Forced Male Nudity

Forced Male Nudity


Forced Male Nudity

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A former New Jersey teacher has been accused of sexually harassing students for years — turning one of the nation’s most prestigious boarding schools into an X-rated boot camp, complete with naked pushups, situps and jumping jacks.
Bruce Presley, 79, was working at the elite Lawrenceville School near Trenton when the alleged harassment took place between 1960-1984.
He was a teacher and housemaster at the time, and — according to his victims — used his power to punish male students however he pleased.
Instead of giving them detention and other basic forms of discipline, Presley allegedly asked his pupils to perform “exercises” in the nude, for up to 30 minutes straight on some occasions. The “punishments” would either take place in the shower or immediately after.
Presley — now an entrepreneur and prominent member of the LGBT community living in South Florida — often acted like he wasn’t watching the students during the exercises, but at least six people say they knew for a fact that he was.
They described their encounters with the teacher-turned-philanthropist in a report last week, published by South Florida Gay News .
“It was extremely orchestrated,” explained John Watkin, now 59. “He tried to conceal it a little bit. He pretended to look at a newspaper. I guess he held it there so he wouldn’t come across as a blatant pervert.”
Watkin claims he knows of at least 15 young men who were sexually harassed by Presley, including himself. They were all between the ages of 17 and 18.
“He made it so nonchalant, like this happens every day,” Watkin said.
All of the teens that Presley allegedly “punished” were living in his on-campus house at Lawrenceville, which was an all-boys school at the time.
“Mr. Presley’s conduct towards our former students is abhorrent, unacceptable, and contrary to all the values of Lawrenceville,” the school said in a statement to . “We offer our heartfelt sympathy and apologies to those affected by his behavior.”
While none of the victims who spoke to SFGN accused Presley of sex abuse, they said his behavior left them emotionally scarred.
“It ruined my life,” said former student Brent McCowan, 58. “It caused me a lifetime of pain.”
McCowan said his worst memory of Presley came after he was caught sneaking off campus without permission. The housemaster had arraigned for his “punishment” to go down early one morning — at around 4 a.m. to be exact.
“It was very strange to me,” McCowan said. “I was in a vulnerable place and I felt very uncomfortable.”
Presley had knocked on his door wearing nothing but a white bathrobe — and allegedly ordered him to exercise in the shower, butt-naked.
“I hesitated. I thought, ‘What the f–k is this?’ But I started the situps,” McCowan recalled. “I sat down on the tile. I did two or three while he watched me. I was suddenly overcome with this overwhelming anxiety and discomfort.”
The young man quickly got up and left, telling Presley: “I’m not doing any more. You can suspend me.”
A few months later, he wound up getting caught again — prompting a second run-in with the housemaster.
“We found you off campus a second time. Meet me in my apartment at 10 p.m. after lights out,” Presley allegedly told him.
“I was scared he was going to have sex with me,” remembered McCowan. “So I thought, ‘Screw this I am out of here.’”
The teen immediately fled Lawrenceville and quit school, vowing never to come back to the Garden State. He moved to West Palm Beach before eventually settling down in Texas.
For most of Presley’s alleged victims, they said it was the recent #MeToo and Time’s Up movements that helped give them the courage to come forward and share their stories.
Thus was the case for former Lawrenceville student Guy Dorgan, who was the first to approach SFGN about the accusations.
He said he reached out to the paper because he was upset that women were accusing men of sexual harassment or abuse and not being believed.
“I understood why they waited so long. It’s embarrassing,” Dorgan said, noting how many victims wait until they see something that “provokes them.”
“Throughout the last eight years I would Google [Presley]. I once saw an article about him working with younger people, and I thought, ‘That’s not a good situation.’”
Dorgan added, “I just kept thinking about it.”

