Founders Bridge Pool - A Review of This Newest Golf Course in Williamsburg, NJ

Founders Bridge Pool - A Review of This Newest Golf Course in Williamsburg, NJ

" Founding Bridge Pool is a great place to play a round of golf." -SSGA Professional Staff Writer, Craig Waibel. " startups like this course. The par 3 holes are huge and have plenty of trees to get your ball out of. The water is fairly clear, and it's hard to over think the greens."

"Although I love the course, I don't like the inherent risks. It's too small a range for my skill level and there are a lot of guys in my age group that play here who aren't very good." - SGBC Senior Associate Coach, Matt Gaudry. "Although the golf courses at Founding Bridge Pool are well-maintained, they aren't very challenging. I typically only play here during summer, because the lack of quality conditions doesn't make for a great time."

"There are some inherent risks to purchasing the property for a golf resort. The main one is that of the possibility of long term removal of water. Most greens at FRCB aren't large enough to sustain long term removal of water without causing structural damage to the property. Additionally, the terrain at FRCB is difficult and requires precision shots from a considerable distance to land a nice distance short of your competitor. A couple of years back a couple of patrons of this course were seriously injured when a waterline tower collapsed after a hole in the ground fell on them, resulting in significant property damage and a significant amount of medical bills."

"I love playing on the course, but there are some issues that come with playing there. First off, the crowd is loud and distracting. There's nothing more annoying than crowds screaming at each other in obvious unison no matter where you are on the course. It's distracting during play, as well as when you're not on the course. It can be distracting while you're on the course too, if you get too comfortable and start looking down your nose at the people next to you, as if they're bothering you.

"I also don't like the layout of the course. The bunkers in the corners of most fairways are designed to encourage players to putted long shots into the center of the fairway. I'd much prefer the corners to be somewhat open. That way, I can more easily hit wedges and putts off the side."

"I also think the course has poor drainage. The deep grass at the entrance of each bunker allows water to drain quickly into the basin below. That's a real problem at times. On a sunny day, it can be really annoying to have water dripping all over your clothes and drying your skin. Of course, on a rainstorm the water won't be as bad, but still..."

Tom was one of those golfers who loved going to his favorite courses. He was particularly fond of Founders Bridge Golf Course, which is located on the New Jersey shore. He said: "The thing that bugged me about this course the most was the poor drainage. I would get my golf balls stuck in the grass when I didn't want to dive. startups did this ruin my game (because I had to dive to get them out), but it also made it hard to practice my strokes, since I always had to go to the hole after getting my ball out of the grass."

According to one golfer, "The bunkers at the bottom of most holes seem to lack adequate padding. It seems that golfers are expected to hit the pads there. This can be very annoying at times. Overall, I would recommend this course to people who enjoy playing golf on challenging courses, but who aren't particularly keen on playing on artificial turf. Otherwise, you might find yourself playing too many holes on this course without ever having a great finish."

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