Foot Slave Wanted

Foot Slave Wanted


Foot Slave Wanted
 How I Became a Foot Slave to Marisa    A little background prior to how it all began: Back in junior year of high school, I was pretty much the ultimate nerd. All I did was play video games and I didn’t socialize with many people outside my close circle of friends. However, in gym class I finally made a couple female acquaintances, once of which was a tall white girl named Marisa. Now, I actually didn’t think of her as anything more than an acquaintance for awhile, we liked each other’s company and that was that. I was very reserved and was just discovering my love for feet at that period in time so I didn’t try to take glances at her feet, not that I could because she never wore flip-flops. Over time, apparently she took a liking to my silly and random personality, and she ended up asking me out to a movie which completely shocked me. For as long as I’ve lived I’ve been extremely introverted, so I wasn’t thrilled of going to some movie, but I said yes regardless. We ended up going to some comedy that I honestly don’t remember (it wasn’t that grand) but we had a decent time nonetheless. However, our little time together was very short lived, we ended up going to the school dance later, but we were never really “together”, our interests were to vastly different and so we never even got to the point of proclaiming ourselves the obligatory title of “being in a relationship.” She seemed to want to distance herself from me rather than remaining friends afterwards, which made me disappointed, but I accepted it. Fast forward about 6 months later in the school year. It was about may and it was somewhat common for girls on the school grounds to be wearing flip flops. At this time, my fetish for feet was beginning to take full form, it wasn’t so much an obsession yet, but I certainly loved them. The problem is, even with all the feet at display, I was/am VERY picky with feet I like. To be brief: I like long feet (I especially like long toes), light skinned, nailed polished, clean feet. So, I would occasionally see a pair of feet I liked, but with how introverted I was there was no way I was ever going to reveal my love for them. I never saw anything spectacular until one day I came in view of Marisa again. I actually forgot about her for the most part. When I saw her in the library I was sitting alone looking at my phone, she went up to the front desk so she didn’t see me. I had a diagonal view of her feet, and even if I didn’t get to see the soles I was absolutely dumbfounded by the sight. It’s impossible for me to express how astounded I was even with what little I had to look at. For the entire two or so minutes she was at the front desk I was just staring at her feet, the urge to leap down and start worshipping her feet was extremely high, but obviously I didn’t do such. After she spoke with the person at the front desk, she left the library. Let’s just say that I started wishing I tried harder to stay with her back then. After that moment, I tried to get a peek of her feet whenever possible, this was rare as the only chance I had was during lunch, in which I would have to go somewhere she couldn’t see and take a peak. Eventually, the school year came to a close. I’m ashamed to admit that whenever I wasn’t playing video games or doing some other average task, I was daydreaming passively about her feet, longing for the first time to be a slave. All I wanted was to worship her feet for hours on end, and became depressed as this was never going to happen. After summer break, senior year rolled around, me and her had little contact.

But once again, once the later months arrived and it started getting hotter, I once again was reminded of her perfect, glorious feet. I accepted my fate though, senior year ended, and I moved on. So, that’s the entire background out of the way, now is when the title may start to make some sense. My first year of college ended not too long ago, including my summer classes. I am at a loss of what to do and my fetish for feet is now insanely interruptive. The thought of worshipping feet constantly invades my thoughts, especially the fantasy of being Marisa’s foot slave. I had never told anyone about my fetish, until one day I broke down and had to tell someone. I decided I would tell an old friend from high school: Alexandria. Now, make no mistake, me and her have always just been friends, this has been established and I had no sexual desire towards her what so ever. Alex was also the only person I knew/know that is a friend of Marisa’s that I am also a friend with. With that said, I asked to meet her at IHop (who doesn’t love that place) during 8:00 PM so that there would be little other people. All I told her was I wanted to talk about things and open up about certain things. Knowing how closed up I was in high school she agreed to meet me and said she was quite curious as to what this was going to be about. I’ll shorten our talk, but after some small talk she asked why we were REALLY meeting. After much hesitation I told her of my foot fetish, even going as far as to my desire to be a foot slave. Surprisingly, while she did think it was strange, she was thankful that I was open to her. Not soon after I revealed everything, she asked, “So… has there ever been anyone specific that you’ve wanted to… worship-er… be a foot slave to?” I was surprised at how quickly she got to a specific question. “Well… yes, there is someone.” I replied with a shaky voice. She told me to calm down and asked if she ever knew the person, I replied saying yes.

