute! What's a cutie like you doing all the way out here?"

Arden felt his cheeks flame. He didn't consider himself 'cute'. Not since hitting twenty and becoming an adventurer. But, considering the jiggling woman was over twice his height, he reasoned pointing that out might not be necessary.

"Sorry," he said quickly. "I got turned around, and I thought this was a recovery fountain. I'll just be..."

"It is!"


"Yep yep!" Oolala giggled, her breasts bouncing, jiggling with her mirth, the colours on them shimmering in a way that drew Arden's eyes and hardened his cock against his pants. "This is a fountain! I just knew it was special, so I made my home in it, and I've just been guzzling up the water. It's delish! Did you want some?"

"I... would appreciate it," Arden said.

"That's so gooood to hear!" the slime cooed as her hands formed from her body, hefting the jiggling masses of her tits, the oily rainbow hues that gleamed off them swimming and swirling as she fondled her immense tits. "Mmmm. Because I've got soooo much to give!"

Arden tore his eyes from her breasts. "W-wait. You mean that... The waters are..."

"Yep!" Oolala cooed as she bounced her sloshing, wobbling tits, yanking his eyes back down to the swirling colours and the way they spiralled off the nubs of nipples. "Ooooh, I'm just stuuuuuffed with it! And I'd be soooo happy to give you some!"


"Don't you neeeeed it?" Oolala cooed.

Arden swallowed hard, his eyes riveted to the sight of her bouncing tits. His cock was throbbing against his pants with every thudding beat of his heart. Something niggled at the back of his mind. Teasing his memory about... something. Something important about slimes. What was it...

Whatever it was, he was having some real trouble focusing, because he was soooooo terribly thirsty.

"Ya thirsty?" Oolala cooed.

"Yes," Arden said, then realized he'd spoken. "I mean..."

"It's okay!" Oolala giggled. "It's tooootally fine. It's fine to be thirsty. Adventuring is thirsty business. And handsome cuties love staring at my big, wobbly tits. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing confusing about being thirsty and loving my big tits."

Arden nodded warily, swallowing hard, watching the colours shimmer over her breasts. Mashed together in the slime queen's hands. "Um, right. Right..."

"And it should be totally okay to want to get a nice... loooong... driiiink from my big boobs! After all, you'll get soooo much more energy from it. Right? You'd totes be able to find your way out. If you just take a nice... loooong... driiink..."

Arden nodded again, and his head felt so heavy. So needy for a big gulp of her recovery water. To drink it from her big breasts. "Yeah..."

"Oh, but, you should know! My slime would totally melt your clothes! So you better take them off. You don't wanna get all tough and recovered and go wandering around naked. That'd just be silly!"

She was so right. So silly of him to wander around naked. He smacked his lips, never breaking his stare from her bouncing tits as she massaged them together. Bounced them. Squeezed them. He heard a soft splash as he dropped his sword. His pants followed, then his shirt. He shivered as his naked chest was kissed by the moist air of the marsh. He almost hesitated with his underpants, but then Oolala gave her breasts another bounce, and he shucked off his boxers.

"See?" the slime queen cooed. "Isn't that better? Being all naked and tingly like that? You shouldn't be ashamed of such a cute body! I totes love it!"

He felt his cheeks warm, but his embarrassment was small compared to his delight of her admiring his body. "Th-thank you."

"Now, c'mere and get a nice long drink from my big titties."

Arden moved forward, every step slow, automatic, but drawn towards the beaming, bouncy beauty. What was it about slimes that he'd forgotten? It felt important. Not nearly as important as burying his face against those shimmering tits, of course. Nothing was more important than that. Nothing could compare as he climbed onto the rim of the fountain, gasping as her hands caught him up, pulled him to her immense breasts, burying him against their cushiony heft. Their wonderful softness. Her slime slickening his body, making his cock tingle as he leaned in, took a nubby teat between his needy lips.

And sucked.

"Ooooooh!" Oolala moaned, her skin rippling with pleasure as he sucked.

"Mmmmm!" Arden moaned as her sweet juices gushed into his mouth. As it flowed into him. Relaxed him. Eased him. Invigorated him.

"Ooooh yesssss!" Oolala moaned as she wobbled, pulling him harder against her breasts, his body pressing into her massive teat, slime coating him in slick goo. "Yesss! Gooood boy. Gooood boooooy!"

Arden agreed. He was a good boy. A good, thirsty boy. Sucking. Relaxing. Sinking into soft, easy clouds of pure ecstasy. Drinking down that wonderful ambrosia.

And as he sank, as his mind blanked, thoughts sucked down into the soft whirlpool of colours shimmering across her breasts, he remembered what he'd forgotten. Slimes have a glamour. A shimmer of colours that would entrance weaker foes.

But of course, there was no one weaker than a slime.

Except, maybe, a level 7 warrior when confronted with a queen.

And even as he registered this fact, it was gone. Sucked away like all the rest of his thoughts as he kept drinking from her wobbling tit. Her bouncing boobs. As he sank against her, mindlessly rutting his cock against her curves.

"Oooooh! Is someone horny for mistress?"

"Mmmmm..." Arden moaned.

Oolala giggled. "Silly thing! The answer is yes! But don't worry. I know silly bimbo heroes can't remember how to talk. But I don't mind! I like my handsome, naked cuties nice and dumb. Makes them so much sweeter."

Arden giggled with her. He liked being called sweet! Sweet as her breasts. Lovely. Big. Bouncy boobies.

"How about we have a little fun with that cock. Hmm?"

"Mmmmm," Arden moaned.

"Good boy."

He groaned as he felt her form push against his lower body, enveloping his kicking legs and cock in their mass. He gasped, whimpering as his sensitive cock was swallowed by her, sucked into her. Stroked and fucked as he moaned and rutted against her. As he kept sucking. Kept drinking. Kept being a good bimbo.

"Mmmm! That's it. Good boy! Drink up! It'll help you give mistress lots and lots of good bimbo cum! You want to, right? Wanna give me lots of cum? Wanna cum all your brains out for mistress? Just be her boob slave? Her mindless boobie bimbo?"

"Mmmm!" Arden moaned, nodding adoringly.

"Then cum, sweetie. Cum for mistress! Cum for me!"

"Mmm! Mmmmm!" Arden moaned, shuddering as he obeyed. As he came. As his mind burned in in the blinding white light of ecstasy as he came and sucked and surrendered to her wobbling, bouncy tits.

And he was still hard.

Had he been capable of thinking, he'd have realized the fountain's water kept him hard. Kept him strong. Kept him a mindless, milked bimbo for Oolala and her mind melting breasts.

But that was far too much thinking for such a simple bimbo.

And he was going to be her thirsty bimbo for a very long time indeed.;u=4906

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