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一个达达利亚不停雷普钟离直到他生孩子,不情不愿地当妈妈的故事(直球)。 第二人称,架空七国王朝,达达利亚是至冬将领,钟离是璃月皇子;ABO,监禁、强制受孕、强制生子。 本人愧对钟离、愧对璃月,恨不得自己罢免了自己!
It is gonna be a wild ride, but bare with me. We Last in the Moonlight is going to have four main ships it is going to focus on. Those being: Aj Campos/Juliette Fairmont, Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Eleven/Max, and Deena/Sam. There is going to be a lot of darkness. Each character is going to have a background story that is explained overtime. The first chapter is going to be background lore I came up with. I will try to put TW on chapters that are darker than others. I'm not great at Summaries, sorry.
Aj and Gabriela Campos are part of a lycan lineage that dates back centuries. They have just turned 16, the age that their powers start coming out. Robin has some secrets that she cannot tell anyone. Max is living in a scary home. Sam is missing for weeks before anyone cares to notice. Juliette is learning to control her thirst while denying her birthright. Nancy is a monster hunter and a good shot. Deena is a depressed band geek, stuck on her ex. What happens when their worlds collide in ways, none of them thought possible. SLOWBURNS! Good Luck
While dreams are nothing more than insignificant messages from an unconscious past for other, they represent the vision of an unexpected future for the life they had to live for Chuuya and Dazai.
A happy ending after a cry for help.
Therefore, their meeting will never have been a coincidence. That both understand that, it will be quite a journey.
Passed over as heirs when their father the king remarries. Marianne And Dawn are usurped and traded away in arranged marriages to the Northern Barbarian King. A man with a monstrous reputation. Things are not what they expected nor what they hoped for. This is a rewrite of "A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse", completely overhauled and revised.
being a new villain was horrible. Your team left you, and Pro hero Dynamight is hot on your trail. The only questions echoing in your mind are: What does he want? How long does he plan to keep you? And how long do you have before you break completely to his will?
Please heed the tags! Summary can be found inside.
Drabbles for problematic ship requests.
Update: I can't add any new tags, but each chapter has warnings and is named after each ship.
Killua's parents offer him an ultimatum: Return home and continue as the Zoldyck heir until he produces another silver-haired, blue-eyed Zoldyck child to take over his position. Because of course that is a choice- by Zoldyck standards.
That fuck or die trope with Zoldyck liberally slathered on it, short chapters because very little plot and much smut.
Disclaimer! This fic was fuelled by pure hatred. So much that I can still feel it boiling in my veins. Expect torture porn sometime in the future- I will warn ahead when it comes.
As he's busy wondering how to engineer his scum Shizun's downfall, Luo Binghe accidentally learns something extremely interesting about Shen Qingqiu and immediately pounces on the opportunity to drag the lofty Peak Lord by utterly destroying everything he believed about his very being.
Of course, the ascendant Junshang gaining an Empress worthy of him is nothing but a coincidence. Truly.
Luna is taking a night walk, and ends up finding herself trapped by the basilisk.
Once again, this is extremely fucked up, the description and tags should be a pretty good indicator of what you are expected to find...
What they saw was a good guy, a victim, a friend… but only fools would fall for his act.
After the death of his dear shijie, Wei Wuxian can't take it anymore and he jumps down the cliff only to see that Lan Wangji jumped after him and then a voice in his head rings: “Welcome to the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. I am your system. Your username is Protagonist nr. 1. Your character name is Wei Ying, his courtesy name is Wuxian and his title is Yiling Laozu. You will transmigrate back to before being found by the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.” Then, he is found by Xie Lian and adopted by HuaLian. Keeping the memories of his previous life, not reincarnating properly, how long can he hold his secret? Can he change his destiny this time? Who else transmigrated with him? How about the Yin Iron? Hua Cheng chased the object for four centuries but why couldn't he obtain it?
One moment for his friends to look away.
Spencer gets taken. Hotch and the team have to find him.
-OR- Spencer becomes a sex slave on an island in China. The team has to find him.
2022 May Whump Spencer Reid challenge, here we go (long-form. the true whump is yet to come).
Fordítás Harry Potter halott. A háborút követően Voldemort a varázsvilági hatalmának megerősítése érdekében újratelepítési kísérletet indít. Hermione Granger a Rend titkát őrzi, amely elveszett, de az ő elméjében rejtőzik, ezért rabszolga béranyaként küldik a Helytartóhoz, amíg az elméjét fel nem törik.
Work was kicking my ass which is why this is a little later than I would have liked to start working on these, but! Here's the next round of ten pieces again! I'm also now officially on vacation, so hopefully, there will be a lot more writing happening now I've got some time to myself! --- I, EwNasty, do not give my permission for my work to be posted or hosted on any third-party website or app.
“Don’t ever raise your voice in front of your Alpha”
“Don’t ever deny your Alpha intimacy”
“If Your Alpha wants pups, you are not to say no.”
