Forced Incest Captions

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Open Discussions About Sexual Abuse and Incest.

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You are entering a forum that contains discussions of abuse, some of which are explicit in nature. The topics discussed may be triggering to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum. If you are posting about actions of yours which you feel are/were abusive please post about this in The Remorse Forum . If you have been falsely accused of abusing someone please post in the For Those Falsely Accused of Abusing thread . Please also note that discussions about Incest in this forum are only in relation to abuse. Discussions about Incest in a non-abusive context are not allowed at PsychForums. Thank you for your cooperation. The Mod Team

I was 5. I used to go on "walks" with this family friend. he was very nice and told me we had to play a secret game, that it was normal and everybody does it. so he touched me, performed oral sex on me. I remember liking it and being happy afterwards. it's my fault I should've known it was wrong. I should've said something. instead I did it to others my age, I stayed with these thoughts for so long wanting to do it again at 8 years old. I knew things I shouldn't it would always impress my friends. Now as a teenager I look back and I never want to think about sex again. I want to suppress all my dirty fantasies that he gave me. he stole my childhood he made me a perverted young girl. I want purity and innocence. I want to start over. I also want to kill him. I want to make him pay for my social anxiety, for my borderline personality disorder, for everything that's wrong with me. my grades were always so low, I started drinking and using early. he messed me up. I messed myself up by liking it. I never told anyone about our secret game. but I want to tell now. why did I like it ? why did I do it to my classmates ? why am I like this ?

Last edited by Snaga on Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Trigger earning added

You liked it because its a natural response. Your body responded, your child-mind liked the attention and time he spent with you. I was groomed by my step-father and molested at five also. He made me feel special. Twenty four years later, after therapy, I'm finally healed. I still have work to do. I still cry in pain for all the years that was stolen from me. First of all things you use to make you forget or take the pain away needs to be only positive coping skills. I understand its hard, I smoked weed for so many years. I just wanted to forget. I realized its better to face the demons and beat them once and for all. Its very hard but its not your fault. Children don't understand right and wrong when there is an adult they trust involved. He lied to you, he groomed you, he made you feel special to use you. I swear its not your fault. But I was scared to share my story also. When you are ready, share it. Even online like this is a big step. People don't judge like you think. My abuse lasted fourteen years... I thought for sure I would be judged by not stopping it. But I was scared, he went from saying all daddys do it to I will kill your family, to get me to keep the secret. I hope this helps you.

Glad your here! Keep telling your story here; We have a blog section! I use it all the time, slowly getting my story out! I would recommend a therapist! Any girl groups dealing with psych stuff in the area you can join! !2 step groups dealing with emotion stuff; that kind of thing! Something to look into! Your not alone! Great job telling your story! Give the blog section a try! -- Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:13 pm -- Glad your here! Keep telling your story here; We have a blog section! I use it all the time, slowly getting my story out! I would recommend a therapist! Any girl groups dealing with psych stuff in the area you can join! !2 step groups dealing with emotion stuff; that kind of thing! Something to look into! Your not alone! Great job telling your story! Give the blog section a try!

Dissociative Disorder CPTSD AVPD; Social avoidance Previous/Psychotic clinical Depression agoraphobia obsessive/compulsive disorder Evolution didn't stop my death, God did .....Now what?

Yes, most of go through the stages of therapy not knowing, knowing, realizing, liking it, education. It is normal, God made this thing called sex for pleasure it is sacred for adults consensually. I know it is a process for people like us to realize that . I would say stay the course in therapy in gets better you will heal enough that you will have power of what you stated (your feelings) in this post. Your not alone!

Dx: DID, PTSD, Panic Disorder We are system of several.....Blog of system map
Lila15 wrote: I was 5. I used to go on "walks" with this family friend. he was very nice and told me we had to play a secret game, that it was normal and everybody does it. so he touched me, performed oral sex on me. I remember liking it and being happy afterwards. it's my fault I should've known it was wrong. I should've said something. instead I did it to others my age, I stayed with these thoughts for so long wanting to do it again at 8 years old. I knew things I shouldn't it would always impress my friends. Now as a teenager I look back and I never want to think about sex again. I want to suppress all my dirty fantasies that he gave me. he stole my childhood he made me a perverted young girl. I want purity and innocence. I want to start over. I also want to kill him. I want to make him pay for my social anxiety, for my borderline personality disorder, for everything that's wrong with me. my grades were always so low, I started drinking and using early. he messed me up. I messed myself up by liking it. I never told anyone about our secret game. but I want to tell now. why did I like it ? why did I do it to my classmates ? why am I like this ?

i was abused as a kid. i enjoyed it, to the extent that i'd look forward to it n wanted to get touched by my cousin/brother. i grew up watching abusive porn n thoughts to abuse. i think the feeling of pleasure is normal.

