Foreign Office Foreign Secretary

Foreign Office Foreign Secretary


Foreign Office Foreign Secretary
"Foreign Secretary" redirects here. For other uses, see Foreign secretary .

^ The Prince of Wales served as Prince Regent from 5 February 1811.

^ Elevated to the Peerage of the United Kingdom in November 1803.

^ Elected to a new constituency in the 1807 general election .

^ Elected to a new constituency in the 1950 general election .

^ Walker was the MP for Smethwick and Labour's shadow Foreign Secretary, prior to the 1964 general election . He lost his seat in the election but was appointed to the post anyway. He resigned after fighting and losing a 1965 by-election in Leyton.

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The Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign, Com­mon­wealth and De­vel­op­ment Affairs , also re­ferred to as the For­eign Secretary , is a se­nior Min­is­ter of the Crown within the Gov­ern­ment of the United King­dom , and head of the For­eign, Com­mon­wealth and De­vel­op­ment Of­fice . As one of the four Great Of­fices of State , the For­eign Sec­re­tary is a se­nior mem­ber of the British Cab­i­net .

The cur­rent Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign, Com­mon­wealth and De­vel­op­ment Af­fairs is Do­minic Raab , MP , since his ap­point­ment by Prime Min­is­ter Boris John­son in July 2019. [2]

Cor­re­spond­ing to what is gen­er­ally known as a for­eign min­is­ter in many other coun­tries, the For­eign Sec­re­tary's remit in­cludes:

The of­fi­cial res­i­dence of the For­eign Sec­re­tary is 1 Carl­ton Gar­dens , in Lon­don . They also have the use of Chevening House , a coun­try house in Kent , South East Eng­land . The For­eign Sec­re­tary works out of the For­eign Of­fice in White­hall .

The po­si­tion of Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign Af­fairs was cre­ated in the British gov­ern­men­tal re­or­gan­i­sa­tion of 1782 , in which the North­ern and South­ern De­part­ments be­came the For­eign Of­fice and Home Of­fice re­spec­tively. Even­tu­ally, the po­si­tion of Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign and Com­mon­wealth Af­fairs came into ex­is­tence in 1968 with the merger of the func­tions of Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign Af­fairs and Sec­re­tary of State for Com­mon­wealth Af­fairs into a sin­gle De­part­ment of State . The India Of­fice was a con­stituent pre­de­ces­sor de­part­ment of the For­eign Of­fice, as were the Colo­nial Of­fice and the Do­min­ions Of­fice . Mar­garet Beck­ett , ap­pointed in 2006 by Tony Blair , is the only woman to have held the post. The post of Sec­re­tary of State for For­eign, Com­mon­wealth and De­vel­op­ment Af­fairs was cre­ated in 2020 when po­si­tion holder Do­minic Raab ab­sorbed the re­spon­si­bil­i­ties of the Sec­re­tary of State for In­ter­na­tional De­vel­op­ment .

Post cre­ated through the merger of the For­eign Of­fice and the Com­mon­wealth Of­fice .

Foreign Secretary (informal) The Right Honourable (UK and Commonwealth) His Excellency (international) [1]
Northern Department 1660–1782 Secretaries Undersecretaries

Southern Department 1660–1768 Secretaries Undersecretaries

Southern Department 1768–1782 Secretaries Undersecretaries

The Right Honourable George Canning FRS MP for 3 constituencies respectively (1770–1827)

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Foreign Secretaries of the United Kingdom .

