Forced Lactation

Forced Lactation


Forced Lactation
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Hey everyone, this might be a little weird. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to force lactation without being pregnant? I have good nipples for lactation and I live a clean lifestyle. I was thinking about trying to force lactation to donate breast milk since we are still in a formula shortage. Is this a thing? Iā€™m sorry if this sounds foolish. I just feel really sad for the desperate parents who are trying to feed their babies. ā˜¹ļø
It is possible to induce lactation. However, it requires several months of medicines to make the body think itā€™s been pregnant. Itā€™s a kind urge, but I suspect it is not helpful, and that the crisis will be mostly resolved by the time you could actually start making milk.
It is possible, but not quick or easy. The Newman-Goldfarb protocol is the most common way, if you want to read up on it some more. Definitely something to be done under the supervision of a medical professional.
Not foolish at all, itā€™s a wonderful thought. I donā€™t know how it is done, but if itā€™s possible I wish you all the best!
Most women can induce lactation without taking hormones, however, they may have low to very low supply. A previous pregnancy can reduce the time required significantly as the acini are already matured, just dormant. Inducing requires time and dedication. How much time? It is different for each person. Most can induce in about 8 weeks presuming a previous pregnancy. If never pregnant before, it may take several months. How to induce? The Goldfarb/Newman protocols are a good starting point. Basically, use a breast pump and/or suckling plus massage 8 times daily for about 15 to 20 minutes per session. A combination of suckling plus massage (most effective) or breast pump plus massage (second most effective) give best results. If never pregnant, the Goldfarb/Newman protocol with BC hormones for about 3 or 4 months is highly suggested. Basically, take an active BC tablet (Yasmin .3 is often recommended) daily for 3 months, then start taking Domperidone plus BC plus pumping for another month, then drop the BC and pump 8X daily while continuing with Domperidone. Most who follow this protocol produce 30 to 40 ounces daily which is about as much as normal lactation after giving birth.
Breastfeeding tends to increase the amount of milk produced over time. Also, each pregnancy tends to increase the amount produced.
I know this sounds a bit odd, but these people really do have the best advice on inducing lactation.
There are a couple of posts in the link about obtaining Domperidone from AIPCTSHOP or from a couple of other suppliers. AIPCTSHOP also offers Yasmin in the correct dosage. Do your due diligence, I'm not a doctor and don't give medical advice!
How much is "normal"? Women breastfeeding a baby usually produce about 24 to 48 ounces daily. A newborn may only drink 14 to 16 ounces per day gradually increasing to 7 months old needing 30 to 40 ounces daily. By 15 months old, a baby may want more than many women produce requiring supplemental feeding. What is the world record? One woman diagnosed with hyperlactation produces 7 quarts (224 ounces) daily at her peak. She holds the record for most donated milk!
You can definitely do forced lactation people do it all the time for adopted baby, if a partner carries a child the other one will breast feed. Best thing to do is talk to a lactation consultant and see if itā€™s even worthwhile and what steps youā€™ll need to do they will can help you and answer all questions you need answered.
You'll need to go through intensive hormone therapy first, nice thought though! Nice to hear you have good nipples :)

From Let the Bond Flow - The Lactation Wiki: Info about Inducing Lactation, Adult Nursing Relationships, Adult Breastfeeding, and much more!


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This page contains videos and pictures (warning:NSFW) that show what an ANR/ABF lifestyle would potentially look like. A pregnancy is not necessary; some ladies start the inducing process to increase their bust size or to become more intimate with their partner .

