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Фотосет Marry You Are The One


Фотосет Marry You Are The One
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Is She the One You Should Marry- 25 Signs
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Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at Marriage.com, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

What is Marriage?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

What Is Love?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

Love is a beautiful thing. Suppose you have been in a progressive relationship for longer than twelve months. In that case, you are most likely to begin asking yourself questions like, “Is she the one?” Being in this position can be difficult as you do not want to make a wrong decision.
There could be someone you are really interested in but still need to think it through before considering marrying the woman. Is the situation the same with you? Read on to see some of the signs that you should look out for in a spouse. 
When you have an exciting encounter or something funny happened to you, is she the one you want to immediately text or call? If yes, then that is a good sign.
You want to spend your life with someone like this who will remain your number one gist partner and friend. Marriage is a lifelong commitment; you do not want to marry someone whom you can’t gist with on all levels.
One of the stereotypes about a woman is that her mood changes, but this is not the case for all women. If your partner is consistent with her emotions, you can easily tell when she is happy or sad. You need to take her to the altar.
Marriages, where one partner has to keep on trying to predict the other’s mood, are burdensome. 
And if it continues that way, it won’t take long for the relationship to begin falling apart. Marry someone who is open and honest about their emotional state and feelings at all times. It will make your life easier. 
Showing empathy is different from sympathy. While the latter is from a place of pity, the former is a result of genuine care and identification with one’s feelings. How do you know she’s the one? 
It is when she is good at empathizing with you.
 You need a woman who can show support and compassion towards you and others. There will be down days in your life, and you need a partner who can help you through those trying times.
Honesty is a very important trait to look out for in a life partner. There is literally no point in being in a relationship with someone you don’t and can’t trust. How then will you be able to confide in them? How will you believe whatever they tell you? 
Find a woman who is radically honest and wife her.
How soon do guys know she’s the one? 
Most guys know this when they find themselves thinking about her 24/7. In the shower, during breakfast, at work, and even while jogging, she is the only image that fills their mind. At this point, they begin to think about how to take their relationship to the next level.
You want an ambitious woman ; a woman who has her own ambitions and dreams. She will not be a liability and may even channel some of her ambitions through you, improving your life and hers.
Don’t marry a woman who is relying wholly on you for a fulfilling and good life. We believe every marital relationship should be mutual and not parasitic.
Alongside being ambitious, your spouse should be someone who invests in self-improvement. If she spends time improving her mental state and overall well-being, she is a wife material. 
You won’t have to worry about her being over-dependent as she believes in the power of self-growth and can depend on herself.
If she makes you want to be a better version of yourself, that’s when you know she’s the one. 
Do you put in extra effort to look good for her just as she does with you? You probably would have noticed all the shaving/makeup/hair treatments/matching outfits that she wears for you. Do they inspire you to do likewise?
Maybe you have begun to notice your nose hair that needs trimming or the old worn-out cargo shorts that need to be replaced; this shows that you are deeply interested in her.
How to know if she’s the one is when you no longer notice or pay attention to other women. To you, she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and you can do anything to prove it.
No human is perfect. We all have our individual flaws, so settle for someone who knows your flaws yet accepts you . 
However, do not see this as an excuse not to work on yourself because the truth is that some of our negative flaws are learned, and they can be unlearned. Part of the work involved in a relationship is working on yourself to become better for the other person.
 Marry a woman who is intellectually sound and can engage you in intellectual discussion. 
You do not want a dull partner who can’t challenge you intellectually. Looks, no matter how great they are, do not last forever. You want a partner whose personality is engaging and can open you up to new concepts and ideas, a woman that can stimulate your intellect.
Healthy jealousy is a natural part of a relationship. 
Signs of unhealthy jealousy are when your partner questions your every movement, especially when it involves the opposite sex. This shows that they are insecure, and if it is not dealt with, then you might spend your entire life trying to win her trust.
