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Benjamin Argyle-Ross

The Swiss Army Knife of Zenkit's Online Marketing

January 11, 2022
· 6 min read

Zenkit is an award-wining software suite for productivity and collaboration.
Any Questions? Talk to an digitalization expert.
In a time-constrained project, it is critical to understand the relative importance & prioritisation of the work to be done in order to make progress & meet deadlines.
The MoSCoW method aids in this understanding of a project’s priorities. Whilst the practice of prioritisation is most commonly used on requirements & User Stories, it can also be applied to tasks, products, Use Cases, acceptance criteria, & tests.
In this article, we’ll take a deeper dive into this method of project prioritisation to give you a better overview & understanding of this often-overlooked practice.
The MoSCoW method, also known as “MoSCoW prioritisation” or “MoSCoW analysis”, is a prioritisation technique.
The method is employed as a means to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each project requirement. The reason for this is to help develop a clear view of a client’s needs & priorities. This is necessary due to the often vague & bare list of requirements highlighted at the project’s start.
In using the MoSCoW methodology, those developing the project can avoid disappointing the client at the project’s end due to not having entirely understood their needs.
The MoSCoW method, while sounding like it should offer some level of Russian intrigue, is an acronym derived from the first letter of each of four prioritisation categories:
It must be stated that all requirements are important; however, in order to provide the most impactful & immediate business benefits, the requirements must be prioritised.
When developing a project, a project team will treat the MoSCoW method as a list, seeking to deliver everything in the “Must Have” category first, before moving onto the “Should Have” second, then the “Should Have”, & finally the “Would Have”. In doing so, should the project’s timeframe be threatened, the last two category requirements (i.e. “Should Have” & “Would Have”) will be the first to be removed to free up time, energy, & resources.
Everything in this category meets the Minimum Usable SubseT (MUST) of requirements that the project guarantees to meet. These can be easily identified by following the guidelines below:
Typically speaking, the “Must Have” category provides no more than 60% of the project’s overall effort.
When placing requirements in the “Must Have” category, it’s best to ask the question “what happens if this requirement is not met?” If the answer is “cancel the project as there’s no point in implementing it without this requirement”, then it’s most definitely a “Must Have” requirement. If there’s a way around this requirement for the project to still go live, then it can be placed within the “Should Have”, or even the “Could Have” categories.
Requirements placed within the “Should Have” category can be easily defined as the following:
It can be challenging to identify what should be categorised as either “Should Have” or “Could Have”. A good way of identifying this is to review the degree of pain caused should this requirement not be met. For example, measuring the business value or the number of people affected.
Those requirements placed within the “Could Have” category are defined as:
The requirements found in this category tend to be the main area of contingency. This is because these requirements will be delivered in their entirety in a best-case scenario. This means that if problems arise & the deadline is jeopardised, these requirements will be the first to be dropped from the timeframe.
It’s also important to remember that classifying a requirement as “Should Have” or “Could Have” doesn’t mean it won’t be delivered; rather, it means delivery isn’t necessarily guaranteed.
The requirements placed in this category are those in which the project team has agreed will not be met (at least during this timeframe). As such, they are recorded in the Prioritised Requirements List, where they aid in clarifying the project’s scope. This is done to prevent them from being informally reintroduced at a later date. This also helps in managing client & project expectations by stating that these requirements will simply not be included in the final product – but this does not mean that they won’t/can’t be added at a later time.
Having a coherent list of requirements within the “Won’t Have” category can be very effective in maintaining focus on the more important requirements found in the other categories.
The MoSCoW method is often used with timeboxing, where a deadline is fixed so that the focus must be on the most important requirements. Due to the nature of the method, it’s most commonly used in agile software development approaches such as Scrum, rapid application development (RAD), & DSDM.
The method also overcomes issues associated with a simpler approach to prioritisation. Some common examples of such approaches include the use of “High”, “Medium”, & “Low” labelling & simple sequential tags (e.g. 1,2,3,4,…). However, these approaches fall short of the MoSCoW method due to having unclear definitions & no clear indication as to what a client can expect come the project’s end.
As such, the MoSCoW method’s specific use of “Must Have”, “Should Have”, “Could Have”, or “Won’t Have” provides a clear indication of the level of importance for a particular requirement as well as what’s to be expected upon completion.
While the MoSCoW method has proven to have great practical implications for requirement prioritisation, like with most things, it has some downsides.
For starters, as previously mentioned with requirement priority labelling, it can be challenging to get into the flow of determining what should be categorised as what (i.e. is something a “Should Have”, or a “Could Have”?). Plus, it does not always help when deciding between multiple requirements with the same priority (you’d need a subset of priority labelling within each category & that just becomes confusing & unnecessary).
There can also be ambiguity over the timeframe, especially with “Must Have” requirements. It needs to be made clear whether something should be scheduled for this release or a later one.
Lastly, by not including all relevant stakeholders, some requirements can either be miscategorised or overlooked entirely. As such, ensuring that all interested parties have been included before the project’s kick-off is a must in order to not fall into the trap of delivering something that’s only 90% complete.
As you can see, the MoSCoW method is very practical for small Agile teams. While there are many varieties of task prioritisation methods, the MoSCoW method meets in the middle of simplicity & functionality.
Like with most things, it can take some getting used to, especially moving from project to project where the deliverables (& the team) will change. However, with practice, it’s a method that leads to improved time management & team organisation, as well as greater client satisfaction & project success rates.
What do you think about the MoSCoW method? Have you had any experience using it?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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Co-founder of Acowebs

