Footsie Under Table

Footsie Under Table


Footsie Under Table
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These Tropes Are Made for Walking

Footsie Under the Table

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Hmm, wonder how he's going to explain that spilled coffee...
Bob and Alice are eating together, either at a restaurant or at someone's house, or they're sitting in the same boardroom for a business conference or some other type of important meeting. Alice is in a playful mood, or she's of a mind to seduce Bob. At the same time, she doesn't want her intentions to be too obvious to the other persons present, and verbally expressing herself directly to Bob is out of the question and/or would be inappropriate for the occasion.

So, Bob and Alice are sitting directly apart from each other at the table. It gives Alice the perfect opportunity.

Underneath the table, away from the eyes of others, she slips off one or both of her shoes and, using her feet, caresses Bob's legs. If she's feeling really adventurous, she'll go higher. Above the table, she can look nonchalant or indifferent so as to not arouse suspicion, or she can have a coy little smile as she enjoys watching Bob's reaction to her hidden antics, whether he's embarrassed or enjoying the attention she's giving him.

In fiction, this trope is usually invoked by a woman toward a man in order to express physical attraction that cannot otherwise be expressed for one reason or another; but the reverse (man to woman) is also possible. The Ho Yay and Les Yay versions of this trope are not unheard of, either.

In these cases, the recipient's reaction/response may vary. He/She may be flustered or embarrassed, or may actually like the attention and even reciprocate. Alternately, he/she may pull away to show a lack of interest or, in extreme cases, make a move to stand up--if the instigator doesn't get kicked for their trouble.

A sub-trope of Foot Focus , and often it's a very specific type of Fetish . When done in fictional settings, it's done for Author Appeal or Fan Service . If the perpetrator is a woman, it's sometimes done to emphasize that She's Got Legs .

Can also be done for comedic purposes, if the perpetrator ends up " serving " the wrong person underneath the table. In such a case, when the mistake is discovered, expect hilarity to ensue .

Β Barney: Oh, and Lily? That's my leg.
Lily: You waited five minutes to tell me that?
Barney: ( smug look )

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