Forced Public Nudity Stories

Forced Public Nudity Stories


Forced Public Nudity Stories
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I am a 39 y.o British woman. Writing this story still sends shivers down my spine; but i feel i must write it. My humiliation happened nearly 5 years ago when i visited my sister's Spanish hotel. It's a hotel in the middle of nowhere and i was staying there with 8 other guests. One night a terrible thing happened: we were invaded by a gang of teenagers brandishing baseball bats and, one of them, a gun. They turned up on motorbikes late one evening. As i've said my sister's hotel's in the middle of Spanish wilderness so it's an easy target for thieves. Within minutes of them turning up we were all forced by the gang into the main room. We were forced to hand over our valuables and two of the gang went to search the rooms. My sister is quite brave and started questioning the boys (who do they think they are? etc...) this didn't go down well and the one with the gun started waving it in her face. Naturally she backed down. But she had made herself a bit of a target and what came next shocked me to the core. They decided to have their sick amusement while they were waiting. They made my sister walk on all fours and kiss their shoes (a constant threat of the gun made her comply). They made her striip to her underwear in front of all the other guests then hop on the spot and do star-jumps. I couldn't stop myself from saying something at this point - but i really wish i had kept my mouth shut because then they turned on me too. What happened next is the most shocking as the sick teenagers forced us both to remove all our clothes. And i mean everything. It was awful. We were made to stretch and pose in all sorts of humiliating positions in front of them and the other (mainly male) guests. The boys were laughing and mocking us. We tried to cover ourselves with our hands but they would make us throw our hands in the air and run round the room. I have never felt so silly and humiliated; to have my most private parts bared for some sick amusement of lowlife thieves is hard to take. I suppose it was harder for my sister (we don't talk about it) as she had guests staying who were regular patrons
Was there any justice? Was police involved?
In Spain, you don't become a police officer to help people.
The police weren't interested and were very reluctant to even turn up several days after.
I agree, too much enthusiasm for the story. But we're not supposed to say that here, so to the gallows with you.
Same thing I thought, maybe I am a bit morbid but in a situation like that how did they not end up raped?
thats an awful thing to have happen to you. to have your dignity taken from you both like that for no good reason other than to amuse
on a lighter note... being American.. I think we refer to "star-jumps" as "jumping-jacks." (never heard of a star-jump.. but i can assume)
....Why is England so much more logical?
A star jump in America is when you crouch down in a ball, and then jump up - throwing up your arms and kicking out your legs like you're a star, and then you land in a little ball again. If you do a bunch in a row( it's excellent cardio.
Being Texan, those kids would have caught a leg full of buckshot before I went to the heavier shotgun slugs. Some kids like this tried to raid a farm in Texas this week, they went down hard.
Yeah, really, England's logic is the point here.
My definition of "star jumps" are when you bend your knees and squat down, hands touch the ground, then you release and jump straight up, hands reaching for the sky, and repeat. Try doing ten, lol, it's harder than it sounds. But yeah, star jumps. Could be jumping jacks in the case of this story though.
They are actually different things! Jumping jacks are the typical ones where you jump with your feet together and land with them apart and then jump again so they are back together. Star jumps however are where you jump with your feet together on the floor and then in the air you widen them but they land back on the floor together.
How is it more logical? Are you aware that jumping jacks are called that based on a toy called jacks, which happen to look like stars?
How old are the people on Reddit? I never thought I'd have to explain what a jack is...
Why would you think that was an appropriate comment to make?
I'm so sorry this happened. I absolutely cannot imagine.
I really hope there is such thing as karma. Not reddit karma, but please dear universe i hope they get what they deserve and then some karma.
Have you tried talking about it with a professional? Someone that might be able to help cope better?
Were you guys able to report it, identify the bastards?

A discussion area specifically for survivors who suffered physical, emotional, and verbal child abuse. This forum can also be used for Members who suffered sexual abuse at the time of physical, emotional and verbal abuse.
I have major issues with my body. I am, even at my age with 3 kids, in pretty good shape. I was always skinny and athletic. I always had bigger than average boobs and a sexy, curvy butt. My husband adores my body and has never said anything otherwise. The problem is that I feel a deep, deep shame when it comes to my body. I think it was because my parents used nudity as punishment.