April 26, 2022
· 12 min read

Improve your prioritization with Zenkit!

Zenkit is an award-wining software suite for productivity and collaboration.
Any Questions? Talk to an digitalization expert.
Have you ever felt like you’re whirling plates? Of course, we’re not talking literally, unless you turn out to be a spectacular employee. Instead, we’re touching on those upsetting life moments, mainly at worksites, when you feel that ‌you have countless stuff to complete right away and you’re required to keep all these things in balance. As a result, your task prioritization skills begin to buckle, and you quickly become overwhelmed.
You can’t withstand seeing even one plate set down because that will cause a disastrous domino effect, leading to several smashed ‘plates.’ To ensure all the ‘plates’ remain whirling, you have to be aware of the specific path to focus on and when to focus on it.
Task prioritization is something th at everyone knows they should always do. However, it’s ultimately another matter to implement a working system. Therefore, let’s put down those plates for a few minutes and find precisely the best way to prioritize – including when and what needs prioritizing.
Some individuals have natural management/organization talent, but that’s not the case for others. If you appear in the latter scenario, the project/task prioritization skill may appear to be an art form. However, the truth remains that this skill focuses more on the science side.
Whenever we witness the prioritization master at work – gliding from one project to another with little hassle and without breaking out in a sweat – it may appear like magic. However, you can logically break the process down.
Also, note that reliable prioritization stands out as compensation. Besides feeling like a pro on everything that you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and when you’re doing it, effective prioritization also gives you much more breathing room throughout the day.
To-do lists work well but are not as exceptional as prioritized task lists. After all, it’s not a challenge to randomly shift from one project to another, especially when you have an unstructured to-do list. With clearly highlighted priorities, you’ll be sure that you’re handling the right stuff at the expected time to achieve your long-term objectives.
Are you aware that stress costs the USA 300 billion USD every year in losses because of absenteeism, diminished productivity, and accidents.? With this amount on the line, it’s astonishing that most leaders aren’t concentrated on teaching their team members reliable prioritization techniques. Even the uncomplicated prioritization frames can minimize worksite pressure and ensure the staff doesn’t burn out.
A poor time management strategy can also damage a company. Just think of the time you’ll lose if workers don’t know what tasks to handle next and why they should focus on them. Again, effective prioritization plays an indispensable role in solving this issue stylishly and putting forward much-required structure/order to the stressful day.
Have you experienced those working days where you run from one project to another or solve problem after problem? If yes, then you already understand the firefighter’s emotion. The issue is that handling crucial projects in this behind-time technique is not profitable to top-rated organizations, and it can cause even more pressure. By implementing a reliable prioritization technique, you’ll be sure that you have left the firefighting mood to the pros.
Now that you’re familiar with the definition of prioritization, let’s focus on the critical task prioritization techniques:
The Hundred Dollar Method plays an indispensable role in prioritizing things with several stakeholders or a group. In this task prioritization technique, each individual within a cluster is assigned $100 (hypothesis) and is requested to divide it among the tasks at hand. They can distribute these dollars uniformly or go for the weighted distribution method, where they can prioritize specific projects over others.
Imagine a scenario that focuses on prioritizing 5 things. If individuals believe each project has a matching value, they can allocate $20 to each item. Or, they can assign one item with $40 and $10 to another one until they assign the entirety of their “budget”. Eventually, you can add up the allocated money for every item, which would finally become the most rated project.
The MoSCoW technique plays an indispensable role in project management , software development, management, and business analysis to understand each requirement’s importance to shareholders.
