Forced Feminine Deviantart

Forced Feminine Deviantart


Forced Feminine Deviantart
Forced Feminization story:   It was a brisk autumn when I met her, we had a marching band class together in high school. Her name is Stephanie. She was a foot shorter than me and was always very shy and quiet, but whenever she saw me her lips always formed the same smile. It was a knowing smile, like she was looking forward to something that's going to involve me but that I was clueless about. And with that smile, eyes that seemed to measure me and size me up. I found her very pretty and she started to grow on me, despite the strange smile and how she would say seemingly non-sequitur things to herself, so I would try on occasion to talk to her, but she was very reserved. Everyone has their quirks, right? Maybe she’ll open up after awhile.   It’s marching practice, and I’ve known her for two years now. Stephanie is wearing a cute pair of booty shorts that I’m struggling to keep my eyes off. To my dismay, she catches me staring. W
“Morning mom.” ten year old Scotty Reber said coming down for breakfast one morning. “Oh...good morning dear.” His 38 year old mother Rachel Reber said getting her coat on and getting ready to leave. “Is something wrong mom?” Scotty asked. “No...just a little anxious about my flight.” Rachel said. "You're not leaving again are you?" Scotty asked. "Yeah, I'm going to England for a week." Rachel said. "What?!" Scotty cried. "But you promised you'd take Josh and I to laser tag this weekend!" "Yeah, I know honey but plans got changed." Rachel said. "An important client is in England and I can't turn this offer down." "I wish you had more time to spend with me." Scotty said. "I know dear." Rachel said. "Look, how about next weekend, we go out and so something together? And you can pick." "Really?" Scotty asked. "You bet sweetie." Rachel said. “How long will you be in England for?” Scotty asked her. “Just a week.” Rachel
“Scotty sweetie, it’s time to get up.” Rachel said gently waking him up the next morning. “Huh? Already?” Scotty asked. “Yes, we’re leaving for the airport in one hour. Now get showered and do your hygeiene..” Rachel said. Scotty did so. When he came downstairs he found the other scientists sitting at the table eating and talking. “Morning Scotty!!” Dr. Moritz said brightly. “Good morning.” Scotty said politely. “You ready for the big day?” Ivan asked. “No.” Scotty said. "Well, we'll help you." Dr. PEterson said. “I made you some pancakes.” Rachel said. “Thanks but I’m not very hungry.” Scotty said. “Try and eat a little. It’ll be a long flight.” Rachel said. “Fine.” SCotty said and he tried his best to eat some. Scotty looked at Ivan. "'re a homo?" Scotty asked. "I'm a transgender." said Ivan. "That means I have a male body
Scotty slowly opened his eyes and saw the doctors and his mother looking at him smiling. “” he said wearily. “Hello Scotty.” Rachel said happily. “Di...did it work?" Scotty asked. "Yes it did." Rachel said. Ivan handed him a mirror. Scotty’s eyes bulged. He was now a beautiful ten year old girl! He checked his pants for his you know what...but it was a fagina now!” “Are you okay sweetie?” Rachel asked. Scotty was silent. "Scotty, are you..." Dr Peterson started. "Stanley, give him a minute. He's clearly in shock." Rachel said. Scotty didn't’ respond. He wasn’t sure what to do. He felt like crying. He wanted to be a boy again desperately...but then he thought about his mother....and realized it had to be done. “Scotty, if this is too much for you, I...” Rachel started. “No mom.” Scotty said finally. “I have to do this if we want to stay together. It’s up to me to keep us togethe
Scotty soon woke up. He was having trouble adjusting to this new body. "Man, this feels weird." he thought to himself. "I'd better learn how to adapt to this new body." He headed for the bathroom and for the first time, had to sit down to go to the bathroom. "Well, this isn't so hard." he thought to him/herself. "Maybe being a girl isn't so bad after all." He went to get his action figures...but instead he decided to comb his hair. "Instincts, I guess." Scotty thoguht. He/she started combing when the door suddenly opened. Scotty spun around to see Cheryl standing there smiling. "Well hello there." she said grinning. "You must be Rachel's daughter." "W-who are you?" Scotty asked nervously. "A friend of your mom's." she said. "Or EX-friend rather." "Are you...Cheryl Poucket?" Scotty asked nervously. "Good guess!" Cheryl smiled. "You are a smart young girl Scarlet!" Scotty was relieved she didn't know. "W-where's my mom?" Scotty asked afraid. "Don't worry. They're outside." Cheryl said. "
Carter then stepped out on stage to announce the beauty pageant. “Good evening ladies gentlemen, my name is Carter Aikman and I’m host of the Little miss talent Pageant (all the good names were already taken).” everyone laughed at this. “Now before we start the contest, I have an announcement to make. I work for PBS and your contributions to us have been going down. If you could please start bringing them up again, that would be great. Now, let’s meet our contestants!” Everyoone applauded as the girls stepped out on stage in their dresses and waved. “Okay girls, now each of you step out and introduce yourself.” “I’m Audey Pope, I’m eight years old, and I really love beauty pagents!” “I’m Chelsea Patton, I’m eleven years old and I am the most beautiful girl in the world!” “I’m Elisa Timian, I’m nine years old and I hope to win this pageant!” “I’m Megan Lee,
“I don’t understand....” Ivan said. “Why didn’t it work?” Peterson hit the button a few times, but the machine did not turn on. “Why...why isn’t it working?” Rachel asked freaked out now. "L-lower Scotty down." They did so. “Let’s check the machine.” Dr. Peterson suggested. They all did. “The chip is missing!” Dr. Moritz cried. “Somebody stole the chip!!” Scotty all of a sudden woke up. "M-mom?" Scotty asked in a muffled voice with the bandages. They removed them. "W-why am I still a girl?" Scotty asked. "The machine’s just needs a second to warm up.” Rachel lied not wanting to frighten him/her. “No it doesn’t!” a voice said. Everyone turned. There was Cheryl, Samson and Tina all standing there smiling. “y-you did this!” Rachel screamed. “I figured it out.” Samson said. “I wasn’t wrong about you having a son! You turned him in
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With a lunchbox in your hand, you gaze around at the crowds of people and sigh. You’re in Disneyland, you should be happy but the lines for rides are too long and you can’t even find a place to sit and eat. You wade through the people surrounding you, trying to find a place to sit alone until you bump into a building.