She sat there for a few seconds before throwing out a guess, “Is it Marisa?” I couldn’t believe it. “... Okay… now how did you guess that?” She shrugged, “Well, she’s the only girl you’ve ever been remotely involved with, and her feet match your description of what you look for in feet, so I figured it was a safe bet.” I didn’t really have a reply, after not having anything to say, she spoke up, “Y’know… there’s a possibility I might be able to help you fulfill your fantasy with Marisa.” “... How could you possibly do that?” I stammered. “I’ve taken a good amount of psychology classes and speech classes, so I know how to persuade rather well, and I AM still a friend of hers… plus, she’s told me… well, just trust me, okay?” “... Okay. I don’t know what magical plan you’re going to conjure up, but know I appreciate whatever it is you’re going to do regardless.”    And so, we finished our meal with some more small talk after this, exchanged goodbyes with her final words being, “I will help you.” Needless to say, I was extremely curious as to what the outcome would be, about a week passed since our meeting, and I was just meandering on my computer once again, I checked my facebook and saw I had a friend request, which was rare for me. Yes, you guessed it. I recieved a friend request from Marisa just three hours ago. I knew this was Alex’s doing, and I couldn’t help but just stare at the screen for a solid minute. It literally took approximately one hour before I got the guts to click the accept button, I then saw her profile to the right on the screen, she was online. The fact that she was actively online at that moment made me incredibly nervous, scared, happy… basically, I was emotionally unstable at that moment. I couldn’t bring myself to type the first words to her at first. About ten minutes passed, and after a lot of pep talk to myself, I began moving my cursor to her profile to send a message.

Before I could click her profile, much like a situation in a movie I then recieved a message from her first. Here is what it said: “Well, hello there *my name*! ” I could still not muster the strength to reply, I then received a stream of messages following that one. 

Message #2: I’m going to assume you’re sitting there. I’m also going to assume you know why I send you a friend request. 
Message #3: I know all about your fantasy of being my foot slave, Alex told me everything.
Message #4: So, let me start by telling you that I had an experience with a short-term boyfriend a few months ago. Alex knew I had this experience which is probably why she knew she could… persuade me. . 
Message #5: Basically, I had a boyfriend who had a foot fetish much like yourself, I was reluctant at first but eventually obliged and allowed him to worship my feet. I absolutely loved it… every second of it, he quickly went from boyfriend to being my foot slave as I discovered that I ADORED having a foot slave rather than a boyfriend.
Message #6: My arrangement with him was short-lived though, as he eventually wanted to start doing other things aside from just worshipping my feet. Things like footjobs… things involving other body parts… I wanted no part of that. He didn’t let up though, so I had get rid of him. 
Message #7: So my proposal is this, I’ve been desiring a foot slave for quite some time now, and the idea of me owning YOU of all people is even BETTER. So if you want to suck my toes, lick my soles, kiss my feet, and worship them for hours upon hours… if you… want to become my foot slave… that can very well happen. Just know that you would be a foot slave, and the extent of that is mouth to foot and nothing else. What do you say?
Now, anyone in my position would bang their head against a wall because of thinking everything happening is a dream. Funnily enough, I’m a strange breed, I’m asexual in every regard aside from liking feet, so this was the best possible arrangement for me. I suddenly summoned all the courage I had and typed up a reply.   
My Message: … It probably comes to no surprise to you that I’m shocked right now and joyous at the same time. Please Marisa, accept me as your foot slave. All I want is your feet, I don’t need anything else in my life other than your feet. *bows graciously*    

from her: There you go you shy little fool! We very well could have a deal here. So, here’s what we’re going to do. My parents are gone on mondays-thursdays. They both work from 10 am to at least 6 pm, since today is Sunday, we can try this whole ordeal tomorrow if you want. You have no idea how excited I am to have you as my slave *my name*.    