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs - GOV.UK
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs... // WIKI 2
What does it take to be a great foreign secretary ? - BBC News
Foreign Secretary
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By Jonathan Powell Tony Blair's former chief of staff
What makes a great foreign minister? Some of those who have held the great office of state, including Lord Carrington, David Owen and David Miliband, and some of the ambassadors who had to work with them, talked about the stresses and strains involved.
The job of foreign secretary is unique in the British cabinet. He or she, Janus-like, looks out at the wider world and yet has to stay connected to British politics.
Though their time may be spent in departure lounges and foreign capitals, any foreign secretary who becomes cut off from Britain by constant travelling or, at the other extreme, stays in London and spends insufficient time on foreigners, is a failure.
It is difficult not to be overawed walking up Gilbert Scott's grand staircase and into the tennis-court-sized office of the foreign secretary on the first floor of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, overlooking St James's Park.
The building was constructed precisely to overawe foreigners, and it is difficult not to feel small beneath the 10ft-tall painting of an Indian nabob that Lord Carrington had hung on the wall.
This is a place where it is easy to feel that you are in the company of the ghosts of Palmerston, Castlereagh and Canning.
I remember Robin Cook sinking into the sofa on his first day in office in 1997, looking round the room and saying to me: "Pretty good for a former Workers' Educational Association lecturer, eh, Jonathan?"
Politicians tend to think of the Foreign Office in terms of the old wartime joke that Margaret Thatcher used to delight in retelling. The man walking down Whitehall in the blackout asks the policeman which side the Foreign Office is on, and the policeman says: "The other."
"Exactly," she would say, according to Charles Powell, her foreign affairs private secretary.
Even some of the Foreign Office's top mandarins accept that ambassadors do on occasion go native, spending more time empathising with their host country than championing the interests of Britain.
The former Labour Foreign Secretary David Owen complained that the FCO, and particularly his permanent secretary, were too pro-European.
But most former foreign secretaries sprung to the institution's defence.
Lord Carrington said the problem was that people form the opinion that "you shouldn't really have much to do with foreigners, foreigners are thoroughly unreliable, you don't want to get on with the foreigners, and if you do get on with them, you're selling out to them. It doesn't seem to have occurred to them that surely it is better to get on with people than to quarrel with them."
Increasingly, the job of foreign secretary is to build personal relationships with fellow foreign ministers and do them little favours so they will support him - or her - in return.
Robin Cook used to buy large costume jewellery brooches for US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright every Christmas.
Some of these relationships turn into firm friendships, as did that between Jack Straw and Colin Powell, the former US Secretary of State.
In Europe, David Miliband complained about an excess of kissing if you are to remain friends with all your opposite numbers.
Other key skills might seem counter-intuitive.
Should the foreign secretary be able to speak foreign languages?
Of recent foreign secretaries, only Douglas Hurd did, having mastered Italian, French and Mandarin.
He says the Italian helped him build an alliance with Rome's Foreign Minister Gianni De Michelis, when Britain was being excluded from the Franco-German alliance.
Each foreign secretary takes a different approach to the job.
Sir Sherard Cowper Coles, the principal private secretary to Robin Cook, said his charge studied his papers like "the school swot" on the plane out to European council meetings.
Sir John Kerr, who was a permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office, said Sir Geoffrey Howe and Jack Straw, who were both lawyers, would prepare as if they were getting ready for a day in court, while Lord Carrington would adopt a more languid style, pretending he knew nothing whatsoever about the subject until his victim had walked into an elegant trap.
As the role of the prime minister in foreign policy has grown, with modern communications and the proliferation of foreign policy aides to presidents and prime ministers around the world, so the role of the foreign secretary has shrunk.
There is an inbuilt institutional tension between Number 10 and the FCO that can be made worse by bad personal relations.
Charles Powell described the agonising weekly sessions between Sir Geoffrey Howe and Margaret Thatcher, where Howe would start on the subject matter in the middle and try and work his way back to the beginning, but she would lose patience and interrupt with her views after less than a minute.
But when foreign secretaries get on with their prime ministers, as Lord Carrington did with Thatcher or David Owen did with Jim Callaghan, then things can go smoothly.
The influence of the British foreign secretary has been further constrained by Britain's diminishing role in the world, the advent of a coalition government and the creation of a European foreign minister.
As Lord Carrington told me: "For somebody like me who's very old and was brought up in the days when most of the world was coloured red [the hue of the Empire in atlases], I find it very sad and humiliating that we aren't the great power we used to be. But it's no good being nostalgic about it."
A British foreign secretary can no longer throw his or her weight about. Their task now is to build alliances and persuade others to support our position.
So who has been the greatest foreign secretary of all?
When I asked my interviewees for their nominations, I got some surprising responses.
Jack Straw and Sir John Kerr nominated Geoffrey Howe for his steady, calm, lawyerly approach.
David Miliband nominated Tony Crosland, who held the job for less than a year, and David Owen plumped for Ernie Bevin.
Lord Carrington nominated Alec Douglas-Home and Douglas Hurd went for Viscount Castlereagh.
But perhaps the answer that most symbolised the changing roles was Charles Powell's, who nominated as the greatest foreign secretary Margaret Thatcher.
Jonathan Powell interviewed five of the nine surviving former foreign secretaries about their experience of the job for The Art of the Foreign Minister , which is broadcast on Tuesday 14 May at 20:00 on BBC Radio 4. Or catch it later on the BBC iPlayer .
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