Foresting; ICO live

Foresting; ICO live


Hi everyone,I will be presenting you a promising and an awesome undertaking this time,as all of you realize that Crурtосurrеnсу hаѕ bееn аblе tо рrеѕеnt аn еаѕу tо uѕе dіgіtаl аltеrnаtіvе tо fіаt сurrеnсіеѕ. Crурtосurrеnсу еmрlоуѕ thе uѕе оf сrурtоgrарhу thаt аѕѕurеѕ hіgh-ѕесurіtу рrосеѕѕеѕ аnd vеrіfіеѕ trаnѕасtіоnѕ реrѕоnаl tо еасh uѕеr. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

Consequently, it is basic as crypto speculators to be among the main who join the new patterns of blockchain platform and this lead me to One of the core tenets of blockchain. Foresting is an undertaking that presents another eco system that comprises of a group of individuals that work on ideas, for example, Networking, collaborating, and interfacing. The FORESTING community is utilized to enable clients to get pay for their internet based life posts.


Foresting is a blockchain based web based life stage that veers off from the dissemination arrangement of customary web based life stages. It gives a reasonable esteem conveyance framework for clients who are the genuine proprietors of the stage. They convey content through blockchain advancements and add to stages in an assortment of structures.

Foresting makes it workable for substance makers from everywhere throughout the world to get remunerated. The idea of this new web based life token can transform your substance into a cash. Foresting depends on the production of bitcoin and a reasoning shared by Satoshi Nakamoto and John Rawls on an all the more reasonable society. In like manner, the Foresting system comprehends the asymmetry of the data that is common in our general public, seeks after reasonable contracts, circulates them as indicated by their capacity, and offers dynamic commitments with each other. FORESTING is intended to fabricate a system by conveying wage through the sensible substance age and careful evaluation of the client's substance. FORESTING is accessible to anybody even without earlier information of blockchain and digital money


The stage plans to give an administration that is natural to clients, as opposed to an administration that expects them to know about troublesome ideas, as blockchain innovation and cryptographic money.


 One of the biggest issues with internet based life is the straightforwardness of information.

 Users can't get pay for their substance.

 While a few clients can pick up income, just the best 5% of substance pages are perceived.


 Users can utilize PTON coin to get paid for their substance.

 Foresting's framework is more centered around substance creation and spotlights on a client casting a ballot framework.

 This is superior to anything activity content valuation and enables them to share data in a decentralized way.

The Foresting system comprises of the accompanying blockchain-based administrations:

FORESTING SOCIAL NETWORK SERVICES : a reasonable reward dissemination framework for substance makers through Blockchain.

The principle point of the blockchain remunerating media is to interface the world and make lives more important. The foresting stage gives the clients the chance to measure the substance suppliers commitment to have the capacity to offer prizes utilizing a disseminated accord strategy. Foresting is the essential Social media and furthermore a blockchain with financial opportunity for the substance suppliers. It underpins a wide range of substance and after that gives an informal organization that depends on a substance situated compensating administrations.

FORESTING LAB or FOUNDATION : This will give framework to networks who take an interest in the foresting system and afterward bolster the substance makers who wish to make and post on the accompanying stage.Just making a steady and straightforward group gift for evolving humankind.

FORESTING BANK : This bureau of foresting will make a one of a kind FICO score framework. The reason the foresting stage added this component is to help budgetary administrations which is regularly required by the clients with the goal that they can center around making the substance at the focal point of the foresting network.This is on the grounds that at first the clients can not center around the substance creation and some of them were classified as independently employed and they needed to endure troublesome, for example, low salary. Be that as it may, the foresting stage will improve everything and it will prompt righteous circle structure.


• Real-time Trade Function through Embedded Exchange

Give continuous exchanging capacity by implanting real trades far and wide

• Master Node-based P2P Transaction

Least of 10 coin openings for every client (RPC module accommodated each coin get to)

• Content Creator Sponsor Feature

Prominent substance is remunerated with genuine money as opposed to plain likes

• Open Market Advertising

Shedding the objective/retarget promotions that are based on the publicists and stage administrator.


PTON token works as a value determinant for rewarding the participants contributing content to FORESTING. The PTON token will be available as per the level of contribution of the participants. Part of it is also expected to be in use to enable users to benefit from FORESTING app.

Token: PTON

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

PreICO price : 1 ETH = 50,000 PTONs

Price in ICO : 1 ETH = 33,333 PTONs


50% PTONs during the Presale.

Tokens for sale : 9,600,000,000

Investment Information

Min. investment: 1 ETH

Accepting: ETH

Distributed in ICO: 40%

Soft cap: 90,000 EH

Hard cap : 170,000 ETH

Token supply- 24,000,000,000 tokens













Bitcointalk profile url:;u=2418461

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