For Students: A Guide on How to Write

For Students: A Guide on How to Write

Writing is an art form or an expression of language either in words or in symbols. However, writing doesn’t come naturally to some. More importantly, it is commonly used to communicate ideas, emotions, and instructions. For students, it is a very important skill to learn because it is always used in school, at home, and once they get a job. Here are five steps to guide students in writing:

1. Brainstorm.

Get all your random ideas and write it down. After putting down all your ideas into paper, organize it according to your paper’s requirements or specifications.

2. Main ideas.

Identify all the main ideas, or have one main idea and concentrate on that; let subtopics branch out, while explaining the causes/ effects and other pertinent information.

3. Edit and re-write.

It is okay to edit your work many times, especially before submitting your work to your professor. Not only does it help improve the quality of your work, it also tends to hone your writing skills

4. Spell-check, check punctuations and grammar.

Sometimes you have to utilize the functions of your word processor. You can use the spelling and proofing option, the thesaurus, word count, among others to make your sentences adhere to the instructions or simply to make the message clear. Other than this, you may also check it manually for any errors, since your computer software may miss out on some.

5. Get feedback.

If you are still unsure about your work, you can ask a trusted friend or classmate (even any family member) who is good with the English language to proofread your paper. You may also read it aloud to hear the thoughts and messages out loud; observe it sends the right message and it sounds good.

Additional tips:

  • Don’t stress out too much. It’s okay to make a few mistakes. The important thing to do is to correct it as soon as you spot them.
  • Depending on your intended audience, you have to ask yourself: would you read similar papers?
  • Remember, you don’t have to write according to the sections or contents of your paper. For example, you can write the conclusion first before you write the introduction or the body of your paper. After, you may rearrange it according to your requirements.

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