Foot Tease

Foot Tease


Foot Tease
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Sarah was the daughter of a close friend to my parents. She had known me for a long time and as I got old enough to understand my foot fetish, she did to. As soon as i started indulging in the wonderful world of feet, mainly by looking at pictures and of course taking as many glances at Sarah's feet without trying to seem out of the ordinary, she began to catch on. From the time I was 12 to age 14 she had me by a leash and she knew it... and I couldn't be more pleased. 

Sarah was quite a bit older than me, probably by about 4 maybe 5 years and she loved to tease the yonger guys. Often times she could be found at the local pool in her baithing suit as a high valued peice of eye candy. Her blonde hair always caught my attention and Most of the guys my age would try to hard and get shot down but not me. I was polite and lucky enough to have a connection to her where often times I would be at her house and she would end up on mine. One summer, she happened to play on the same softball team as my older sister. My older sister and her never seemed to really get along very well which gave me a good oppritunity to get to know her. Sometimes, she ended up staying the day at my house after a softball game. This occured often because her parents were divorced and her father frequently worked middle shift. now that Sarah and I frequently saw eachother we become closer, but not great friends more like aquantiances. She very quickly discovered i had a foot fetish after she'd catch me starring at her feet. She had very small feet and tiny toes and luckily for me they were well maintained with orange nail polish. As soon as she knew she started teasing me with them.

My first experience with her feet or anybodies for that matter came after a mid June softball game. We had walked into my livingroom and as soon as I sat down on my couch, she sat on the other end of it, removed her softball cleets and layed down resting her feet right on my lap! I was shocked wondering why she would do such a thing and then when I looked over at her, her eyes looked straight into mine and her face made that smearking look as if she was acknowledging my fetish. She asked me to take off her red softball socks which had a black stripe down the back. At this point I could not contain my enourmous teenaged errection that had thought about this exact scenario multiple times before while doing the dirty. I took off both her socks which were moist with sweat from being packed in her cleets in the humid heat all day and upon removal she spreads her toes which reveal bits of red lint stuck between each and every toe. She encouraged me to remove the lint from inbetween her toes and as i did so she squeezed them to grip my fingers.The taintilizing smell of her moist feet quickly filled my nose and just as she released my fingers from her grip she placed one of her souls on my errection while she asked me to rub her other foot. I was in my own form of heaven. this occured for about 15 minutes until she switched her feel which i was perfectly ok with. After another 15 minutes or so she had had enough with the rubbing and layed on the floor in front of the couch right in front of me where I could get a real good view of the bottom of her feet. She let me gently touch them until she had to leave, but she knew I had to bust a nut sooo bad and when she left she "mistakenly" left her red softball socks for me as what i assume was a gift.

lucky for me this wasn't the last encounter with her feet. If anyone want's to hear more feel free to reply 
Great story and welcome to the 'Pad. Please continue.


Great story. Cant wait to hear more!
After our initial foot encounter Sarah continued to make me a happy foot lover. Over then next month she would see me frequently and continue to tease me with her tiny feet. when I would see her at the pool, she would make sure to have her toes nice and done up, but she changed them from an orange color to a dark blue. Id of course flock over to her as soon as the opritunity arose and she seemed to enjoy my company, however she obviously loved showing off her feet, but kept them just out of reach. I didn't blame her because we were in public and I guess it would seem pretty noticable having a teenage boy uncontrolably stairing at the feet of a girl considerably older. my luck would change when she asked if i would like to accompany her in the water. as soon as we got in she submerged her pretty blond hair and I would follow. As we both came up for air, we grabbed the wall and right there she took her foot and drug it right up into my groin. This time however the encounter didn't last long. She loved making me go crazy and she definatly liked the amount of power she held over me. That would be the end of my foot encounter for the day, but at the end of our swim she told me she was looking forward to the next time she would be seeing me and I knew that I was in for something good. 

Our next meeting occured a couple days later and this time it was at her house. My parents were going over to spend the evening with hers and they asked if I wanted to go with and of course without skipping a beat I did. When i arrived i found sarah in her bedroom. She had a small bunk bed and she slept on the top and underneath was a desk area instead of another bed. Across from her bunk bed was a small T.V. that she could play movies on which was a perfect reason for her and I to be in there alone together. My parents and her father were completely occupied catching up so Sarah and I had more privacy than we ever had before. Luckily for me I caught Sarah just as she had gotten back from her afternoon jog. She was wearing Blue and white jogging shoes, grey running shorts and a blue tank top. She invited me to come up to the top bunk with her and when we got up there she removed her shoes and threw them down to the ground. The smell was very noticable and i was again inhaling it as much as possible while trying to keep my cool and not seem weird. Her socks were ankle high this time and they were white with black on the heel and toe area. she again put her feet right on my lap and I knew she wanted a foot rub so I followed through. I removed her socks and when i was about to dropped them off the side of the bed to the floor she told me to smell them. I blushed and she could tell i was imbarassed but she told me she didn't care and that she had had a previous boyfriend with a foot fetish and i reminded her of him. As I inhaled her sweaty socks, she put her right foot on my errection and she held the dirty socks onto my face with her left foot. Then she let the sock drop into my lap and she asked me to smell inbetween her toes and again reassured me that she didn't mind. She let me go to town smelling for atleast 20 minutes and of course there was some kissing involved however i didn't want to weird her out by licking them. When she finished letting me indulge she asked me how the red pair of softball socks was holding up and I told her they were keeping me thinking of her. when i had to go home, she let me take the pair of black and white socks that were almost crusty with sweat. A score for me! 
Wow another amazing story. Have you got any more stories? Any pics please?


Make sure to continue this story, unlike me. Never finished mine :/
Great stuff so far, sounds like she enjoys the foot attention, hopefully there's more to come for you (and us).
I'd love to, GB, but I am seriously busy with work now. Says a 16-year-old boy. Well, I got hired by a company to make an advertisement which will take me approx. 100 hours, I have to DJ alot in this period of the year, and I still have my two other jobs. I also lead a big project in a game which is under development, and today I joined the crew of an indie-game which is in development. Yay, my life
Wow these are really great, loved it. I'm new here and was wondering if you and anybody else would give me some feedback on my first post. Thanks.
Awww thats not true GB. You at least have a person whose feet you can worship, hehe.
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