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It can take up to 10 minutes for the email to show up in your inbox. Your username may be different than the email address associated with your account or you may have multiple accounts associated with the same email address. Clear your cache and cookies, close and reopen your browser, and try logging in again with your username and new password. Our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy outline how we use cookies to help optimize service, personalize content, tailor and measure our marketing, and improve your user experience. I agree to use of cookies for these purposes. Log In. Get Responses. Analyze Results. Taking Surveys. To reset your password: Go to the Forgot Password page. Enter your username , but leave the email box blank! Click Continue. Check your email inbox for the password reset email. We send it to the email address associated with your SurveyMonkey account. To find your username and reset your password: Go to the Forgot Password or Username page. Enter your account email address , but leave the username box blank! Click on a username in the email. This will take you to the Forgot Password page with your selected username ready to go. Make sure to leave the email box blank! To unblock SurveyMonkey emails: Add surveymonkey go. Whitelist our info in your email account or pass this along to your IT team. Re-try the forgot password steps again. Still need help? Learn more about other ways to log in and troubleshooting issues with account verification. Get answers Sign up Create a free or paid account. Log In Already have an account? Log in for faster support. Already have an account?

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