You look up and see a giant pink house with princesses posing in pictures outside the front door. You roll your eyes at the adults posing with the characters and walk around the building. At the back of the house, you see a metal door. You shake the door handle and find out that it’s unlocked. You look around
Jim slipped the stolen key card out of his pocket. “Approved; welcome Dr Jane Francis!” the robotic voice said as the doors slowly slid open. Jim watched as all the lights in the room lit up one by one. He looked around at all the experiments contained within glass boxes. Jim took a deep breath in before walking inside the lab.

Jim walked past the tables covered with beakers filled with chemicals and began looking at the glass boxes. He took out his phone and began taking flash photos of the experiments. Many of the experiments were new animals that had been created and quarantined within the lab. He continued to walk across the
I woke up and instantly closed my eyes because of the bright pink walls and ceiling surrounding me. That was when I started to feel confused, I didn’t remember my room being pink. I slowly opened my eyes to get a better look at my surroundings. The room was the same shape as mine but looked very different. Everything from the ceiling to the carpet was bright pink. The bed I was lying in had fairies printed all over the pink duvet cover and pillows. Next to the bed was a pink nightstand with a heart shaped nightlight on it. On the other side of the room, there was a pink box ladled ‘TOYS’ and next to that was a large pink wa
I arrived at the front door at exactly 8pm and knocked. The door was answered by the mother of the kids I was going to be babysitting. She invited me into the house and introduced me to her children. Altogether, there were four children (all girls). The two eldest, Chelsea and Jenna, were only three years younger than me. The other two girls, Kate and Stacy, were six and eight. “Hey girls,” she said, “this is Luke. He is going to be babysitting you whilst I’m at the party. I’ll be back at eleven.” The mother exchanged goodbyes with her children before promptly driving away.

