Foot Fetish Porn Vk

Foot Fetish Porn Vk


Foot Fetish Porn Vk
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Research dating back to the 1950s explains why the foot fetish makes total sense.
The fetish for feet is much more common than you think...
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Have you ever wondered how fetishes are formed? Photo by OneSideProFoto on Shutterstock
“Fetish” and “kink” are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are some key differences that are important to discuss when we’re talking about the psychology of a specific sexual desire.
A fetish is a sexual fixation on a specific object, activity, or body part that becomes absolutely necessary to a person’s sexual satisfaction. A kink is a broad term that is used to describe many different “alternative” sexual interests, preferences, and/or fantasies.
A fetish will oftentimes be psychologically ingrained in our desires – it becomes almost impossible to feel sexual pleasure without including this particular thing in your sex life.
Sometimes a fetish is a kink that has become psychologically essential to sexual gratification. For some, participating in a specific BDSM activity may start as a fantasy and eventually lead to something they need in order to feel arousal, pleasure, and sexual release.
The idea of how fetishes are formed has been a question of intrigue for a long time. However, there is still very little research available on the subject. Perhaps this is because of the complexities of sexual psychology — after all, sometimes it’s difficult to explain why our brain reacts the way it does to certain stimulation.
The most common answer to the question of how fetishes are formed is that a fetish is a learned response. For example, when a neutral item (such as a shoe, for example) is paired with something arousing (a nude photo, for example), the previously neutral item is eventually associated with arousal and sexual excitement, eventually becoming a trigger for arousal.
This theory was proven in 1966, with a study performed by Stanley Rachman , where colored photographic slides of naked women were projected onto a screen for 15 seconds, followed by another image of a pair of black, knee-length women’s boots projected for 30 seconds.
Sexual arousal was successfully conditioned in this study, meaning that the participants eventually became aroused when looking at the image of the black boot.
There is another theory surrounding fetishism that suggests there are prerequisite personality traits that enable us to become more or less likely to develop certain fetishes.
According to psychologist Dr. Justin Lehmiller , who is currently a research fellow at the Kinsey Institute, the idea that people are “born with” fetishes likely won’t be proven – but there is merit to the idea people may be born with a generalized predisposition to developing fetishes.
“Although personality is undoubtedly influenced by environmental factors, several studies have suggested that a number of personality traits are heritable to some degree,” Lehmiller explains. “So, to the extent that individuals are born with tendencies towards certain personality traits could explain why some people are more likely to develop fetishes than others.”
1 in 7 people have had a sexual fantasy about feet. Photo by Martin Carlsson on Shutterstock
The fetish for feet has been labeled as many things: foot fetishism, foot worship, foot partialism (where you are sexually aroused by a certain body part).
Foot fetishism has also been deemed a paraphilia (a condition where the individual’s sexual arousal and satisfaction depend on fantasizing over a specific thing), with people who have a distinct interest in feet noted as having “podophilia” , which is described as a pronounced sexual interest in feet (or shoes).
According to Justin Lehmiller , who collected data on this topic for his book “Tell Me What You Want” , reported that 1 in 7 people have reported having a foot-related sexual fantasy before. However, he explains the number of people who have a true fetish for feet is likely to be much smaller than that.
It’s important to note, according to Lehmiller, that just because someone has fantasized about feet in a sexual capacity, this doesn’t mean they have a fetish for feet – simply, they have been sexually aroused by the idea of feet in the past.
Lehmiller even went as far as breaking down the sexual orientation of his participants, explaining that 18% of heterosexual men have fantasized about feet before, compared to a very small 5% of heterosexual women. Twenty-one percent of gay or bisexual identifying men and 11% of lesbian or bisexual women also shared their experiences with foot-related sexual fantasies.
The “body image map” known as the Penfield Homunculus explains why people can be sexually aroused by feet. Photo by sergey karabanov on Shutterstock
Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran , a neurologist and professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, San Diego, has spent years studying and analyzing the neural mechanisms that cause human behaviors.
Ramachandran explains the results of a study he conducted on the clinical phenomenon known as “the phantom limb”, where people who have lost limbs continue to have vivid sensations (pain or otherwise) where the missing limb would be.
Chronic phantom pain is present in about ⅔ of patients who have had a limb removed, and this phenomenon may also explain foot fetishism, as well.
According to Ramachandran, every point on your body has a corresponding point in your brain.
When a person loses a limb, the brain rewires the area of the brain that is connected to that part of your body and can often make it feel as though there is still a limb there – this is the explanation found in studies of phantom missing limb pains.
In one of Ramachandran’s studies, many people who had lost a foot also reported that they could experience sexual pleasure from thinking about their missing foot.
While this may sound unorthodox, a groundbreaking study from the late 1950s proves this theory.
Wilder Penfield established the “body image map” (referred to as The Penfield homunculus ) which found that sensations in the body directly correlated to stimulations in various parts of our brain. The sensory perception for our feet is located directly adjacent to the sensory perception area for our genitalia – perfectly explaining the normalcy behind foot fetishism.