A stable and healthy relationship focuses more on giving than taking. Doing things that will make your partner happy should make you equally happy. This can be done by doing something simple like leaving a note by his coffee or going all out to organize a surprise birthday party. 
When you find that one woman who is ready to give more than she takes, hold her dearly and reciprocate her love. The excitement that comes with the beginning phase of your relationship will eventually fade off. 
Still, when you both focus on giving to each other, it will always be a happy and contented relationship.
Are there things that you both like to do together? For example, does she enjoy watching the same movies and reading the same books as you do? 
This is very important as two can not work together except if they agree. You should marry someone who has shared interests and values with you.
One of the ways to spend quality time with your partner is by traveling and exploring the world together. If you are a traveler at heart, marry someone who also shares this interest. This will give you many fun-filled and rejuvenating moments in the relationship.
Communication is a vital part of any healthy relationship. Your partner should be someone with whom you can communicate about anything and everything. 
Good communication makes it easier to resolve the fight and be openly honest with each other. If you have difficulty communicating with her, then you should have a rethink.
Check out this video to understand how communication can be improved in the relationship:
How to know if she’s the one is when you are comfortable around her. Are you at ease in her presence, or do you have to be extremely careful not to annoy her? 
One of the signs she’s the one when you do not have to form in her presence. Forever is a long time; choose wisely.
Do you at times picture her with your kids running about in the house or her adjusting your tie in the morning before you go to work? 
If you see a future with her, then that is a sign that she is probably the one. Marry a woman that you picture growing old with you.
A woman who creates a peaceful environment around her is worth marrying. One big struggle many couples have is their inability to live peacefully together. 
These signs can be noticed during courtship if close attention is paid. If she is not someone you can live peacefully with, do not marry her unless you sign up for a lifetime of conflicts.
One mistake many couples make is they focus so much on the romantic aspect of their relationships and neglect the others. There is a popular saying that you should marry your best friend. A friend is someone who you always want in your corner no matter what. 
The good news is that friendship can be grown and nurtured. Marry your friend , someone with whom you can maintain that same level of friendship even in marriage.
Being in love means being vulnerable to your partner. The words “I am sorry” are most vulnerable. Most find it hard to say because it means admitting you were wrong. 
There will be many times when you offend your partner and must be willing to say those words in a relationship. If she is not someone you can talk to easily, then do not marry her. Those three magic words are the foundation for many great, long-lasting relationships.
Marriage is teamwork. It is you and your partner against all obstacles. How to know if you should marry her is when people have gotten so used to the two of you. When your friends know that hurting her means hurting you, your bond should be inseparable. 
This is a good sign that both of you are meant to be together.
Assuredly, before you get to the question of is she the one to marry? You must have spent a considerable amount of time together in the relationship. 
If your relationship is over twelve months long and the romantic fire is still burning ever strong, then it is a good sign. Romance is an essential part of a marital relationship. You should marry a woman whose romantic gestures are intact. No one wants a dull romance.
Yes, if you always put her needs first before yours. Are you selfless in your interaction with her? 
We already mentioned earlier that a relationship is more about giving than taking. If you are not willing to prioritize what she needs above what you need even when it is not convenient, then you are not ready for marriage. 
When you have a woman who places your own needs above hers, then she is a gem worth keeping. Marriage is so much easier when both parties are selfless and always on the lookout for the needs of each other.
There are major decisions in life, and the choice of a marital partner is one of them. A good partner will come into your life and make it better. But a bad partner can ruin you. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. 
Before you get to the point where you are considering marriage with your partner, she must successfully check the twenty-five signs listed above.
The period of courtship is a time frame for assessing your prospective partner. Do not be carried away by all the butterflies and goodies that you ignore the red flags in this phase. Do not also be deceived by outer appearance because it takes more than looks to make a marriage work.
Asking “Is she the one?” is one of the best questions you can ask yourself before taking any woman to the altar. 
Remember, you are not just choosing a life partner but also the mother of your children and the person with whom you will share your bed for the rest of your life. Choose wisely. Follow your heart but listen to your brain.
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