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By Me & Qi

May 14, 2021

An Adult Nursing Relationship (often abbreviated ANR) is when one partner regularly suckles milk from the breasts of the other. It needs to be regular becauseĀ the continued production of breast milk is driven byĀ the constant removal of breast milk.
ANRs often start when the suckling partner takes over the suckling from a breastfeeding baby. However sometimes it starts by inducing lactation in the partner's breasts. The purpose of this article is to explain how to successfully do so.
There are basically two ways to induce lactation ANR: with or without an intake of hormones . Let's look at both as well as cover some of the common questions:
The basic principle of inducing lactation with hormones is to trick the body into thinking there was a pregnancy that came to term . It's the so-calledĀ Newman-Goldfarb protocols for inducing lactation.Ā You do this by taking the three main hormones that control the development of lactation during pregnancy:Ā progesterone, estrogen and prolactin .Ā 
We wrote an article that details the procedure . Inducing lactation ANR typically takes time and the longer the process, the more likely you are to successfully induce or force lactation . Ideally you should go for a process that takes 90 days . This can be too long and tedious for some people so we've detailed steps based on how much time you're ready to dedicate to the process:
The basic process is the same no matter the timeline. In a nutshell, you need to take the birth control pill (since it contains bothĀ progesterone and estrogen) together with Domperidone or ReglanĀ (which induce prolactin hormone) during a certain length of time. At some point, when your breasts have grown enough, you need to suddenly stop taking the birth control pill and start pumping (or getting your breasts suckled) regularly. Refer to ourĀ our more detailed articles for the whole procedure.
Milk Boost TeaĀ is a natural herbal tea that supports lactation
To help create your milk supply, you can drink galactagogue teas such as Milk Boost Tea . It's packed with 13 different natural plants that each play a role in supporting lactation. These plants have literally been used for millennia to help support lactation.
Milk Boost Tea is a natural herbal tea that supports lactation
For instance among its ingredients isĀ Dong Quai , a root also known as the "female ginseng" for its wide range of health benefits for women. It also contains Sponge gourds (Loofah) , famous for their ability to facilitate lactation. Yet another example is Longan , a fruit that has a great ability to nourish the Blood and relieve fatigue.
Inducing lactation naturally without hormones or any medication is more complicated and less effective . We recommend you only go for this method if you've already lactated in the not too distant past as it increases the chances of it working.
If you've never lactated in the past, the chances of this method working are remote, with some but few successful cases.
We wrote an article detailing the method . BasicallyĀ without hormones inducing lactation is all about pumping, suckling and stimulating your breasts.Ā Frequency is the most important . You basically need toĀ to pump or get your breasts suckledĀ every 3 hoursĀ (with at least 1 pumping/suckling session at night) until you lactate.
Same as with hormones, you can help yourself during the process by drinking galactagogue teas such as Milk Boost Tea . It's only made of plants so it's a natural way to help your body prep itself for lactation.
It's crucial that while you try to induce lactation you stay away from the birth control pill . The birth control pill contains bothĀ progesterone andĀ estrogen, 2 hormones that in effect suppress lactation.Ā In fact make sure to stay away fromĀ any medication that contains or leads to the production ofĀ progesterone andĀ estrogen.
Again please refer to our detailed article if you want all the steps involvedĀ in inducing lactation without hormones.
Not only is breast milk safe for adults to drink, it might even have previously unknown health benefits.Ā 
One of the main functions of breast milk is to develop a baby's immune system. To do so it isĀ full of antibodies and white blood cellsĀ that help your little one fight off bacteria and diseases. Scientists have found instances when, if the baby is fighting a bacterial or viral attack,Ā white blood cells numbers can increase up to 94% out of total cells in breast milk 1 !Ā 
This high concentration in antibodies and white blood cells is why itĀ might be helpful to immunosuppressed individualsĀ such asĀ cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, the elderly or anyone fighting an infectious disease.
Some scientific studies 2 also suggest that breast milkĀ might help those suffering fromĀ ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease and other digestive issues . It makes sense, not only does breast milk build a baby's immune system, it also builds their digestive system. It therefore stands to reason it might help fix adults' digestive problems.
Of course always make sure toĀ drink breast milk from a source you trust . Some diseases can be transmitted via breast milk such as HIV. You need to make sure the person you drink breast milk from has a clean bill of health.
ANRs are more common than you think. A scientific survey in the UK found that out of the 1,690 British men surveyed a third had drunk their wife's breast milk, often at the breast. Most gave a genuine emotional need as their motivation. 3
For the breast milk provider the benefits and motives vary. Some women use ANRs as a way to induce lactation for their baby . They might have an adopted baby for instance. Rather than pump they let their partner suckle on their breasts to try and force lactation for the baby.
ANRs give comfort and ease to both participants. For theĀ breast milk provider it isĀ as if she is the thoughtful mother caring for her child. For the receiverĀ they feel like a baby fed in their mother's arms.
It also often has an erotic purpose .Ā Breasts, and especially nipples, are highly erogenous zones. Women who get their breasts suckled by their partner can be let to experience orgasms from the stimulation. The receiver can also be aroused from the suckling.
Another benefit can be to balance milk supply between breasts if there is an uneven supply issue. Sometimes breastfeeding babies get up to 95% of their milk from one breast only because the other produces less milk. Getting their partner to suckle on the problematic breast can help stimulate it to increase its milk flow.
Lastly, breastfeeding is a pretty effective way to lose weight as we describe in this article .Ā 
This is not something people often talk about openly. However, there are about 100K people searching in English about ANRs in Google each month, a sign it's more common than one might think .
As soon as both partners are willing it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's not bad for health, physical or mental , on the contrary.Ā Talk about it openly with your partner to figure out what you would like to achieve and don't let fear of societal standards stop you!
Of course, again, always make sure youĀ drink breast milk from a source you trust . You do not want to catch some of the diseases that can also be transmitted via breast milk.
1. Hassiotou F, Hepworth AR, Metzger P, et al. Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk. Clin Transl Immunology. 2013;2(4):e3. Published 2013 Apr 12. doi:10.1038/cti.2013.1
2. Eyal Klement, Regev V Cohen, Jonathan Boxman, Aviva Joseph, Shimon Reif, Breastfeeding and risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review with meta-analysis, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 80, Issue 5, November 2004, Pages 1342ā€“1352,
3. Rogers, Lois (13 March 2005). "Earth dads give breast milk a try". The Sunday Times. Retrieved 15 May 2021.

Article tags:

Breastfeeding and maternity

Taking Ibuprofen while breastfeeding

Baby milk intake charts: feeding guide...

Mar 17, 2021

Inducing lactation for your partner (ANR)

May 14, 2021

Adult breastfeeding: a how-to

May 29, 2021

Pictures of clogged milk ducts, blebs...

Jul 07, 2021

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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