Forced Ejaculation

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Communities > Urology > Humiliating testicular ultrasound ejaculation

I'm 32 married and I just got my first testicular sonogram. I had a mild injury to my left testicle while wrestling and wanted to see if this was effecting my ability to get my wife pregnant. I asked if a female tech was available for the proceedure, because I was concerned about getting hard, because my testicles are sensitive. But none was available, so the male tech did it. He seemed cool and mentioned his wife, which put me at ease. The proceedure lasted about 25 minutes. He applied this wet gel that is a little cool to the area, and then rubbed a probe around to take pics of my testicles. This is was done in a non-sexual way. He talked to me about the Yankees for most of the time. I was soft for the first 10 mins or so, too. But I became uncomfortable when I suddenly started to feel my penis tingling, like it might start to become erect. I started to shift around on the table to concentrate and make it go down. The tech asked me if I was OK, and said it was perfectly normal to become erect. Just him commenting about it made be embarassed. He asked me if my wife had any trouble with me entering her because of my size when erect. The question made me feel more uncomfortable. I actually asked him to stop about 10 minutes later, because I began get pre-ejaculate, was very erect, and I thought I might ejaculate. He said I should "release the ejaculate", that they needed to test my sperm anyway (my wife was having trouble getting pregnant). I asked him to stop for a second so I could calm down. He told me to close my eyes and imagine I was somewhere else. He moved the probe up and down my penis, which he said he needed to do to increase the bloodflow to the area. I closed my eyes and thought of my wife, just to get the whole thing over with. I ejaculated quickly, he scooped it up into a test tube. I could not look at him. I never told anyone this story. My wife could tell I was upset, but she doesn't know what happened. Now when I think of what happened it makes me angry at the tech, even if he was just doing his job. I'm too embarassed to go back to that office again. What should I do?

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I will give you a take, not on your specific medical issue but on the issue of touching and what isn't appropriate and what is. The basic scenario is that none of it should be sexual in nature AND there should be two techs involved to insure that.

That said, when I was 19 I had a Meningioma surgically removed. I was in CICU over the weekend (in part due to the ICU being full) as the surgery was on a Friday. Long story short that by Sunday my nurse needed to give me a sponge bath while in bed. She was a VERY attractive mixed race woman, an RN and was a most intelligent person. (she was about 30 I think). At any rate, the first bath she got everything EXCEPT a very strategically-placed towel. When it came time to clean that area she asked if I wanted to do it, or she would. bear in mind I had a Foley cath inserted. At any rate, within two minutes of her washing me I was fully erect. Her comment was "well, you look like you are improving well" and "how am I going to tell my husband about this". We both laughed and that was it, she finished and left it there. true, there was a moment there when I thought (and perhaps she did as well) I would love to see her when I get out of here BUT YOU HAVE TO DRAW A LINE PEOPLE.  IT IS A NORMAL REACTION AND WE ALL HAVE THEM. QUIT BEING SO HUNG UP ABOUT NORMAL BODY FUNCTIONS.

I wish I'd had that much fun when they performed a USS on my genitals. Sure it may have been inappropriate, and the concern that could end up on a web site does have some merit; but look at the bright side you got off, the procedure was completed, and nothing other than your pride was damaged.

I have been to the doctor three separate times because of injuries to my groin. One visit also involved a sonogram performed to my testicles and my shaft. During the visit I was flirted with by two female nurses, one of which was intake the other was performing the sonogram. Unfortunately there was no orgasm, not even a good erection. It was only a bit uncomfortable.

Another visit was an ER emergency after a bike accident. During the visit the male nurse fondled my genitals unnecessarily and touched me in a sexual way. We talked and I told him that I wasn't interested, he stitched my wound, and I left.

Nearly every doctor visit involved someone acting inappropriately in some way, after my car accident my nurse at physical therapy flirted with my on a regular basis, touching in in sensual ways, jokes about where she had to put the tens unit pads, and touching a bit too low, but I'll ask you this: what is appropriate? Humans one some of if not the most sexual animals on the planet, we think about sex on a nearly constant basis, our language has more words to describe a penis (common usage slang) than it has to describe beauty. We are natural born perverts.

Should you take someone's job for this? Was someone's authority forced upon you to make me act in a sexual way? Couldn't you have simply gotten up?

You had a horny tech; he crossed a line, but you never told him to stop. Had it been me I would have enjoyed myself. If I were you I would be glad that people still find me attractive enough to give me the "special finish". If your issue is only that he is a male than you should take up your concerns with your psychiatrist or your priest, not his review board. The blame is on you for not stopping the event when it started; he probably thought you were enjoying yourself.

