Forced Young Sister

Forced Young Sister


Forced Young Sister
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Experiments I conducted on my little sister: Part I

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I’m the second child in four. The good thing about this fact is that while growing up, siblings #1 and #3 were both suitable playmates for me. If one of them didn’t want to play, I would simply hang out with the other one. Sometimes I had the luxury of choosing between the two of them.
Sometimes, at night, when my little sister and brother were already in bed and my elder sister didn’t want to play with me, I got bored with ways of entertaining myself. So occasionally, I would quietly sneak into their room, while they were still awake. My sister slept in a loft bed. At her feet, there was a big chair. My creative brain had invented the ultimate sport: get to that chair without getting noticed by her. This was a incredibly slow process, because my sister would be able to catch me with every potential noise I would make. If she simply turned her head and glanced over at the floor she would see me. Sometimes I would lie down on the floor for minutes without moving. Sometimes I would only move one limb per minute.
At times my brother, who slept in the same room, would spot me during this process. His bed was at a normal height. I would make him into my accomplice by quietly gesturing him to keep quiet. He always played along.
When I finally reached the big chair after a long and dangerous journey from the door, I would silently climb onto it. Quietly holding my breath, I would slowly change my weight from one foot to the other, until I was standing on the arms of the chair in ducked position.
At this point, my sister would still be completely unsuspecting of what was about to happen. She was usually just staring at the ceiling, minding her own thoughts, probably thinking about rainbows and sheep.
Out of nowhere, I would jump from behind her bed and scream. As you can imagine, this caused quite a reaction. It scared the hell out of her, time and time again.
It ended up with me laughing hysterically, thinking I was the most successful and hilarious super ninja in the world, and her needing to calm down after having a heart attack. In my mind I had the mad skills of a spy, which one day would prove to be useful in my future detective career.
Then I would just hang out for a bit. We would talk about whatever was on our minds until she got tired or I got bored and I would leave again.
You might think she hated this, but in fact, she really loved it.
These dark little visits gave me an idea.
I’ve always had a curious mind. So sometimes, in order to make sense of the world around me and prove certain theories, I would make my little sister into my own personal test subject.
I had heard about a certain theory that had caught my interest. Supposedly, you dream of the things that you hear around you during your sleep. This was a fascinating concept. It would mean, that you could influence what others dream about. That was even more exciting than lucid dreaming. I decided to test if it worked.
So one night, after my younger siblings fell asleep, I sneaked into their room.
I decided that the best way to test my theory, was by whispering one word over and over again in my sister’s ear. The next day, I would ask her what she had dreamt about. It was a fail-safe plan.
Great thought went into what word I would use. I thought about using a boy’s name from her school, but this was too big a risk. She might not want to share that with me the next day. It should be a word that normally wouldn’t necessarily be in her dreams, but would be very recognizable.
I decided to go with ‘washing machine’.
My sister was lying in bed. She was already dozing off, when suddenly she heard someone hissing into her ear. She opened her eyes, bewildered.
At this point she realised that I, for some reason, was 1. awfully close to her and 2. repeatedly whispering ‘washing machine’ (with a hypnotic rhythm and tone for effect) into her ear.
While still in the middle of my experiment, my sister had clearly awakened. This wasn’t really part of the plan, but as she was awake now anyways, I eagerly asked her what she dreamt about, just now. I was desperate to know if my experiment had worked.
Anything in particular, like… perhaps… a washing machine?
Disappointed with this new piece of information, I decided to confide in her. I told her of my fantastic experiment. She didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic. Clearly, she just wasn’t the kind of person who would recognise the value and beauty of a good science experiment when it is right in front of her.
Oh well. I figured I just needed to try again another time.
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Haha, I love this post! It’s definitely one of my favourites. Everrr. So much fun to read this from your point of view. I’m so going to save this and treasure it. You can illustrate a book: ‘OHANA adventures, crazy monkeys’. Going to be fun… Can’t wait for the rest of the series. ;)
Haha, I’m definitely considering drawing more ;)
Family stories are the best. This is so sweet and silly!
I loved reading this! You should make a children’s book out of this :D
:D Thanks! I have a lot more stories left, so who knows
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I sighed as I sat on the couch, knowing what was awaiting me this weekend. You wouldn't expect me to be this embarassed. I'm a fairly attractive guy, 18 years old, 6'3, dirty blond hair. I'm athletic, have the honor of being the best heavyweight wrestler at any school I meet with. I make straight A's in high school, even my AP classes, and I have a pretty free ride to college tomorrow. The big problem is my family.

My mom was exiting the door, looking absolutely imposing at 6'6 in those colossal heels she loved to wear, her blond hair in a ponytail and blue eyes covered in thick rimmed glasses as her busines casual clothes did nothing to hide her.

