Forced Babyhood Stories

Forced Babyhood Stories


Forced Babyhood Stories
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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Other · # 1888370
Fred becomes subjected to the whims of the girls around him. 100 chapters contest
Created: August 31st, 2012 at 1:11 am
Modified: December 7th, 2021 at 8:06 am
You yank yourself away from her grasp, jumping down on the floor. To your embarassment, your little legs are too weak to support you very well, and you immediately fall to the floor, right on your diapered bum. Blushing, you get right back up, with all the dignity you have left.

"No, Beth! I refuse to go along with this, and you can't make me!" You say, defiantly, "Now I demand you take me back home!"

"Oh,ok," She says, clearly disappointed, "I'm sorry you feel that way."

You feel a tinge of pride-you've actually won the argument. But then, all of a sudden, she firmly grabs your little arm, pulling you over to her bed, where you are hauled over her lap.

"I guess Mamma will just have to teach Baby some discipline."

With that, she begins spanking your diapered butt, HARD.

At this size, her hand nearly as big as your entire butt, so even through the padding of your diaper, it hurts ALOT!

"This hurts Mommy more than it does you, Honey," She scolds, as she continues the barrage on your bottom. This matronly, condescending statement only worsens your already extreme, embarrassment. She only spanks you about 15 times, but you are already bawling like a baby long before she finishes.

Once she is done, she lifts you up, pulling you against her body, where you bury your teary face into her chest.

"Awwe, there there," She cooes, rubbing you affectionately on your back, your bottom, and the back of your head, as you continue to bawl into her shirt.
"Mommy hates to have to punish her widdle boy, but Baby has to learn to obey me. You ARE home now, Sweety. Don't worry though, Mamma's gonna take good care of her widdle Baby.
She holds you for several minutes, until your crying finally dies down some. Then, she pulls you away from her, and looks you firmly in the eyes.

"Now, is widdle Fweddy Weddy ready to be a good boy, for Mamma?"

Still crying, you blush deep red at her condescending version of your name, but reluctantly nod your head.

"Good boy!" She cooes, pulling you back into another short embrace. "Here," she says, "Producing blue baby's pacifier, "Your... real Mamma gave me this. It should make baby feel a little better." You blush deep red, letting out a sigh of defeat as she pressing the humiliating object between your lips. Your embarrassment is deepened even more by the fact that suckling the paci actually DOES bring you a small measure of comfort. "Now then, the first thing we need to do, is get baby dressed.Now, you just sit right here on the bed while Mamma goes and finds something for you to wear."

As you watch her walk over to her closet, you want more than ever to jump off the bed and run away, but the fire in your fanny advises you against it. After a moment, she comes back holding a pink, silky, babydoll nighty. On her, it's a short, sexy, article of lingerie, that barely comes down past her butt; on you, it would make for a long, girly dress, probably longer than your knees.

"Sowwy, Baby," She frowns, "But this is the closest thing I have to baby clothing right now. We'll have to go buy Baby some more clothing, soon. Now here. arms up."

You sigh, and blush behind your pacifier, as you reluctantly lift your arms to be dressed in your girlfriend's nightie. She then stands back to get a better look at you.

"Awwe," She cooes, "Hims wooks so cute in his widdle nightie!" This makes you blush even deeper, red.

"Now then," She says, picking you up beneath your armpits...
Where will this interactive story go?
indicates the next chapter is blank and needs to be created.