Lighten up, don't beat yourself up, and remember that even if you enjoyed yourself it doesn't change who you are; it just means you're as pervy as the rest of us.

yeah because you'll take whatever action you can  get doesnt mean the rest of us want was unprofessional  and highly suspicious  that he wanted to make a porno he could sell!  the tech should be reported!

Mar 07, 2011

"...he said there is a problem with the sperm he collected and I need to retest and he said they need to redo the sonogram as well, because the data was accidentally erased! How could that happen? He could tell I was upset...."  This comment by Jose is fraught with questions of competence, professionalism, and sensitivity.
  As I noted this webhelp site explains the three major ways of collecting sperm; it explains why sperm collection has to be done under certain conditions to prevent contamination.  Some of the standard ways include masturbation into a specialized condom with or without wife in a lab room privately.  
  A doctor signs and order for (script) for tech procedures to be done.  A patient receives a copy and most of the times a handout describing the procedure and options.  Quite often the doctor talks to the patient about these.  What are the risks and benefits etc?
  I have had to sign documents granting permissions for filming of procedures beforehand.  You have the opportunity to ask questions.  That is what I mentioned earlier about informed consent.
  Then there is  trust.  It is a built on the interactions between doctor and patient, nurse and patient, tech and patient.  
  I have seen the best of each of the interactions.  I have also experienced the worst , including malpractice successfully adjudicated.  
  Part of my family works in  the medical field, so I see the red flags for both patient and professional.
  I have a great urologist who works in a great facility .  There techs are completely unlike the one Jose describes.

You were being trolled by this guy. He is a liar


I'm a 46 y/o married male who has had numerous medical procedures dealing with urology and the genitals.

In 1996, I underwent a urodynamics test where they determine pressure and flow of unrine. For this test I had to change into a gown and the test was started by me having to urinate in a special toilet that measured flow and pressure as well as interuptions of flow.

After that I was led over to the examining table and was told to lie down with my genitals exposed at the edge of the table. I was asked if I objected about the procedure being recorded for teaching purposes and after I was ensured that my face would not be shown, I agreed.

My penis was cleaned by using Betadine and the foreskin was retracted, the glans and meatus were cleaned. The foreskin was returned to the natural position and the shaft of the penis, scrotum and rectum were cleaned. I should state that the team existed of three female technicians. After this the recording started. A freezing gel was inserted into the meatus and urethra. After about 5 minutes several catheters were placed in the penis, urethra with the last catheter bein placed in the rectum.
All this time everything that was done was very proffesional. All though the procedure itself was embarrising, other than that I never felt uneasy.
During the procedure, sterile water was injected through a catheter into my bladder and I was instructed to try and hold it as long as possible. When the filling of the bladder came to a point where I became uncomfortable, I was instructed to try and urinate. Following that it was determined that I had poor control over the sphyncters that control urination. I also retained over 200ml. of water. All this time it felt to me as if I was leaking water over my scrotum, rectum and over the technician's hands. I was ensured that this was normal.

Never during the procedure did I feel that inapropriate things took place.

From 1994 up to currently, I have countless cystoscopies where they pass a scopen into the penis and urethra to look in the urethra and bladder to look for any abnormalities. During the procedure sever female and at times male staff are present. All the urologists have been male. Prior to starting the procedure, the penis rectum and scrotum are cleaned.  A freezing gel is inserted into the meatus and about 5 minutes after the urologist inserts the scope into the penis. Again nothing inapropriate takes place. During the procedure the urologist at times handles the penis firmly and at times even pulls hard on the penis. When I had a catheter inserted after the cystoscopy, the urologist uses a tool called a sound to facilitates the passage of the catheter into the bladder.

Since 2003 I have been consulting with a urologist regarding ED. During an office consultation, after telling the urologist that I had no luck with Viagra or Cialis, the tired the following. I was told to remove my pants and underwear and to lie down on the examining table. A butterfly needle was inserted into the erectile tissue of the penis and I was given an injection of California tri-mix. After 15 minutes, not having had a normal erection for nearly 2 years, I could feel that the penis was becoming erect. After 20 minutes the urologist came bach to check things. During the examination of my penis the foreskin was retracted and moved back and forth and at the same time he was trying to bend the penis or to manipulate in a way to determine of the penis was ridget enough for penetration. he then prescribed me the Tri-mix and made me an appointment with the sexual health nurse to be thaught how to inject my penis.