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For women all over the world, few things can cause more anxiety than wondering if you’re with the right guy. After all, if we’re not always in pursuit of “Mr. Right,” all we’re doing is wasting our time…right? Well, if you’re one of the countless girls who just can’t figure out this whole relationship nonsense, but you’re dying to walk down the aisle, this article is for you.
In this article, we’ll take a look at many signs and signals that he’s the one you will marry. From hints and subtle nods to “hit you over the head” obvious indicators, we’ll do our best to calm those nerves about your dating life.
OK, girls – I know that we’ve all had this “perfect guy for every girl” concept pushed down our throat since birth, but the truth is there are a lot “Mr. Rights” in this world. Yes, it’s fine to maintain a few romantic notions about dating. Yes, it’s OK to have plenty of standards in place when evaluating potential partners. Still, the idea there’s one perfect guy for every girl? Leave that to the movies.
In reality, what makes a guy a great potential partner is less about destiny and more about a wide array of down-to-earth factors. For instance:
Though there is established science behind compatibility, you can’t entirely discount romance when looking for signs he’s the one you will marry. In the following section, we’ll take a look at a wide range of factors that suggest that you’re with the one. If you find yourself saying “yes” to a lot of these questions, chances are you’ve already found your Mr. Right.
Along with a definite focus on the romantic aspect of compatibility, the modern world gave many of us a distinct “princess-like” attitude about our weddings. We can’t wait to have an entire day devoted to us, with all the flowers, gowns, and music that goes along with it. However, if these things are all you can picture when you picture your wedding, there might be a problem.
One of the most significant signs he’s the one you will marry is that you think about your wedding because you’re enthusiastic about your partnership. In the end, you want to stand up and declare your love for each other in front of everyone you know, and you’re eager to begin your life together – not just anxious for attention.
Even the best guys have attributes and tendencies that we’d like to see worked on before we tie the knot. While you might think that the best indication that he’s the right person for you is a lack of these things, the better indicator is how he reacts when you tell him you’d like him to make a change. After all, being with a guy who can’t take any criticism is not going to help you avoid arguments.
If he genuinely listens and makes an effort to be better, it’s a sure sign that he’s long-term partner potential. This behavior indicates both a respect and appreciation of your feelings, as well as a willingness to put your desires in front of his. For many women, a guy being willing to change something about themselves is the ultimate romantic gesture.
One of the most prominent signs he’s the one you will marry is that you talk openly and honestly with your friend about him. When we have doubts about our relationships, we often don’t want to have those doubts reinforced by outside opinions. In short, if we suspect we’re with the wrong guy, we don’t always tell our friends everything about them.
When they’re in a healthy, supportive relationship, women tend to talk to their friends about how happy they are. Instead of griping about what your beau did or didn’t do, you’re instead more likely to humble-brag about how great he is. Of course, if you’re honest with your friends about him and they still think he’s up to snuff, it’s a sure sign that he’s a keeper.
One of the more subtle ways that you can tell he’s the one you’ll marry is if you openly trust him to run errands for you or perform tasks for you, with the expectation that he’ll actually do them (and do them well). Many girls have been with guys that they wouldn’t trust to hold their purse for two seconds. When you’re with a keeper, you have no problem trusting him to perform a wide array of tasks.
Another way that this enters into evaluating your partner is when he is willing to learn something new to accomplish that task. This especially true if the task is something girly like “folding clothes.” If he has no idea how to fold a blouse properly but is willing to look it up to not disappoint you, you’re looking at a man worth marrying.
Compatibility and arguing have almost nothing to do with each other. As much as we’d all love to think that the perfect relationship means never having to fight with our partner again, the truth is that disagreements will always be there, and they’re not necessarily bad. What makes the right guy different from the wrong guy is the way you argue, and how productive those arguments are.
A man worth marrying will not resort to criticism or defensiveness during an argument and will do his best not to introduce other topics that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. Instead, debates will be productive, with a clear resolution. Afterward, the two of you must forgive each other thoroughly to avoid saving grudges for the future, which can have a dramatic effect on your happiness down the line.
For all the griping we do about dating, there’s no escaping the fact that dating is also kind of exhilarating. That new hot guy at work, that ex that you’re not entirely over – even when you’re with someone, your mind can be a maze of “what if” scenarios. When you’re with the right guy, however, that sense of wondering what could be is often replaced with relief.
This relief relates to the idea that you don’t have to go fishing for a new beau anymore, and that you’ve found the person you’re meant to be with. Chances are – if you come to feel at peace with most aspects of your relationship with your partner – you’ve got a guy that’s worth walking the aisle beside.
One of the surefire ways you can tell he’s the one you will marry is if you can laugh a lot together. This point doesn’t just refer to when you’re watching “The Office” or giggling at memes, but when you’re alone together with no outside stimuli. Another huge indicator is if you have inside jokes that only he and you understand, which can provide enormous opportunities to bond.
Laughter is one of the essential components of pair-bonding and can bring you closer to your future-spouse than even the most romantic night out. This isn’t to say that a lack of humor signals doom for your relationship, but it certainly bodes well for your relationship if you can exhaust yourselves laughing at a joke that’s just for you.
Few things can cause more contention in a relationship than one person attempting to change the other’s personality, likes and dislikes, mannerisms, etc. When a person tells you they love you for who you are, and then go out of their way to change everything about you, it can be a huge signal that you’re “Mr. Right” is actually very, very wrong for you.
While it’s true that everyone changes a little bit as time goes own, good partnerships are about growing and accepting those changes, not trying to force them. If your boyfriend is the right guy for you, he’ll nurture your growth with love and respect, not try to shoehorn you into a personality he’d prefer.
Look a few months in the future. Is your boyfriend still in the picture? Now do the same, but replace those months with years. We’ve all been in relationships that were either clearly or not-so-clearly intended
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