I was spanked and spanked brutally, as I have mentioned before, my whole life. When I was little the nudity aspect of the spankings were no big deal. As I got older, they got worse. I remember feeling shame with my clothes off and being bent over around age 8. It was the first time it felt like the embarrassment was part of the punishment, which was one of my parents favourite phrases. The older I got the more humiliating the positions I was spanked in got and the more shame I felt for my body. A standard, happens every week, spanking as a teenager was pants and underwear down or off over one of their laps for the hand the then grabbing my ankles for the belt. Not only was my private and butt hole showing when I bent, they would comment on things like my pubic hair or the color of my butt hole. It was always made known that they saw everything. Worse spankings were done totally nude, with even my boobs on display, and in positions like all 4's on the bed or even the diaper position with my laying on my back and holding my knees to my chest.

I think the most blatant use of nudity was when they made me be naked around the house for 24 hours. This happened a few times, but the one that haunts me the most was when I was 16. I got badly spanked, something like fifty each with the paddle and belt, for a speeding ticket. I was then told I had to work around the house for the next 24 hours and had to be naked. That is humiliating enough at 16, but one of the pastors and his wife was coming for dinner. I was naked, with my badly spanked butt out there for all to see, while they came over for dinner. Not only did they agree with my parents punishment but my mom specifically let them look at, touch the welts on, etc. my butt to show them how good of a spanking I was given. I sat at the table, cleaned the table and did dishes naked in front of them all. I was humiliated more than words can say.

My parents, to this day, believe that nudity and humiliation were part of breaking my will of disobedience. To ask them, they'd do it all the same again.

I think this is why I have some issues with my body even though, not to be arrogant or anything, but I have always been very physically attractive.
Hi juliewr

I'm sorry for what happened to you, the way your parents treated you. It makes sense that their treatment of you would lead you to struggle with body image. Good on you for recognising this. Have you thought on what you could do to help with your body image struggles?

Do write more if you want to, if helpful.
Showing parts was shameful and humiliating. Their comments on top of it crushed me.

They would comment on my pubic hair, my boob size and shape, my butt hole color, my butt cheek is and shape, they would say nasty things like "looks like you don't wipe this nasty crack" or "your butt hole stinks/is so dirty" - though none of that was true.

Humiliation was part of their punishment and it haunts me still.
Hi juliewr. I wrote in one of your other posts and was triggered by the story. I also read your story trying to protect your niece. I am not sure what could be useful to you at this time. To me it was useful to read your story. As always, trauma memories come to me as if they were made up, invented by my imagination. So, remembering what happened to me (spanking, forced sex, etc.) was "unhappy".

I guess I want to say that there is a choice, at least to some degree, of what you think and feel. Their purpose being to humilliate you and your decision not be humilliated. (you could decide to be angry, for example).

In my situation, (a french family) I remember thinking of them with disdain. In this situation they spanked me nude and then ordered me to stand facing the wall (their idea was to make me feel embarassed as other people where around). I had a strong tendency to be very stubborn and proud, so one, I did not really stayed still against the wall, and two, I was not humilliated at all. I was part of this french family for a few years in my late teens and early twenties. (the story is long and horrific, but I am just telling you this one incident). (nudity, spanking, sex, and exposure, were mixed in a confusing way, such as that I did not know if the actions were for sexual pleasure, were a game, or were revenge and hatred, or just the values they had of domination, arrogance, power over, cruelty, etc).

The idea that someone will want intentionally to harm, humilliate, submit, destroy, crush, someone they claim they love to me is confusing, to use a mild world. Love is not related to any of the above words. One of the problems that I find in common for us who have been in the receiving end of abuse is that the abusers' words become bigger than our own voice. And that is something that we have to undo. And the undoing is more like taking off the blindfold, seeing things as they are, stop being dellusional believing the abuser and the medical system that label us as having disorders, and society at large who want to deny, look the other way, blame us, reject us, or simply do not want to hear about it.