Once the mother left, I sat down
Alex put the laptop in his bag. He looked around to make sure nobody saw him. He quickly gazed at the building around him. Alex was in a mall – it was new and opened a week prior. Specifically, he was in a tech store. The mall was modern and high tech. He chose to steal from that mall because he heard that the modern security system was always glitching and failing. When he realised nobody was watching him he made a sigh of relief. He wiped the nervous sweat off his brow and walked towards the exit. As soon as he took one step out of the store, an alarm went off. The deafening sound caused Alex to panic and start running.
Alex dashed t
Darcey opened the door to her house. She held it open so Malisa, Millie and Daisy (who was pushing my pram) could walk in before entering herself. Darcey’s house wasn’t just big, it was a mansion. Darcey picked me up and started carrying me upstairs. Her friends followed, and Daisy brought the pram with her. Darcey carried me up three flights of stairs and walked through a hallway. She stopped at a door. The was painted white with the word ‘Gemma’ painted on it in pink. Darcey looked at me and grew a smile, “as you know, my dad is very rich which means I can do stuff like this all the time!”

Darcey pushed
This story you are about to read, unlike my others, is true. The reason I write and know about forced feminization is because of what happened.
I was ten years old and my mum got a call from a parent, who lived on our street, who asked if I wanted to come to their house and play with their daughter. I thought that girl, Poppy, was cool, so I agreed. I left my house, crossed the street and knocked on the door to her house. Her dad opened the door and told me that she was upstairs. I ran upstairs and walked into her room. Poppy was sitting on her bed but with two other friends, who I didn’t know were going to be there. They were called A
Dan woke up in an unfamiliar room. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and got out of bed. He scanned the area and concluded that he was in a hotel room. He sat down on the comfy bed and tried to recall what happened the night prior. After thinking for a while, he remembered being at a party. Most of that night was fun for him but he remembered getting in an argument with his sister near the end of the night. He called his sister and her friends ‘trashy slags’ and mocked them for their coloured hair and skimpy outfits. Suddenly, he remembered than the party was an early birthday party for him and that it was his birthday on that day. He th
What was James was woke at 1:30pm. He had stayed up late the previous night, thinking about the situation and panicking. Kate, Amy and James decided that he should sleep at Amy’s, so his parents wouldn’t see him. James got up from bed and tripped over his large skirt. Once he stood up again, he stumbled out of the room in his new high heels. He managed to make his way downstairs and into the kitchen, where Kate and Amy were. The girls paused their conversation and looked in James’ direction. “Good morning ladies, how was your rest?” James said before putting his hand over his mouth – he still wasn’t u
James, Amy and Kate stood outside the entrance to the funhouse with looks of fascination and excitement.
“We gonna go in?” James excitedly asked.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Kate replied. The group of friends dashed towards the attraction until Amy ordered them to halt. “Guys wait!” she said, “It says ‘Victorian Fun House for girls’ on the sign, James can’t go in!” They all paused and thought. Kate turned around and browsed the other attractions at the amusement park. “We could go on that ride there.” Kate said as she pointed towards a roller coaster. “Wait!R
With a lunchbox in your hand, you gaze around at the crowds of people and sigh. You’re in Disneyland, you should be happy but the lines for rides are too long and you can’t even find a place to sit and eat. You wade through the people surrounding you, trying to find a place to sit alone until you bump into a building.

You look up and see a giant pink house with princesses posing in pictures outside the front door. You roll your eyes at the adults posing with the characters and walk around the building. At the back of the house, you see a metal door. You shake the door handle and find out that it’s unlocked. You look around
Jim slipped the stolen key card out of his pocket. “Approved; welcome Dr Jane Francis!” the robotic voice said as the doors slowly slid open. Jim watched as all the lights in the room lit up one by one. He looked around at all the experiments contained within glass boxes. Jim took a deep breath in before walking inside the lab.