At the appointment with the sexual health nurse, I was alone in the room with the nurse. Again I was told to remove my pants and shorts. I was then told to sit on a chair. The nurse then showed me how to hold my penis by taking my penis into her hand. After that I was told to do this myself. Once I had that under control, a suringe was prepared and a small amount of medication was injected by me after being told how to do this.
We waited for about 10 minutes and there was no response. The nurse again went over how I was to inject my penis. By now 15 minutes had gone by with no restult.
She suggested that I'd try it again, but also to increase the dosage a bit. I now was at about 1 cc of the medication. Again I took my penis in my right hand and injected the fluid into the side of the penis. This time the nurse told me to inject it in about a 45 degree angle to prevent the needle from going through the erectile tissue and ending up into the urethra. This time after about 10 minutes my penis started to become erect.
It was an embarrising by exiting time to now realize that this was working. I was told to get dressed and to come back an hour later to ensure that I had the technique under control. After and hour again just the nurse and I were in the room. I was told to inject my penis again and was succesful. This time I was told that I had the procedure under control. As strange as it seemed to obtain and erection in front of a lady who I did not know, I never was uneasy with the nurse.

About a year later while at a check up with the uroloigist. I was told to stand up and drop my pants and shorts. I'm a male who uses a cane for ballance, so the urologist thought hat it was easier for me to stand instead of getting up on the examining table. The urologist than kneeled in front of me and took my penis in his hand. He started to squeeze it and feel around, and he must have noticed a strange look on my face as he was moving the foreskin back. He then calmly explained to me that he was looking to see if there was any scar tissue from injecting the Tri-mix into my penis. All this time he was squeezing and feeling my penis. Even though it felt somewhat uneasy to me, it did make sense and he was very professional about it.

Currently I have an indwelling catheter that needs to be changed every 2 months. All thhough my wife has helped me on occasion to place a catheter, I now have a home care nurse come in to  do this for me. When the change takes place, it is done in our bedroom and I remove my pants and shorts. The home care nurse starts by cleaning my penis and around the catheter. The old catheter is then removed and preparations are made for the new catheter. The meatus is cleaned and the catheter is inserted. Once it is ensured that the catheter is in the bladder, the balloon is then inflated.

I have had many more occassions where medical staff has handled my genitals. The worst experience that I have had was after I had my left testicle removed after a bad Strep infection. Due to the infection and doctors not being sure if they had removed enough tissue the scrotum was left open to heal from the inside out. Every four hours I was to have a sitz bath and have a saline soaked packing removed out of the scrotum.

Mar 04, 2011

Sorry to respond so late but just checked back.  Your situation with this tech raises many red flags and legal issues as well as professional ethics.  I have checked to see on this site how they collect semen for analysis in standard operating procedures.  What has been done and its repetition violates that standard.  Many legal waivers and paperwork are required to obtain an informed consent on making films of procedures.  Supervisors have to sign off and it has to be in writing.  Use of facilities and eequipment after normal hours also requires permissions.  The purpose and uss of films requires clear and written use statements.  For example, what if it is posted on U-Tube?  Or on a porn site?  You can have obtained a sample as explained on this site with yourr wife at home and brought it to the facility under certain specified conditions.  Your initial gut reaction to seek his superior was the correct move.  This whole situation sounds as if it needs a professional review board.

Thanks for sharing what happened to you. I WISH I had had a female for the proceedure! Somehow the fact that it happened with a guy made it feel worse. More humiliating. Especially when I ejaculated. I think if it was a female, I could relax and enjoy it. When I called to get my results the receptionist transferred me back to the same tech again, he said there is a problem with the sperm he collected and I need to retest and he said they need to redo the sonogram as well, because the data was accidentally erased! How could that happen? He could tell I was upset, and knows I have major financial problems, which I reminded him again. I said I didn't want to pay another co-pay. I told him I wanted to speak to my doctor, his boss. He asked me not to and said that he might lose his job for error. He said that if I give my consent, he could "make it up to me." They need a subject to do an educational video on testicular sonogram proceedure and he could pay me $300. (Enough to cover my rent for February that I'm missing!). He said that that way we could "kill two birds with one stone" by getting the sonogram and the sample again, and I would get paid for the video. I asked if a female tech could do the proceedure for the video, and he said that unfortunately, he needs to do the video since he is the most experienced technician and it is for his school. It would happen after hours when the clinical office is usually closed, at 8 PM. I'm not sure I could go through that ordeal again. But my wife and I REALLY need the money because we are both unemployed. Does this sound normal? Should I do this again?

Jan 18, 2011

"informed consent" should mean some explanation of the reas
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