My Message: I’ll be there at 10 am sharp if you’ll allow me, my queen.   

Message from her: Aw… look at you, already recognizing me as your goddess, I’m liking this a whole lot! Here’s my address: *her address*. And here’s my number: *her number*. I’ll message you as soon as my parents leave, and you can head over here. 

My Message: I will oblige to anything you say, goddess.   

Message from her: lol good boy! I’ll see you then!   

It was kind of weird, her messages over facebook were very kind and I was wondering if it’d be the same once I was officially her slave (assuming it worked out.) Regardless, I was very jumpy that day and was questioned by my parents as to why, I made up a story about how I was going to meet an old friend, and asked if I could go to her house tomorrow. My parents are pretty lenient, so they said I could.

One thing I wasn’t sure about, is if I were to become her foot slave, I would have to live in the same house as her, and since we were both living with our parents still even though we were taking college classes, I was unsure of how that would work. I decided I was getting ahead of myself and simply awaited for the following day. Nighttime arrived, I set my alarm for 9 am just to give myself plenty of preparation time, and went to sleep. When I woke up, I performed my daily tasks, made sure I was dressed well, and waited. I received a message at 9:56 from Marisa reading: “You may now come to my domain, soon to be slave.” It was weird how I was looking forward to her calling me her slave. Regardless, I immediately ran to my car, jumped in, and drove as fast as I legally could to her house. Once I arrived, I parked near the crib of her house, and looked up. Turns out, her parents must have it good, cause she had what seemed like a small mansion, I was surprised a house like this wasn’t in a gated community. I took a deep breath, got out of my car with a full bouquet of roses that I bought the previous night and went to her door.

After a year and a half or so of not seeing Marisa, the door opened after about 10 seconds, and there she was. I neglected to mention how she herself was insanely beautiful as well. But even still, it was very difficult for me to not immediately look down to see if she had her feet exposed. I held out the roses and said, “I figured it wouldn’t be polite to arrive with nothing to offer my new queen.” She gave a surprised smile and exclaimed, “Oh *my name*! I wasn’t expecting you to bring anything for me, how very kind of you!” Her smile then gave way to a bit more of a neutral look, “Also, if this day works out well, I hope you know our interactions will be more passive, and I may be not as kind. While I will be your dominant goddess, I won’t be extremely rude, but don’t expect me to be super nice anymore.” “You may treat me however you would like, goddess.” “*giggle* Aw, you’re such a cutie. It’ll be lovely to see you slaving at my feet. She then walked back in her house with the roses in hand and invited me in, this was when I had a window of opportunity to look at her feet. She was wearing socks, probably on purpose so I would be even more anxious just to see her perfect feet. The rest of her outfit was normal, she was wearing black sweats along with a simple grey shirt that had a cat on it. I couldn’t care less what she was wearing, she was my goddess after all. As I was following her, I noticed the house was very expansive, with large rooms, along with two giant flippin columns that held up a portion of the upstairs, and even a giant gold colored (or maybe even real gold) mirror. I was impressed, of course, but figured it would be impolite to ask what her parents did for a living. We eventually made it to the living room which was in front of the kitchen.