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HBO's Beforeigners takes a hard stance regarding full-frontal male nudity, not shying away from letting it all hang out for the caveman, Navn.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 1 of HBO's Beforeigners .
HBO's Beforeigners doesn't pull any punches when it comes to sociopolitical topics such as refugees, xenophobia and classism as it details the story of temporally displaced migrants arriving in the present. These individuals are coming over from the Viking era, the Bohemian era and the Stone Age, and have to adapt, conform and integrate if they're to survive in society.
However, one of the most startling aspects in Season 1 comes with the show's take on full-frontal male nudity, one that puts the Watchmen series, and heck, even Zack Snyder's controversial movie, to shame.
Right off the bat, it's apparent there's no CGI involved, everything the audience sees is real, albeit HBO sticks to the idea that flaccid penises are acceptable on TV because they're perceived to be non-threatening. And boy, does this show take that notion to heart with the Stone Ager known as Navn Ukjent (Oddgeir Thune), which translates in Norwegian to "name unknown." That's the name he took after the authorities discovered him when he arrived through a time hole in a Norwegian lake and when we first meet him, naked and hunting, it's a tad funny because it's evident that the series just wants to keep him in his caveman element: unclothed, raw and real.
He's killing rabbits nude, sneaking up his fashion designer wife up at their mansion and even waltzing through parties in his birthday suit, because that's just what men like him do. It's their primal nature and who they were always meant to be. A lot of it has to do with his ego because he doesn't see the need to bend to humanity right now, seeing as he's conquering this kingdom he's in, helping run a kidnapping and prostitute ring. He has a trawling company called Cro Magnon that abducts time migrants from the seas and sells them into servitude, with politicians alongside with him to keep the ring going.
And when the show's lead cops, Lars (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and the Viking detective Alfhildr (Krista Kosonen) arrive to investigate him, Navn still doesn't suit up, showing the audience he's as masculine as they get -- bare and flaunting his member in their faces. That's just his style and it's admittedly a consistent element of the show because even when he meets with associates, the audience continues to see everything. The camera angles really appear NC-17 at times, though, and as the show wears on, it almost feels like there's too much nudity. The show even takes some liberties the Watchmen property on HBO couldn't afford to do with Doctor Manhattan, wanting a mainstream audience to continue to watch.
The fact the audience sees him naked and getting beaten up by a soldier as she too investigates the deaths of prostitutes kind of says it all. No matter what, the show doesn't take itself seriously in that it has to censor what a caveman should be about. Navn simply doesn't believe in clothes, not even animal skin, which is so ironic that his wife has a successful clothing line. All he cares about his being king of his domain and a major part of that is letting it all hang out, no matter what the situation is or who is in front of him. Even when his story peters out and his criminal associates have him killed, it's all done in the nude with nothing held back.
Beforeigners is currently streaming on HBO Now and HBO Go, with new episodes scheduled to be released every Tuesday in the US.
I'm a former Chemical Engineer. It was boring so I decided to write about things I love. On the geek side of things, I write about comics, cartoons, video games, television, movies and basically, all things nerdy. I also write about music in terms of punk, indie, hardcore and emo because well, they rock! If you're bored by now, then you also don't want to hear that I write for ESPN on the PR side of things. And yes, I've written sports for them too! Not bad for someone from the Caribbean, eh? To top all this off, I've scribed short films and documentaries, conceptualizing stories and scripts from a human interest and social justice perspective. Business-wise, I make big cheddar (not really) as a copywriter and digital strategist working with some of the top brands in the Latin America region. In closing, let me remind you that the geek shall inherit the Earth. Oh, FYI, I'd love to write the Gargoyles movie for Disney. YOLO. That said, I'm on Twitter @RenaldoMatadeen . So holler.
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Male Modesty Violation Cases

We have listed some cases where patient modesty was not respected
in medical settings. If you have a case where your patient
modesty or wishes for an all same gender team were not respected
and you'd like to share, you can fill out the patient
modesty violation form .

I wish I had discovered this website sooner, else I could have avoided the traumatic experience both my wife and I are still enduring. But, unfortunately, my unwavering trust and faith in medical personnel led me to unquestioningly follow their directives.