“By mating the Alpha, you will surrender your will, your body, and your mind to the said alpha”
“You are to treat your alpha above yourself “
“If you deny your duties, your alpha has the power to punish you as he sees fit”
The omegas in the Jeon household are like no other. They are the essence of elegance, beauty, and obedience. The Omegas who mate the Head Alphas of the pack come from high and Nobel families. They are loved and cherished by the pack. But there are certain rules that the Omegas need to follow. To maintain their bond with the head alpha and gain respect in the pack, a Jeon omega is expected to follow some peculiar rules. Whether they like it or not.
When Harry Potter gets very attached to one of his students. He doesn't act slow on it, instead he decided to do the worst for you.
Unfortunately that was something so good for him that he didn’t want to stop, he never wanted him to stop. He wanted, no he needed you to be his forever.
Mob Boss Jazz wants Barricade... for less friendly reasons than the young enforcer might think.
Rating, Tags and Characters will be added as they come...
Na Jaemin was a dangerous man. He doesn’t like it when he is being defied. His presence alone makes one shiver. Na Jaemin was a determined man. Once his heart sets on something he loves, he goes for it. Na Jaemin was a possessive and possibly even obsessive man. This side of him was triggered by a certain Omega. Lee Jeno. Na Jaemin was a dangerous man because he will kill someone if anyone gets in his way between him and the Omega. Na Jaemin was a determined man because he will do whatever it takes to make the Omega as his. Na Jaemin was a possessive and possibly even obsessive man because his love and desire for Lee Jeno is equivalent to how humans need air.
Catra is the princess of the Horde, a powerful kingdom, spreading terror and misery to the rest of the nations of Etheria. Her mother, Light Spinner, a wicked sorceress, is trying to rule over the whole world but she finds a strong warrior.. a knight coming by the name Shera, who is preventing her plans from becoming true. Would she go this far to use her daughter to push her enemy out of her way during the still peaceful days? Will Catra lure the knight away for her mother to succeed her goals?


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Like the beginning of some bubbly Hollywood rom-com, Sara* and Mark met in a postgrad science class. They hit it off early in the semester, but Sara - who, at 36, was more than a decade older than Mark - was hesitant when he asked her out. He won her over, and very quickly the two shared their dreams of becoming doctors and starting a family together; in fact, Mark talked excitedly about having kids with Sara just months into dating. After he proposed, Sara says, he became obsessed with getting her pregnant: He called her "the baby maker." When she confided that one of her fallopian tubes was blocked, he insisted that she visit a fertility doctor before their wedding so they could get started as soon as they exchanged vows. She thought his focus on the medical side of conception was a little intense, but sweet. "I had finally met a great guy who was eager to start a family with me," she says. "What woman wouldn't fall for that?" Mark's fixation on expanding their family intensified when they returned from their honeymoon. His plans, however, were put on hold when Sara needed emergency back surgery. The baby talk cooled off temporarily, but six months into her recovery, he pressured her to begin in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, even though her doctor thought that waiting a year would be more prudent. "I wasn't into getting pregnant right then," Sara says. "I wanted to start a family, just not after major surgery - I was in a ton of pain. But I went along with it to make him happy." Soon she was pregnant, but miscarried. When he found out she'd lost the baby, Mark grabbed her by the neck and choked her. He apologized for the attack and blamed the outburst on his grief. He was so inconsolable that Sara reluctantly signed on for another round of IVF. "He kept saying, 'I've got to get a baby in there,'" she says. His parents also talked nonstop about it, and showered her with cute onesies the moment her next pregnancy test came back positive. Mark spoiled her, buying gifts and making grocery runs at all hours to get organic treats for her. But when she lost that baby too, he grew increasingly controlling of her life, demanding that she quit dancing, her favorite hobby, to focus solely on renovating their home for the baby that he knew they would eventually have. Then he pushed her to start round three of IVF. Sara put him off with any excuse she could think of, telling him that her doctors said she needed to gain weight before they tried again. In response, he demanded that she get on the scale every week, and he stocked the fridge with food to fatten her up. "It hurt that all I was good for was getting pregnant," she says now, crying. "All he wanted from me was to have his babies." Finally, after Mark screamed at her that he'd replace her with a $10-an-hour maid if she couldn't get pregnant, Sara fought back and told him what she'd known for months: that she no longer wanted to have his child. Mark lost it. He destroyed their bedroom furniture and threatened her with a gun; then he pushed her down the stairs. She fled, eventually ending up at a domestic violence shelter. That's where she first heard about "reproductive coercion," a term recently coined by domestic violence advocates to describe the treatment Sara had endured for years. Doctors and advocates are just beginning to untangle the stories of women like Sara, who are victims of this largely overlooked - but by no means new - form of abuse, in which men pressure their partners to have kids or impregnate them against their will. "We often talk about women 'trapping' men, but the opposite is happening more than we realize," says Elizabeth Miller , M.D./Ph.D., a researcher who is leading this new field of study at the University of California Davis School of Medicine . Reproductive coercion comes in a variety of forms: men like Mark, who exert psychological and emotional pressure that escalates into verbal and physical abuse, or men who sabotage their partner's birth control by doing things like poking holes in condoms or flushing her pills down the toilet. And then, of course, there's marital rape.
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