She went over and sat on a red couch of what I assumed was covered with an expensive cloth, and she instructed me to sit on the couch to the opposite of it, which was an identical couch. “So…” she began… “Here we are, *my name*, a rather lustrous house, I know. Before we begin the task I’m sure you so very much want to start, as I can see how hard it is for you to not take glances down at my feet. We might as well have a final bit of talk since we probably won’t have much more once this becomes… official.” I don’t really remember the details, but as anxious as I was to worship her feet, we simply… talked. From topics of what we’ve been doing to our hobbies to our education to ridiculous stories of our past retail jobs (I worked at Toys R Us while she worked at Office Depo, apparently we both hated it), we just talked. After about 30 minutes of discussing various subjects, we found ourselves at a loss of what to talk about. I was reminded why I took to her as a friend back in high school, she was very kind and easy to discuss anything with. But, that was not to be the reality any more. Our banter ended, and she looked at me straight in the eyes, without any sort of conclusion to our discussion, she said in a stern voice, “So, are you willing to serve me as a foot slave for eternity? Will you serve my feet whenever I desire regardless of what you are doing, will you treat me as your goddess, mistress, and master?” It was so sudden I had trouble responding at first, it seemed like she rehearsed this, “O-Of course, Goddess Marisa! I will serve you as long as you’ll have me, from this point forward I live to serve you, and I will worship your feet for 24 hours straight if I have to!” I was surprised I was able to respond in a professional manner, granted my voice was still quivering. She nodded in a pleasing manner and said, “You are now my foot slave, I prefer the title of goddess, though mistress or master also work. Now, please get on your knees in front of me and remove my socks.” I couldn’t believe it was actually happening, my ultimate fantasy was finally taking form. I got down on my knees as instructed, hobbled over to where her legs were dangling in front of me, and removed her first sock from her right foot. Once I did so, I was reminded at just how blessed I had become. The most perfect foot, with long, loooong white toes with red nail-polish, a pleasant scent wafted from them, they were exquisitely clean and well kept, her foot size was likely larger than mine as it seemed it was size 13 or so even though she was slightly shorter than my at about 6 feet tall. I could barely contain myself after removing the first sock, but I kept my composure and removed the sock on her left foot, which of course was also perfect in every way imaginable. After doing this, I put the socks to the side and looked up at my goddess: Marisa. She grinned as me and said, “You may start by kissing my feet until I say to do otherwise.” I had never actually worshipped feet in any manner before, but that didn’t stop me from immediately following her order. I started with her right foot, and began kissing away.

I didn’t give light kisses either, these were full-fledged, puckered up kisses that I began to lay down all over the top of her right foot. I started at the upper area of the foot near the leg and then gradually got to her toes, I was kissing so thoroughly that it took about three minutes just for me to finish kissing the top of that foot. It was EXTREMELY difficult to not start sucking her toes when I was kissing them, I then gently raised her foot up, which I glanced upwards to which she gave a me a nod, and started kissing her right sole dozens upon dozens of times. After what seemed like 8 minutes of kissing her right foot alone, she then told me to do the same thing to her left foot. I did exactly as instructed, and kissed every inch of her left foot, the top, her toes, the sole, the heel, every single inch. After another 8 minutes or so passed. She said, “This is everything I wanted… now… WORSHIP MY FEET. LICK. SUCK. THOSE. PERFECT. SOLES.” she said in a stern voice. I don’t think I have been as happy as I was right then, it seemed the kissing alone was the “test”, I immediately obliged and stuck out my tongue as far out as I could and began to lick her soles in rapid succession. Once again, I started with her right foot, licking her sole rapidly and thoroughly. I made sure as I was licking down to up and bottom to right that my tongue was practically fully covering the sole the entire time, it didn’t take long for her right sole to be licked clean and drenched. My tongue was already beginning to get sore, but I didn’t care, I licked every inch of the top of her right foot, then proceeded to repeat what I had just done but to the left foot. Once this was done, I was instructed to suck on her heel, and she shoved her right heel into my mouth. (I neglected to mention that I had a… well… you know… a giant boner the entire time. But I rather focus on her than anything going on to me.) It had to be a solid five minutes straight of sucking on her right heel, and when I was say sucking I mean I was SUCKING. I didn’t just let her gorgeous heel lie in my mouth, no, I was sucking it with full force the entire time, and she certainly took note of this as she said, “I’ll admit, I’m impressed. I was somewhat worried you’d be pathetic and barely be able to stick out your tongue, but you have been going ALL OUT THIS ENTIRE TIME. Just in case you were wondering, any doubts I had are ten thousand percent gone, you are my foot slave.

 understand we already established that, but now that you’re actually worshipping my feet, this is just… perfect. Now move on to my left heel, slave.” Happiness can’t even express how filled with joy I was after she said this, I was finally where I wanted to be, no more did I have to fantasize, my ultimate fantasy was n
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