Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты

Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты

Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты

Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты


Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты


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Формула ангидрида уксусной кислоты

ICSC: Апрель Использовать спиртоустойчивую пену, порошок, двуокись углерода. В случае пожара: охлаждать бочки и т. НЕ допускать прямого контакта с водой. Свежий воздух, покой. Полусидячее положение. Может потребоваться искусственное дыхание. Обратиться за медицинской помощью. Снять загрязненную одежду. Промыть кожу большим количеством воды или принять душ. Использовать маску для лица или средства защиты глаз в комбинации со средствами защиты органов дыхания.. Прежде всего промыть большим количеством воды в течение нескольких минут снять контактные линзы, если это возможно сделать без затруднений , затем обратится за медицинской помощью. Прополоскать рот. НЕ вызывать рвоту. Дать выпить один или два стакана воды. Проконсультироваться со специалистом! Индивидуальная защита: костюм химической защиты, защитная маска и респиратор с фильтром для кислотных газов и паров, подходящей для концентрации вещества в воздухе. Как можно быстрее собрать пролитую жидкость в закрывающиеся емкости. Удалить оставшуюся жидкость при помощи песка или инертного абсорбента. Затем хранить и утилизировать в соответствии с местными правилами. Обеспечить огнестойкость. Отдельно от пищевых продуктов и кормов и несовместимых метераилов. Хранить сухим. Физические опасности Химические опасности Разлагается при горении. При этом выделяется токсичные газы и токсичные газы, включая пары уксусной кислоты. Интенсивно Реагирует с спиртами, аминами, окислителями, сильными основаниями и водой. Разъедает многие металлы в присутствии воды или в сухом состоянии. Пути воздействия Вещество может проникать в организм при вдыхании паров и при приеме внутрь. Эффекты от кратковременного воздействия Слезотечение. Вещество разъедает глаза, кожу и дыхательные пути. Едкое вещество при приеме внутрь. Вдыхание может вызвать реакции, похожие на асматические. Эффекты от длительного или повторяющегося воздействия Вдыхание может вызывать реакции, подобные астме RADS. MAK: 0. Forms acetic acid when mixed with water. Major fires must be extinguished with large amounts of water from a distance.

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Уксусный ангидрид / Acetic Anhydride / CAS № 108-24-7