Hope this makes some sense to you.
For my parents as I got older the humiliation aspect was raised to meet the physical aspect.

For example, by the time I was a teenager the physical aspect had raised to the point where my butt was bruised and welted with every single spanking...which occurred at least twice a month. I cannot remember much time between ages 8 and 18 where my butt wasn't marked in some way.

To match they raised the humiliation to more nudity, sometimes naked or allowed just a bra...or more humiliating positions like all 4's on the bed, the diaper position, grabbing ankles and spreading legs apart...and also doing more spankings in the kitchen, living room or other places where my siblings would also see them. The humiliation included staying in positions after the spanking ended for a period of time and them talking openly about my spankings with their friends. There were times when I was made to show the marks to their friends and plenty of times when they allowed other people to spank me.

They always said my privates, my boobs, my butt - all belonged to them. My mom's famous saying "If your underwear covers it, it belongs to me as long as you live in my house"
How terrible untruth that you belonged to your mother, or any part of you did!

Last edited by Jonesy on Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi juliewr,

I feel sad for all you went through in childhood. It was truly terrible. Wishing you comfort and clarity as you remember and process it.

That was abuse, and you shouldn't have been treated like that.
Part of this is that the made sure the nudity wasn't just them seeing me. To this day I really struggle with that.

It was one thing got my sisters to see me, they did a lot and I saw them too. It was another for my friends, there were several friends I was spanked with or in front of.

The worst was when other adults saw me. The parents friends who spanked me of course saw me. A few different times I remember part of my punishment was being naked for 24 hours in the house. Once I was 11 and once I was 16. The time I was 11 a friend of my mom's was over all day as I was made to do chores naked around the house with a very badly spanked butt. When I was 16, another couple came over for dinner and I was naked with a beaten butt too. I remember my parents basically showing off their spanking skills by having me show the marks on my butt to the couple. I talked about that above.
Hi juliewr

My heart hurts for what you have been through. The way you were treated was deliberate shaming and very abusive. It doesn't surprise me you are struggling with all this now.

Do you have someone, like a T, to share these things with?

Keep writing, as much as helps you.

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An appalled Hong Kong hotel guest captured the scandalous moment two shameless couples decided to get jiggy with it in the facility’s jacuzzis. A video of their hot tub hanky-panky session is blowing up online.
“I did not expect to see people doing this when I stood on my balcony,” the unnamed videographer told Viral Press of the lecherous quartet’s aquatic romp. The NSFW double date went down July 1 in a high-rise hotel room in the North Point area of the Vertical City.
The steamy 35-second clip, filmed from the cameraman’s veranda, shows an unidentified man performing a randy sex act on a woman in an open-air hot tub a floor below in full view and earshot of the surrounding rooms. In both shots, the woman is seen enjoying a bowl of noodles, bringing a whole new meaning to “send noods.”
The footage then zooms in on the second pair of lovebirds, who are seen having intercourse in another — thankfully enclosed — hot tub like a scene out of the Playboy Bunny Ranch. If that wasn’t bad enough, families can be seen splashing about on the ground floor, apparently oblivious to the salacious antics transpiring above.
Needless to say, the hotel horndogs could apparently face serious jail time for their whirlpool romance.
Hong Kong lawyer Albert Luk Wai-hung told local media that public sex is illegal.
“A person who, without lawful authority or excuse, in any public place or in view of the public, indecently exposes any part of his body, shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on conviction of a fine and imprisonment for up to six months,” he said.
Unfortunately, the official said the videographer could also be penalized for filming the sordid display: “Further to this rule, the video taker may have also violated the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance and could be duly punished.”
However, the cameraman maintains that he had filmed the couple as a favor to law enforcement.
“‘The rooms were not private,” he insisted. “They were aware that other hotel guests could see them. This is why I recorded their inappropriate behavior.”
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