You were 5 and were made to feel special. Don't feel guilty. In a way I wish you would post your story on the Paraphilia thread under Sexual where some pro-contact pedophiles say kids enjoy sex, and it's all society's fault they feel guilty about it later. I don't think the pro-contacts ever come to the Abuse forum or ever read any of our stories.

You're not alone. I went through a similar experience. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever feel clean but I hold on to the thought that one day I will find a partner who is so loving and caring that my anxieties about sex will ease. Well wishes on your journey to recovery <3

You should talk about it. Post here, more importantly - talk to a good therapist. You liked it, because - as others said - it's a natural response. Often survivors feel guilty and confused because of that. (On top of that, there is also trauma bonding and stockholm syndrom which makes the relationship with the abuser and your feelings even more messed up). That you did it to others is also typical. Survivors of sexual abuse often become too sexual themselves. What happened to you is really horrible, I've been there too. Please, find a therapist. I've been through a therapy and it really helped me (although it took years of a hard work).

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by Lila15 » Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:00 pm
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by Prairie gal » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:33 pm
by writeaboutit » Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:31 am
by Shoshannah » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:49 pm
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The Big Picture

“After my relatives raped me 30-40 times, it didn’t hurt anymore”

I was always ready with my legs spread and my clothes off. He entered my room and raped me just like Kaka did.

Rumela Chandra
A writer at Rise For India and an actor at Royal Shakespeare Company.

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Joe Sydow
| 4 years ago
| Reply

wish you all the real love happiness u deserve incredible!!! .

vMoska eseUcAi
| 4 years ago
| Reply

Today people have becomes worse than wolves... Such monsters sud be hanged openly !! Hw that society will be which includes them !! Oops ! M out of mind !!

Affinity Tej
| 5 years ago
| Reply

I mean it's very sat about the raping that's terrible but now your out the house and your talking bout your not going files something on him causes he's involved ? Get on , then why not even tell cops when you were little , cause they would ask you to show the bruses ? ? This story sad and disgusting but you not doing nun but making me mad . Justting there there crying talking about , you became use to it and " would have your legs already open and already nake " , like what. There are police , there are teachers .

| 5 years ago
| Reply

What is our purpose on this world
I sure wanna die if world is so cruel
People just think about themselves
They are more worse than demon

| 5 years ago
| Reply

#StandAgainstRape #NoMoreRapes #NoMoreShrutis
May us just become human beings instead of savage beasts!!

Sandra S Sikes
| 6 years ago
| Reply

I so wish , this didn't come from our FAMILY, who supposedly loves us most. It DOES--they love you least. :(

| 6 years ago
| Reply

Heartbreaking to read this story. There are tears in my eyes as I ead this. How heartless can mankind be !

Abdul Basit
| 6 years ago
| Reply

This seriously is inhuman but its only possible in sub continent. Thats because of insane behaviour of law and enforcement agencies with victim

Marriam Shahid
| 6 years ago
| Reply

these people are just monsters.. whrs the humanity? why parents do not care for their children? its a mistake mainly on the part of parents.. i have seen many educated parents who r still ignorant of their duties regarding their children especially grls.. pls open your eyes and look around.. many relatives and friends are just deceiving you.. making your children a victim of child abuse or whtever.. do not trust anyone and don't ever ever leave ur children alone in someone else presence..

| 6 years ago
| Reply

I am sorry for everything youve been through. I wish you a bright happpy and healthy future and am abundance of love.

| 6 years ago
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Bollywood will do the same to us here in PAkistan if we don't take heed on where are media is taking us.

| 6 years ago
| Reply

A.lil.bit but didnt knew about it. And when.i.grew 20 i told.her.
But she didnt
She said em liar
Now i dun trust on.anyone
That uncle.still.comes to.our.home
And we didnt need any money
Still.i.was child.abused!

Féàrléss Wájìd
| 6 years ago
| Reply

This make me cry war against rape .

| 6 years ago
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