Jim walked past the tables covered with beakers filled with chemicals and began looking at the glass boxes. He took out his phone and began taking flash photos of the experiments. Many of the experiments were new animals that had been created and quarantined within the lab. He continued to walk across the
I woke up and instantly closed my eyes because of the bright pink walls and ceiling surrounding me. That was when I started to feel confused, I didn’t remember my room being pink. I slowly opened my eyes to get a better look at my surroundings. The room was the same shape as mine but looked very different. Everything from the ceiling to the carpet was bright pink. The bed I was lying in had fairies printed all over the pink duvet cover and pillows. Next to the bed was a pink nightstand with a heart shaped nightlight on it. On the other side of the room, there was a pink box ladled ‘TOYS’ and next to that was a large pink wa
I arrived at the front door at exactly 8pm and knocked. The door was answered by the mother of the kids I was going to be babysitting. She invited me into the house and introduced me to her children. Altogether, there were four children (all girls). The two eldest, Chelsea and Jenna, were only three years younger than me. The other two girls, Kate and Stacy, were six and eight. “Hey girls,” she said, “this is Luke. He is going to be babysitting you whilst I’m at the party. I’ll be back at eleven.” The mother exchanged goodbyes with her children before promptly driving away.

Once the mother left, I sat down
Alex put the laptop in his bag. He looked around to make sure nobody saw him. He quickly gazed at the building around him. Alex was in a mall – it was new and opened a week prior. Specifically, he was in a tech store. The mall was modern and high tech. He chose to steal from that mall because he heard that the modern security system was always glitching and failing. When he realised nobody was watching him he made a sigh of relief. He wiped the nervous sweat off his brow and walked towards the exit. As soon as he took one step out of the store, an alarm went off. The deafening sound caused Alex to panic and start running.
Alex dashed t
Darcey opened the door to her house. She held it open so Malisa, Millie and Daisy (who was pushing my pram) could walk in before entering herself. Darcey’s house wasn’t just big, it was a mansion. Darcey picked me up and started carrying me upstairs. Her friends followed, and Daisy brought the pram with her. Darcey carried me up three flights of stairs and walked through a hallway. She stopped at a door. The was painted white with the word ‘Gemma’ painted on it in pink. Darcey looked at me and grew a smile, “as you know, my dad is very rich which means I can do stuff like this all the time!”

Darcey pushed
This story you are about to read, unlike my others, is true. The reason I write and know about forced feminization is because of what happened.
I was ten years old and my mum got a call from a parent, who lived on our street, who asked if I wanted to come to their house and play with their daughter. I thought that girl, Poppy, was cool, so I agreed. I left my house, crossed the street and knocked on the door to her house. Her dad opened the door and told me that she was upstairs. I ran upstairs and walked into her room. Poppy was sitting on her bed but with two other friends, who I didn’t know were going to be there. They were called A
Dan woke up in an unfamiliar room. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and got out of bed. He scanned the area and concluded that he was in a hotel room. He sat down on the comfy bed and tried to recall what happened the night prior. After thinking for a while, he remembered being at a party. Most of that night was fun for him but he remembered getting in an argument with his sister near the end of the night. He called his sister and her friends ‘trashy slags’ and mocked them for their coloured hair and skimpy outfits. Suddenly, he remembered than the party was an early birthday party for him and that it was his birthday on that day. He th
What was James was woke at 1:30pm. He had stayed up late the previous night, thinking about the situation and panicking. Kate, Amy and James decided that he should sleep at Amy’s, so his parents wouldn’t see him. James got up from bed and tripped over his large skirt. Once he stood up again, he stumbled out of the room in his new high heels. He managed to make his way downstairs and into the kitchen, where Kate and Amy were. The girls paused their conversation and looked in James’ direction. “Good morning ladies, how was your rest?” James said before putting his hand over his mouth – he still wasn’t u
James, Amy and Kate stood outside the entrance to the funhouse with looks of fascination and excitement.
“We gonna go in?” James excitedly asked.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Kate replied. The group of friends dashed towards the attraction until Amy ordered them to halt. “Guys wait!” she said, “It says ‘Victorian Fun House for girls’ on the sign, James can’t go in!” They all paused and thought. Kate turned around and browsed the other attractions at the amusement park. “We could go on that ride there.” Kate said as she pointed towards a roller coaster. “Wait!R
One bright sunny day, you find a curious glowing pencil laying on the side of the road. You are immediately compelled to walk over and pick it up, and as you do, you notice a thin line being drawn from its lead into the air. Gasping in surprise, you give another flick, drawing a circle in mid air, which falls to the ground. You look around to see if anyone is watching - no one seems to be around. You decide to try something a little more complicated, and draw your name in big outlines. Once you’re fi
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