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“Another F- for Joseph Huxley. Why am I not surprised?” Mrs. Edison mutters under her breath as she finishes grading another math test. She moved it over to the pile with the other completed tests and sighs. The sun was now dipping below the horizon, bathing Dawnvalley Elementary School in shadow. Besides than Mrs. Edison, the only the janitorial team were scattered about this otherwise deserted school. All the other staff members had gone home to enjoy their Friday night hours ago. And soon Mrs. Edison would be joining them once these last few test had been graded. “Petunia Reese A+, but for goodness sake you need to stop fantasizing over a boy band.” The forty-nine year old teacher comments rolling her eyes with a smile. Remembering a time where she too was obsessed about the Beatles and other such famous bands from yesteryear. Creak! Mrs. Edison looks up from her musing just in time to see her classroom door slowly open. Slam! The bang nearly sent Mrs. Edison rocketing out of her chair, heart pounding loudly in her ears. However, once she had taken a calming breath, Mrs. Edison sneaks towards the door, keeping her back against the wall. Hoping to at least catch of a glimpse of whomever was attempting to scare her. The door repeats its behavior causing Mrs. Edison to scowl. Creak! Slam! Mrs. Edison was right next to the door, her eyes focused on the door as it opens but not close. “Got you now.” Surprisingly not a soul was found, an unnatural quietness sat overhead like a thick fog. Mrs. Edison’s brows furrow giving them the appearance of a very hairy mahogany caterpillar. Turning back to the door Mrs. Edison begins examining the door for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing there. Skitter! Nearly leaping out of her skin with a loud shriek, Mrs. Edison looks in the direction from where the sound came from. Heart leaping into her throat, Mrs. Edison nervously walks down the left side of the hall. All the classrooms look to be closed and locked, but appearances can be deceiving. First up was classroom 507, Mr. Knox's science classroom and the schools meeting place for Envirothon. Just as Mrs. Edison suspected the door was locked tight, and inside the classroom was pitch black. Classrooms 506-512 were a similar story, but something just didn’t feel right. Every now and again Mrs. Edison could swears she saw something moving in the dark. The skittering grows to a crescendo with each room she passes until Mrs. Edison was just outside classroom 513. “Hello? Is anyone here?” Mrs. Edison calls out pulling out her cellphone turning the flashlight function on. Taking a cautious step into the room Mr. Edison reaches for the light switch. Click! Click! Nothing happens, except for a creeping sensation of ice water slowly cascading down her back. Around her the darkness seemed to be closing in, like a spider getting ready to pounce on a rather juicy fly. Meanwhile, an unnerving silence fell upon the area, even Mrs. Edison’s footsteps seemed to be extremely muddled. “If anyone’s in here, come out right now or I’m calling the police.” bellows Mrs. Edison attempting to stop her legs from turning into jelly. No response, as Mrs. Edison blindly searches the classroom with help from her cellphone jelly. For the longest time, or perhaps it only felt like that Mrs. Edison searches the classroom. Something about this room felt unnatural, like an invisible hand was clenching down tightly on Mrs. Edison’s heart. Internally alarms were going off in spite the room being vacant. Her body screaming for her to leave this awful place like a rabbit. “Okay, I’m calling the police.” Mrs. Edison slowly backs towards the door feeling as if she was in a horror film. Nothing happens as little by little she walks back towards the door. Despite stepping out of the room Mrs. Edison felt as if something was watching her. “You here me? I’m calling the police right now.” No response. Keeping her eyes focused on room 513 the whole time, Mrs. Edison doubles back to the sanctuary of her own classroom. Fearing if she looks away something or someone was going to come for her. Suddenly this foreboding vanishes just as quickly as it came. Crack! The facsimile of a coconut getting smashed to little pieces reverberates across the hall. It sounded like the noise came from Mrs. Edison’s room, as her door began persistently opening then closing like before. Lickety-split Mrs. Edison rushes back to her classroom adrenaline pumping through her veins at mach speed. Her room was in ruins; desks, papers, posters, and chairs were strewn across the floor. Posters were either askew or atop the papers and school supplies littering the ground. Her own desk was in pieces over in the far left corner of the classroom. Up above the lights flicker as they sway in the air. Crack! Mrs. Edison only had a moment to veer out of the path of a globe as it hurdles into the blackboard. Cracks spread across the board like a giant spider web, with a giant crator were the globe was now embedded. Adrenaline pumping Mrs. Edison rushes out , dialing 911 as she left. The phone rings several times but then disconnect sound plays. “We’re sorry, the number you dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.” A mechanical voice says on the other end. “Darn it.” The teacher curses as she runs down the steps two at a time. She attempts to redial the number almost tripping over her feet. “ Dum…dum…dum… We’re sorry, the number you dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.” The same mechanical voice says causing Mrs. Edison to scream furiously. Roar! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Waah!” Theodore bolts upright hot tears streaming down his little cheeks. The door smacks open as Jessica barges in with Grandma McKnight close behind her. “Teddy what’s wrong?” “I ..I…I had a bad dweam mommy.” The little boy sniffles hugging his blankey as if his life depends on it. Dashing over Jessica picks her son up rubbing his back. “Shhh it was just a dream.” “Oh, poor baby.” Grandma coos laying out a changing pad along with supplies for a diaper change. Then goes over to help comfort her grandson. “But it felt so real.” Theodore whines clinging to mom for dear life. “It was just a dream Teddy, it wasn’t real.” Jessica repeats doing her best to help Theodore calm down. Meanwhile, Grandma McKnight was laying down a changing pad before going to retrieve the supplies for a diaper change. She came back moments later with everything needed in arms. Jessica had managed to calm down Theodore long enough to get him out of his soiled nappy. Of course Theodore was still not use to being in a diaper so it took some work to get the nine-year-old boy to stop wiggling in place. Grandma McKnight instructs Jessica on how to properly change a diaper, since it was only her second time doing this. It took a few tries but Jessica was finally able to finally tape the bulky white undergarment around the little boy’s waist. Feeling much better now Theodore smiles, his nightmare all but forgotten. He was fitted into a green and white stripped shirt with a leaf green pair of shortalls decorated with various dinosaurs. “Okay time for breakfast.” Jessica says in a sing-song voice. Picking up Theodore by his waist. “And Gram-gram is making pancakes.” adds Grandma McKnight in a similar voice to Jessica. “You don’t have to do that Rhonda.” Jessica says heading downstairs to the kitchen. “Oh it’s no trouble dear.” Grandma McKnight insists waving off Jessica’s concern. “Can I help Gram-gram?” asks Theodore practical bouncing in his mother’s arms. “Of course baby, I always love when we bake together.” Grandma McKnight sang down the stairs , making a bee line for the kitchen. “Jess, can I speak with you honey.” Valentino flags down his wife looking rather flustered. “Ok, Teddy go with Grandma.” Jessica says placing Theodore on the floor. Flump ! Two seconds later Theodore’s legs buckle, causing the tot to fall onto his padded rump. “Oof.” “Teddy are you okay?” Both mother and grandmother rush over to aid Theodore. “I okay.” replies Theodore attempting to get back on his feet, plopping down on his rump again. “Here, let Gram-gram carry you.” says Grandma McKnight scooping her grandson up by his underarms. “Nuuu.” Theodore bats her hand away, making another attempt to stand. He manages to get on his feet this time, but fell again before he could take a single step. Grandma McKnight caught him this time, picking him up gently. “Sorry little one, but you are just going to keep hurting yourself.” Burning tears run down Theodore’s cheeks like rivers of magma , as he attempts to cope with his new reality. Seeing her grand baby's distress Grandma McKnight sooths the toddler as she makes for the kitchen. Once he is calm again, Theodore helps gather ingredients for pancakes. Yet it did nothing to restore Theodore’s mood, even though cooking with grandma always put him in a good mood. “Ooh something smells good in here.” Valentino comments as he re-enters the house. “Daddy!” Theodore squeals in delight. “Hey, good morning to you too Tigger.” Valentino laughs blowing raspberries on his son’s stomach. “So did you manage to catch those hooligans?” asks Grandma McKnight placing five plates of fluffy buttermilk pancakes on the kitchen table. Running back to the fridge for maple syrup, butter, and put on a pot of coffee. “No, but but I did manage to snap a picture of them before they fled. And the police are on their way.” Valentino reports lowering himself into a chair. “Dare I ask how bad the damage is?” Grandma McKnight asks halfway through cutting a piece of Theodore’s pancakes. “Besides Teddy’s window; they also defaced our house with racist slurs and caricatures, slashed all four of our cars tires, key scratched racist vulgarity, smashed off both side mirrors, and broke several car windows.” Jessica lists slumping into her chair disgruntledly. “Open up the tunnel here comes the train. Choo! Choo!” Grandma McKnight says waving the spoon in front of Theodore’s mouth. Not wanting to lose anymore of his dignity the little clamps his mouth shut. Making it clear that this was not a negotiation. Next up was an airplane needing to land, but he still refuses to budge. So the elderly naga brought out her secret weapon. The puppy dog eyes. “I think he just wants to feed himself mom.” Valentino mediates knowing his son well. “But I never got a chance to feed him when he was a baby.” comments Grandma McKnight huffs pouting her lips as if hurt by this. “That’s because we did not adopt Teddy until he was six. Right now we are doing our best to help Teddy feel independent.” Valentino explains then takes a large bite of his buttermilk pancakes. “Fine.” Theodore huffs, unable to resist his grandmother’s sad expression. He opens his mouth “Aww thank you.” Grandma McKnight beams inserting the piece of pancake into his mouth. Waving the spoon in front of him again Grandma McKnight repeats herself. “Choo! Choo!” Giving in to his childish instincts Theodore bites the piece off, gulping it down. “ And I’m a t-rex. Rawr!” “Aww, someone get my cellphone.” Jessica coos as she watches them interacting with one another. Knock! Knock! Knock “I’ll get it.” Valentino pipes up heading for the front door . “Oh no It’s the dreaded Teddysaurus Rex!” Grandpa McKnight announces looking in to his daughter-in-laws phone camera. “Rawr!” Theodore pretends to swipe at Grandpa McKnight. “Oh no, the Teddysaurus Rex bit me!” Grandpa McKnight feigns like he
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