This task prioritization method features four priority sets: “WON’T have,” “COULD have,” “MUST have,” and “SHOULD have.” These labels make it easy for shareholders to prioritize each need in the most cross-sector form.
MoSCoW is mainly applied with the timeboxing technique, where a timeframe is set so that the concentration remains on the critical needs. Therefore, this method is involved primarily in agile hardware creation approaches.
The Eat the Frog technique is a task prioritization method that should not be taken too literally. Instead, it’s a system that relies on a quote by Mark Twain. He argued that “if you have the responsibility to consume a frog, it makes sense or works great if you take that as the first-morning step.” In the management world, this quote translates to handling complicated/big-sized projects first before shifting to time-sensitive or “less important” assignments.
When starting your day, critical projects tied to top-most OKRs/goals and focusing on the highest function need to appear first on your priority list. After eating that day’s frog, you can concentrate on the other assignments depending on different factors, like stress level and timeframes, because you have already handled today’s critical task.
The Urgent-Important Matrix or Eisenhower Decision Matrix opens the process by classifying the projects into four quarter-circles, depending on their importance, urgency, importance & urgency, or neither. As World War II’s top-rated general and then President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower stood out in making critical decisions faster and created this technique to assist him.
With this approach, it is easy to determine task prioritization by highlighting t he urgent & important things to focus on now; what you require to program for important things but not the urgent ones; the not important but urgent things you can delegate; and the not urgent and not important things you can delete. As a result, it’s an exceptional tool you can rely on to prioritize projects, decide faster, and remain organized.
The Kano Model relies on different user satisfaction levels with the product’s characteristics and habits. Noriaki Kano (a Japanese analyst) is the creator of this method, and he described this model ‌clearly ‌in the 1980s.
You can implement this model in different ways. One version offers dividing backlog stuff by the Reverse, Indifferent, ‘Must-be,’ ‘Attractive,’ and ‘One-Dimensional’ criteria. This technique relies on end-user satisfaction needs, and it entails conducting user interviews and surveys with usability testing before you prioritize the tasks.
In most cases, the above techniques help, but how do you arrange projects with top priority? What if several projects fall under the critical category but not the urgent one? Or, what if the projects have must-have results?
Which method can you rely on to prioritize projects with top priorities? Which task prioritization technique can you rely on in this case?
Relying on relative priority remains the perfect and straightforward answer in this case. ‘Relative’ priority functions by measuring each task’s importance and comparing it with other projects under the priority record. For instance, assume you’re focusing on ten things. Allocate the numbers 1-10 to each. In a moment, you’ll have noted the highest and lowest priority projects.
But which technique do you rely on to identify the more important task? You can make this possible with two easy-to-follow ways based on dependencies and due dates. The uppermost priority goes to projects with earlier deadlines. Besides this, you need to complete projects that stop other tasks from being handled first.
Task prioritization will always be essential. However, keep in mind to stay clear-sighted about the projects you can handle with less hassle each day. Expect to have a successful and productive day if you use an effective prioritization technique.
Hitting the day’s end and realizing that you have completed all critical tasks is an unparalleled feeling you always want to experience. However, it’s difficult to achieve this every day. Projects consume more tim e than expected, so prepare for interruptions when handling their tasks. Also, it’s normal for days to be filled with meetings and talking.
Therefore, while it’s essential to understand the most straightforward approach to prioritizing your critical tasks, you should also remain clear-sighted on the projects you can complete successfully. With this focus, you’ll end each day feeling great about your daily progress and feel relaxed and comfortable while on your well-deserved break.
Rithesh is the co-founder of Acowebs , an online store for eCommerce plugins with 15,000+ satisfied customers across the globe.
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