*First Published: Dec 4, 2013, 1:12 pm CST

Posted on Dec 4, 2013   Updated on Jun 1, 2021, 12:37 am CDT
Behind even the most innocent-seeming YouTube trends can lurk predators intent on exploiting young kids.
Vocativ reports on YouTube “Feet Dares,” a creepy trend of men, sometimes disguised as fellow tweens, asking tween vloggers to show their soles, suck on their toes, or open a banana with their feet .
But now the kids are fighting back.
“Feet dares” for both male and female tweens have become so pervasive that many make videos specifically to address how they won’t do feet dares. The requests come in innocently enough as suggestions for videos that will give the kids more subscribers and views.
“ The dare exchanges—a sort of play-date for the digital age—are common among kids who find themselves bored after school. But in reality, many of the tweens engaging in challenges aren’t tweens at all; they’re ‘pervs’…on the hunt for a certain kind of child porn,” writes Vocativ.
A channel called YouTube Video Alert made an entire video warning underage vloggers that those asking to see their feet aren’t doing it as an innocent dare, but because of sexual intent.
The challenges seem weird but harmless to the kids, and many in the videos expressed that they didn’t know why someone was inundating their inbox with requests for “foot dares.” One says she won’t show the soles of her feet, but she does demonstrate her flexibility by putting her legs behind her head.
As Vocativ puts it, “a mature eye reveals the stunts are far dirtier than the girls believe.” But some tweens do realize that the requests are coming from “foot fetish people,” as evidenced in the video compilation of complaints below. Some of the kids ID the YouTube usernames of the people who solicit them, then warn other tween vloggers not to answer those messages.
Vocativ reports that YouTube is trying to crack down on “content related to kids and sex” (reluctant to use the term “child porn”) and has cleared out 100,000 queries involving inappropriate videos of children. “Foot Dare” videos specifically are hard to find because many have innocuous titles like “Dares!” or “Dares and Challenges!”
Blocking creeps and pedophiles has been an ongoing battle for YouTube, because offenders often don’t post their own videos or leave the other evidence necessary to file reports against them. If their accounts are eventually taken down by YouTube, they can easily start new ones.
In 2012, the Daily Dot reported on a scammer who solicited underage YouTubers by pretended to represent a modeling agency. He was eventually stopped—not by YouTube, but by the FBI.
H/T Vocativ / Photo via Prio/Flickr
Gaby Dunn is an actress, comedian, and blogger who covered YouTube for the Daily Dot. Since 2016, she’s hosted the podcast ‘Bad with Money,’ and operates a successful YouTube channel. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Vice, and Salon.
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Ever wanted to pack up the day job or start a side hustle selling feet pics?
Well, you might be wondering whether your trotters have the potential to bring in big bucks.
Who better than foot fetishists, then, to tell us what separates the wheat from the chaff when it comes to feet?
Feet can be like Marmite – some people can’t stand them while others are really into them.
We spoke to those on the latter end of the spectrum who enjoy looking at women’s feet online and often pay for extra content.
They tell us there is no one type of ideal, ‘sexy’ feet.
The answer to what makes a good food varies among the foot fetish community: some prefer long nail beds, others enjoy a lick of nail polish. And some say it depends on the model’s personality.
‘For me, attractive feet consist mostly of size, shape, softness and (as strange as it sounds) the personality of the owner of the feet.
‘I can’t feel softness but it’s an inference I have to make. Generally, if they look soft, four out of five times they are. Figuring out the personality of the person, I either interact with their posts and see how/if they respond, then look at their bio.
‘One of my favourites is on Reddit. She’s really sweet, and her feet match with the criteria I mentioned earlier: nice size, shape, they look really soft, but it’s really her personality that gets me.
‘I’ve talked to her and she’s fun to talk to! I’ve done two artworks of her, and when I messaged her to give them to her, she was really happy to just chat! Her bio said business only, and I was nervous at first because I didn’t want to inconvenience/waste her time.
‘But she surprised me saying I could talk whenever. It was just really nice getting to meet and befriend my favourite Reddit model.
‘You can have nice feet, but your personality is the determining factor as to whether I’d be attracted to them or not.’
‘I don’t know why I find feet attractive or why certain feet are more attractive than others but I can tell you what I’m attracted to.
‘So the sexiest type of foot would be long skinny soles with long toes, high arches, painted toenails (black is my fave), and soft oily shiny soles.
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‘I like smaller petite feet as well but this is my favourite. I also find it more attractive when feet are ticklish. Dirty feet can be hot too but only as humiliation with feet that would be attractive if clean.
‘What makes feet so great as a submissive is that I can be teased in public anywhere, and it’s so easy to do it. And if I’m with a girl who knows I have a foot fetish she can dangle her shoes or rub her feet together or put them on me or something. That’ll get any guy with a foot fetish a little aroused.’
‘For me personally it’s all about elegance, clean, well-treated feet, good nail polish is a big plus ofc.
‘I like Greek type feet the most but in the end, there’s no some kind of standard for me. Greek type is when the second toe a little longer than the big toe.’
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‘Personally for me, it’s long toes, the size of the nail beds and toe length to foot ratio. I really prefer natural toes, most polish doesn’t do it for me. I can’t give you a measurement, it’s hard to explain.
‘For me, slender elegant feet, with long shapely toes.
‘Size is irrelevant, as long as they are well kept, and the toenails well tended to. As far as that goes, well-kept natural nails are what gets me going.’
Feet Week is a week dedicated entirely to feet... as the name probably gives away.
We figured we could all do with something to occupy our minds during the pandemic - and what better topic than feet?
From 4 May to 10 May you can find articles on everything feet, from what it actually takes to be a foot model to what it's like to be a pro toe wrestler.

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