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Уксусный ангидрид

Температура плавления: Пределы взрываемости: 2. Стабильность:: Стабильность Горючий. Несовместим с сильными окислителями, водой, сильными основаниями, спиртами. LogP: Пары образуют с воздухом взрывоопасные смеси. Воспламеняющиеся жидкости Категория 3 Предупреждение H Смертельно при вдыхании. Не курить. Промыть кожу водой. Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью. Снять контактные линзы, если Вы ими пользуетесь и если это легко сделать. Продолжить промывание глаз. Acetic anhydride chemical formula: CH3CO 2O is the simplest isolable anhydride of a carboxylic acid, is widely used as a reagent in organic synthesis. It has an internal asymmetric structure, leading to its potent electrophilicity. In organic chemistry, it is mainly used in acetylation for the manufacture of commercially significant materials, e. It can also be used as a wood preservative. In starch industry, it is a common acetylation compound for acetylation of monoglyceride. It is also an esterification agent for the production of modified starches. It is produced by carbonylation of methyl acetate or the reaction between ketene and acetic acid. Commonly abbreviated Ac2O, it is the simplest isolatable acid anhydride and is a widely used reagent in organic synthesis. It is a combustible, colorless, strongly refractive, liquid that smells strongly of acetic acid, formed by its reaction with the moisture in the air. Acetic anhydride is an esterification agent used in the preparation of modified starch and for acetylation of acetylated monoglycerides. Acetic anhydride is a colorless, very mobile liquid with a very strong, acetic acid-like odor. Acetic anhydride is miscible with polar solvents and dissolves in cold alcohol with slow decomposition. Acetic anhydride is an important solvent and acetylation agent. It is used for the manufacture of acetylcellulose, acetylsalicylic acid, acetanilide, nitrofurane, sulfonamides, vitamin B6 etc. As acetulizer and solvent in examining wool fat, glycerol, fatty and volatile oils, resins; detection of rosin. Widely used in organic syntheses, e. ChEBI: Acetic anhydride is an acyclic carboxylic anhydride derived from acetic acid. It has a role as a metabolite and a reagent. As indicated by its organic chemistry, Ac 2 O is mainly used for acetylations leading to commercially significant materials. Its largest application is for the conversion of cellulose to cellulose acetate, which is a component of photographic film and other coated materials. Similarly it is used in the production of aspirin acetylsalicylic acid , which is prepared by the acetylation of salicylic acid. It is also used as a wood preservative via autoclave impregnation to make a longer lasting timber. In starch industry, acetic anydride is a common acetylation compound, used for the production of modified starches Because of its use for the synthesis of heroin by the diacetylation of morphine, acetic anhydride is listed as a U. Alcohols and amines are readily acetylated. In specialized applications, Lewis acidic scandium salts have also proven effective catalysts. Aromatic rings are acetylated, usually in the presence of an acid catalyst. A clear colorless liquid with a strong odor of vinegar. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Density 9. Manufacture of cellulose esters, plastics, pharmaceuticals, photographic films, cigarette filters, and magnetic tape; inorganic synthesis as an acetylating agent, bleaching agent, and dehydrating agent. Reacts violently with water to generate acetic acid. This reaction is heightened by the presence of mineral acids nitric, perchloric, sulfuric acid, etc. News 25, \\\\\\\\\]. Acetic anhydride reacts violently on contact with water, steam, methanol, ethanol, glycerol and boric acid. Reaction with water is particularly dangerous in presence with mineral acids e. Potentially explosive reactions with oxidizing reagents such as barium peroxide, chromium trioxide, chromic acid, hypochlorous acid, nitric acid, perchloric acid, peroxyacetic acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. Reacts violently with metal nitrates used as nitrating agents \\\\\\\\\[Davey W. Liquid is volatile and causes little irritation on uncovered skin. However, causes severe burns when clothing is wet with the chemical or if it enters gloves or shoes. Causes skin and eye burns and irritation of respiratory tract. Nausea and vomiting may develop after exposure. Reactivity with Water: Reacts slowly with water, but considerable heat is liberated when contacted with spray water; Reactivity with Common Materials: Corrodes iron, steel and other metals; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Dilute with water and use sodium bicarbonate solution to rinse; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent. Moderately toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact. A skin and severe eye irritant. A flammable liquid. A fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat or flame. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes; can react vigorously with oxidizing materials, wdl react violently on contact with water or steam. Used in production of drugs of abuse. To fight fire, use CO2, dry chemical, water mist, alcohol foam. Acetic anhydride is used as an acetylating agent or as a solvent in the manufacture of cellulose acetate, acetanilide, aspirin, synthetic fibers, plastics, explosives, resins, perfumes, and flavorings; and it is used in the textile dyeing industry. It is widely used as a pharmaceutical intermediate and as a pesticide intermediate. Slowly dissolves in water forming acetic acid. In ethanol, ethyl acetate is formed Windholz et al. Adequate purification can usually be achieved by fractional distillation through an efficient column. Acetic anhydride can also be dried by standing with Na wire for up to a week, removing the Na and distilling it under vacuum. Na reacts vigorously with acetic anhydride at o. The supernatant liquid was distilled and the fraction b o was further dried with P2O5 for 12hours, followed by shaking with ignited K2CO3, before two further distillations through a five-section Young and Thomas fractionating column. The final material distilled at It can also be purified by azeotropic distillation with toluene: the azeotrope boils at After removal of the remaining toluene, the anhydride is distilled \\\\\\\\\[sample had a specific conductivity of 5 x ohm-1cm -1\\\\\\\\\]. Incompatible with oxidizers chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides, alcohols, chromic acid violent reaction , amines, strong caustics; finely divided metals. Contact with water forms acetic acid and liberates a large amount of heat. Corrosive to iron, steel and other metals. Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. All federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be observed. A sodium salt. Стабильность Горючий. Acetic acid anhydride Acetic anhydride Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения.

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