I had a venous ablation outpatient procedure done in an o.r. The surgeon showed me in advance where she would be making small incisions: below the knee and about mid-thigh. I was horrified to learn after I got home after the procedure that the disposable underwear they had given me had been cut off and my entire abdominal region along with both sides of my groin had been shaved. Nobody ever mentioned that I was going to be exposed and shaved. I certainly did not consent to this. I further discovered that this procedure is more typically done in a more relaxed office or surgical suite environment while using local anesthesia. I am absolutely livid to learn that I did not have to endure the traumatic experience of being sedated, including the use of Versed, in an operating room. I also would not have had to remove my underwear and endure the indignity of having my groin exposed and shaved. The surgeon never mentioned anything about the surgical suite option with local anesthesia. When I asked her during a follow up, she danced around the issue. Her only response was to ensure me that everyone in the operating room was a professional. It`s not about her or the individuals in the room. It`s about the fact that I was denied the ability to give informed consent. Had I known of all of my options, I would never have agreed to let this surgeon at a university hospital perform this procedure. Furthermore, it seems nobody knew exactly why I was shaved. It took a series of complaints and a subsequent investigation to find out that it is a hospital directive that all patients undergoing venous procedures are to have their groins shaved so that the bandage will stick. The surgeon never mentioned anything about my groin, and I was not incised there, so there was no bandage. This investigation also revealed that this surgeon typically gives her patients the option of having procedures done in a surgical suite at another location within the city, but that they were closed due to Covid, as were all facilities to non-emergency procedures. She never mentioned this to me at all or gave me the option to wait until they were open. I had to reschedule my procedure anyway after Covid. I certainly could have waited for the suites to open. After calling this location, I learned they were only closed for a few weeks anyway. To make matters even worse, my unnecessary exposure and shaving of my groin has triggered PTSD in my wife. She was molested by a doctor as a pre-teen, and now the sight of me causes flashbacks. Therefore, this surgeon and her staff have denied me the ability to protect myself, my wife, and our marriage by failing to properly and completely inform and prepare me for a surgery that didn`t even work anyway. My leg ulcer is still gaping and bleeding. My varicose veins are still prevalent. And my leg is more swollen now than it was before the procedure. It`s been a year, and I am still having to seek medical assistance. My wife and I really hope a team of bold lawyers and law makers will step up and help people like us. Hospitals and the medical profession in general are in desperate need of sweeping reform that will protect individuals, especially those who have endured sexual abuse like my wife.

Date Submitted: 5/10/2021

i had open heart surgery and was told to watch a video of what to expect in pre op. the video was a complete deception as to what was going to happen. once inside the pre op doors my wife was lead off to a waiting room with no fore knowledge or explanation why they would be stripping me of my support person. my fear at this point only grew and i was lead to the prep area by myself. i was told to strip and get in a gown and was asked several questions including if i had any personal or faith based concerns and i told her yes i didn`t want to be seen or touched by a female intimately for religious reasons and that i was very modest at that she said that i needed to leave my modesty at the door. i was told at the doctors office not to shave my chest but no other shaving was mentioned. at that point I was told that my chest and genitals would be shaved and the moment she said that another women came though the curtain lifted my my covering exposed me without saying a word and began to shave me. i was humiliated and embarrassed and then suffered dissociative amnesia from the trauma of what was happening to me. later it became clear why my wife was not with me that would have been weird and awkward for them if my wife was there but it didn`t seam to matter to them how i felt. i suffer PTSD to this day because of that. they promise in their oath to do no harm yet they send broken people home

jeffrey fox
Date Submitted: 12/12/2020

I entered the room where they prep you with 4 women. I was told to get undressed & put a robe on. They were waiting & looking at me to do it. I ask them to wait outside the door & they laughed then went out. I was told to remove my underwear. I did. When they come in I was told to lay back on the bed. One of the female nurses approached me with an electric razor and started to lift up my robe. 2 other women were still in the room watching. I ask for a male nurse and received no response. She leaned on me and tried to force the robe off my groin. I held the robe over my private parts & let her shave. She was very upset. She wanted me exposed. It was humiliating. I don`t understand why I wasn`t told to shave before I arrived. I could of done a better job of it & not be put thru all this. I was so mad & upset . 8 hours later I was told it was my turn. I was brought to the OR. 2 males & one female were in with me. I was told to lift my robe up by the female & I said no. I ask for her to leave while I was getting this done. When I ask them to keep me covered the
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