"That's a nice outfit" she said as she adjusted her glasses, pointing at my tight T-shirt and skinny jeans. She bought them for me, of course, I usually like more loose and bright clothing but she thought I looked handsome in them and threatened to spank me right there if I didn't lave in them That's my mom for you, she love to..motivate me like that.

She approaches me slowly as she clears her throat, perfect as ever before looking me in the eye. "Well, Diane will be in charge this weekend. I expect you to be on your best behavior"

I had a hard time hearing that. well with not freaking out when I heard it. I stared down at the carpet and said OK, before she walked up to me and raised my head, making me say "I'll be good" while looking her in the eyes.

Mom always gave Diane preferential treatment, sometimes I have a hard time blaming her. The girl is popular, ambitious, and a prodigy at everything she tries. Still, it would be nice if sometims she stepped in to stop Diane a bit.

Mom called out "Dieane!" to the basemen of our upscale home, and in a moment I heard thepitter patter of tiny feet. in what seemed like seconds she burst through the door and jumped into mom's arms, the two kissing on the lips.

"Tiny" may not be the best word to describe Diane. I mean she was physically small at 5'3 (well, not for her age, but she is my mom's daughter...) but her muscles popped with incredible definition, and she made no secret about this. She was wearing a blue sports bra and matching lycra shorts, along with some wristbands and a sweatband when she jumped on mom. She had obviously been working out pretty hard, she was absolutely coated in fluid, the smell pretty obvious to anyone in the room.

Mom held Diane so lovingly as she purred in her ear "Now, I know Ive had you look after Daniel on afternoons before, bu are you sure you can babysit him for the whole weekend?"

My mom just called her my babysitter! in front of me, like I wasn't even there!

"Of course, mother. I've been able to handle him for quite some time!" she said before kissing my mom again.

She was set down on the floor 'well alright, your sweat is getting all over my nice clothes!" mom said before walking to me while looking over her shoulder at Diane "will you take good care of him"she said as she patted both my shoulders

"I'll make sure not to put him in the hospital. Unless he really earned it" my sister responded. My mom laughed heavily at that before grabbing me under the armpits and lifting me up, she put me in a bear hug and tightened it until I yelped, at which point she loosened it and let me back on the couch.

"Well, be good" she said with a smile as she sauntered out the door, her heels klaking as my sister looked at me and gave the smile.

Diane would often look at me with a very specific, smug smile when she was about to do something mean. The first time I remmeber her using it, she was 9 and I was fifteen. I was an athlete back then, but not AS into weight training, mom made us ar wrestle. She gave me that look right before slamming my arm into the table.

Her lips were a bit plumper now, think she may have been wearing some light make-up, and she had a pink streak in her perfect blond hair. But she looked very much the same as she always did

"So, baby brother" she said with that smile 'What plans do you have for the day?"

"Don't call me that, I'm a legal adult while yoru an adolescent"

"Really?" Diane said smugly, rubbing her chin. her arms popped with muscle, the vascularity bvious from her workout. I wish I could ever be that defined, and I certainly wished to have that kind of mass at twelve (I was a bit of a skinny kid), but her biceps were still huge. Barely over 13" biceps at maximum flex and she loved to show them off.

"But if I'm an adolescent, and your an adult...why did mom leave me in charge here?"

I looked down "She didn't...she was just saying if there was an emergency or something...your not really in charge!"

Dian laughed, it must have been practiced judging by how incredibly graceful and feminine it was, despite being deep and from the bell. her abs, which looked like they were cut an inch deep each, rolled with each laugh as she clutched her belly

"We can see about that" she said as she walked to a cabinet and pulled her phone from teh charger "I could give ehr a call right now, see if she agrees with you. Maybe even have her drive back and explain things in person. That could be fun, couldn't it?"

Suddenly I felt a great fear...I rmemeber how hard mom would always punish me for saying anything disparaging to my sister. I gulped at the threat as I looked down " don't need to do that"

"Why? its really no trouble" she replied with a joyous malice "I could just call her up and we'd see who sh really wants to be in charge"

"No" I said, feeling msyelf loosing already, I looked her in the eyes angrilly "You are. she left you in charge"

"Yay!" she said before breaking into a sprint and tackling me with a hug, making sure that my face got shoved into her sweaty armpit the way she grabbed me, holding me incredibly tightly "Glad we can agree on who's in charge, baby brothr" she said before releasing me. I gasped for air as she gave me a wet kiss on the cheek "So, baby bro...what do you want to do tonight?"

"I have homework" I said I mean, it was technically true, I was pretty caught up but I did have some stuff do at some point the following week. And a Friday night doing calc and Eglish seemed way better than whatever she had in store for me.

