Forced Chastity

Forced Chastity


Forced Chastity
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Force your husband to wear a chastity cage
For a woman, forcing chastity on your husband or boyfriend without their request likely means that he’s done something bad (like cheating), is too busy playing video games to help around the house, or is wasting his sexual energy on masturbating and not on you. If none of those are the case and you simply just want to take control over your husband then consider yourself lucky and welcome to the party just the same.
At the beginning it is important for him to understand why you’re locking up his cock. He needs to understand the reason so he doesn’t think it’s just some silly sex game that you want to try to spice up your relationship with. Be stern and be serious; make sure he understands the why. Sit him down and tell him your demands and reasons then give him his first cage to try on.
This first step alone will tell you a lot about your relationship. If he understands how you feel, realizes his errors, and agrees to do it for your sake then it’s safe to say that he loves you. If he blows you off, argues your points and says no, then you have bigger issues to solve.
As with most things in life, starting a chastity life takes times. He’s going going to be able to take this first chastity cage from you and wear it indefinitely. It’s going to be very weird feeling, uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Both his body and mind will need to evolve in order for him to be caged for long periods. 
Because of this, I found that it was fun to play it slow at first. Force him to wear his cage for a bit and then let him out and let him go a day without wearing it or perhaps two or three. Hint at it and make him want it. He’ll start getting aroused just thinking of you demanding that he locks his cock up. Once he gets that aroused it’s time to get him locked up so he doesn’t masturbate. Locking him up at the peak of arousal with keep his sexual energy pent up more and be great training for him wearing with this energy so he can get used to it. This also made it seem like more of a sexy game to him so he was less weary about wearing the cage.
The more you have him caged, the longer he will be able to keep it on. Soon you’ll have him caged out in public and eventually caged overnight. It took my husband it took several attempts at wearing his cage before he could wear it overnight without pain and discomfort. This is because penis’ naturally get erect throughout the night, especially between the hours of 3am to 5am. Because the chastity cage prevents penises from getting fully erect, this can and will wake a man up and be very uncomfortable and even painful. 
Your man will need help learning to get used to this feeling which is why you should incorporate a lot of teasing into his early caged sessions. Wearing a cage is never going to be 100% comfortable, especially during the night, but that’s just something he’s going to have to learn to deal with.
Before you know it, he’ll be able to go a full week caged and eventually even longer. It’s important to keep teasing him and eventually learning how to do proper orgasm denial . This will both well keep him well behaved and with his attention on you. Make sure he remember your reason for locking him up in the first place and when he’s proven that he’s becoming a better partner, eventually let him orgasm.
After awhile, you may think that he’s a changed man and that you don’t need to cage him any longer. The funny thing is that at point he will probably want to stay caged because he loves it so much. If you start getting lazy about forcing him into his cage, he would probably just put it on and give you the key – my husband does that all the time.
It’s at this point too that your husband may become extra subservient and that you now hold a lot of power over him in the relationship. If you’re interested, this is a great time to make him your chastity slave. Start having him perform more chores around the house or if you really want the house to sparkle, force him to be your sissy maid .
You gotta be dedicated! Or have a keyholder who doesn’t give you any other choice haha
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