Фотосет Giulia In Bathean
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Airport District. 4 /5 Very Good! (11 area reviews) Noted for its historic sites and restaurants, there's plenty to explore in Airport District. Top attractions like VTB Arena and Third Ring Road are major draws, and you can hop on the metro at Aeroport Station or Petrovsky Park Station to see more of the city.
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Airport District. 4 /5 Very Good! (11 area reviews) Noted for its historic sites and restaurants, there's plenty to explore in Airport District. Top attractions like VTB Arena and Third Ring Road are major draws, and you can hop on the metro at Aeroport Station or Petrovsky Park Station to see more of the city.
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Airport District. 4 /5 Very Good! (11 area reviews) Noted for its historic sites and restaurants, there's plenty to explore in Airport District. Top attractions like VTB Arena and Third Ring Road are major draws, and you can hop on the metro at Aeroport Station or Petrovsky Park Station to see more of the city.
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