"Hmm, alright. But after your finished...we get to have some fun, yeah? maybe you could even make me some dinner?" she said before falling backward, tumbling perfectly onto her back and elbows as she shoved her feet in my face "Or you could give me a foot rub! I really need one!"

The scent of her feet was absolutely overpowering as her pink toenails trailed right under my nose. I recoiled a bit bjut she kept up with me, even grabbing my nose between her toes "Flinching, eh?" she said before lightly slapping my face twice with her other foot 'next time you won't get off so easily"

"Yes...of course...can I do my homework now?"

She was obviously somewhat annoyed by my request, but acquiesced easily enough, getting off of me before sprinting upstairs. She sprinted back down with my backpack.

"well, get it done" sh said as she threw it on the kitchen table, then hopped on the table herself (she had an amazing vertical leap!) before reclining on it

I looked at her, flustered for a moment before she slapped the table "baby brother, you need to do your homework" she said matter-of-factly, er lips beginning to curl into a smile.

I ran to the table quickly, pulling out my books and looking up at her. she was playing on her phone

"Please don't call me that...and could I have some privacy?"

"Baby bro...I only call you that because I love you. And I think, as your baby sitter, its my job to make sure you do your homework"

I looked up angrily, but said nothing. It wasn't worth the argument, not at that articular moment. began pulling out my English homework first, looking up at her occasionally. she was just laying on the table on her phone, texting, playing games, seemingly switching between a few activities. Her legs were spread out, with her feet just close enough to me to give me the occasional whiff of her sweaty gross odor.

I tried to focus on my notes and my book, but her gaze (or rather, occasional glance) made it difficult. she somehow communicated an impatience with her body language...perhaps it was how she kept quietly re-arranging her legs.

I was jealous of her legs, the girl had the calves of an amazon and the thighs of a Goddess!they were cut without looking grotesquely striated, the sweat on her skin only making them look bigger and more defined, with every muscle on the becoming obvious as she changed her position.

I tried not to look up, but she occasionally caught my glances and smirked at me. She didn't need to say anything.

I was pretty close to done when she looked down at one of my note papers

"can the teacher read your handwriting?"

I looked up "yes she can"

"But its so dirty! I man, that's hardly even cursive! are you sure your not just getting A's cus she doesn't want to be bothered with pretending to read your paper?"

"Shut up" I said, before she laughed loudly at me

"You know, baby bro, I'm pretty sure I can write nicer with my feet than you can with your hands"

"That's not true" I said, before she grabbed a pen with her toes and a piece of paper with her other foot and signed her name, of course it turned out beautiful

"Lets see you do better" she smugly challenged

"I'm busy" I said as I tried to return to work

"Then admit your writing sucks and mine is beautiful!"

I probably should have, but then I needed to prove myself. I grabbed her same pen and spent about 12 times longer than her writing my name in cursive. it looked...OK. Nothing like hers. She laughed loudly before snapping a picture.

"hey!" I protested, as she started typing something with her thumbs. I felt a ding in my pocket and pulled out my phone. The picture was on facebook, I looked pretty embarrassed, and the caption read "My baby brother can't write as well as I can with my FEET! What a loser, LOL"

I looked up to say something, but she snatched my phone, placing it next to her "Do homewokr,phone later"

I may have rushed through much of my English homework to get my phone back, bt when I reached out my sister asked

"Is that ALL of it?"

I looked down "No"

"Well, then, baby bro, finish ALL of it and we can give you your phone back"

I sighed as I looked up at her "Its math, I need a calculator"

She smiled brightly and scooted toward me "i can calculate!" she volunteered.

The details were a bit boring, but she quite frankly schooled me. She certainly took after my mom as far as teaching went, always making sure to giggle at me and completely upshow me whenever I made the smallest mistake, and pushing me to work pretty hard. Honestly after a while it just felt natural though, and I think she was genuinely trying to help me at some level.

So it ended with her closing my book "Your pretty good at math, for a boy" she said before playfully punching my arm "But lets face facts, if you have a question you need to ask a girl"

That certainly hurt on some level, but I let out an agreeable laugh as she did the same.

"So" she said, placing a perfectly manicured black fingernail on my nose, hr shoulder muscles exploding in definition and size when she did so "what are you making me for dinner?"

I smiled "You mean what are YOU Making ME?" I asked back in a joking tone.

Surprisingly, she laughed "alright, big boy, you don't wanna make dinner, huh? howabout...challenge me at something and whoever wins gets to do whatever she wants while the loser makes dinner?"

I was impressed by her confidence "Challenge you at what?" I a asked, which was probably a mistake. I like to thin if I used my imagination I could have found SOMETHING I could beat her at.

"I don't know, your always playing some stupid soldier game or another. can't you challenge someone on that?"

"Deal!" I responded and b
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