Foods That Make Your Vag Smell Bad

Foods That Make Your Vag Smell Bad


Foods That Make Your Vag Smell Bad
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Dr. Keesha Ewers is a board certified Functional and Ayurvedic medical practitioner, as well as Doctor of Sexology, family practice ARNP (advanced registered nurse practitioner), and founder of a new branch of medicine called Functional Sexology.
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Most women that are sexually active and engage in oral sex experience that niggling anxiety about their smell and taste at some point. Let’s face it, ladies, it’s true. When I first wrote this article, I got feedback from several male patients and friends that this is often true for men too.
I frequently get asked: “Are foods or products that could take away this sexual anxiety?” The answer is yes. But let’s start with a little biology lesson first.
Your vagina is a self-cleaning oven. It does not need any products to make it smell better or to be cleaner. You have a natural balance of flora (helpful microscopic bugs) that help keep your nether regions clean and healthy. If you disrupt that balance of bugs, you can wind up with funky smells.
The biggest disruptor of a healthy microbial world in the gut and vagina is antibiotic use. Antibiotics wipe out the good bugs with the bad bugs. Other culprits are steroids, sweets, alcohol, caffeine, and stress.
The top 3 issues women face when their vaginal flora is not balanced, and their vaginal pH is acidic are:
If you have any of these issues, you will not smell very good. The solution is not to cover the smell with perfumed chemical products. These slickly marketed so-called “vaginal health” products are very damaging. The real solution is to find the “root-cause” and to fix it. Below are some foods that can help.
Foods that help to prevent yeast infections:
Foods that can beat the “fishy bacterial vaginosis” smell:
Foods to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs):
Foods that can make you smell and taste bad:
Body odor can be a result of your body’s detoxification system having a difficult time getting rid of your internal garbage. Your liver, kidneys, lymph system, intestinal tract, skin, and lungs all contribute to the detox functions that are so necessary for you to stay healthy. If you have stinky armpits, it is more likely you will have a stinky vagina.
Some foods that can make everything a little bit worse. Anything strong smelling like asparagus, curry or garlic can alter your smell and taste…everywhere on your body. Red meat can also change your vaginal sensory experience, which is why vegetarians and people who eat a lot of pineapples are thought to have lighter smelling genitalia.
Does this mean you should be a vegetarian to smell and taste good? No. A vegetarian diet is only good for about 10% of the population (based the APOe gene in your DNA). So what can the meat eaters do? Anyone who is not an APOe 4 gene carrier can eat a primarily paleo style diet and follow the advice of the ancient health system of Ayurveda; detox each time the season changes. If you are changing your wardrobe, it’s time to do a detox (medically supervised and individualized) and to change your menu options.
Want to know your gene type so you can know your perfect diet? You can order gene testing kit here and then book time with Dr. Keesha for a one-hour genetic consultation: Then you can be sure to always “taste and smell” your best because your diet will match the needs of your unique digestive system.
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11 Things You Do That Make Your Vagina Smell & Taste Bad
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By Kiarra Sylvester — Written on Mar 31, 2017
Not going to lie, I've spent endless hours Googling to see what my vagina should smell like and the best answer I've gotten is metallic.
It's a bald-faced lie when they try to convince you that your vagina should smell like absolutely nothing, so don't be fooled.
However, I can also think of countless times where I've scurried into panic mode in order to figure out what the not-so-metallicy smell is down there . I went into a (now hilarious) downward spiral the first time I had a yeast infection, but mostly because I spent the day on search engines discovering all the things that could be wrong.
As you can imagine Google's number one answer will almost always send you into a helpless ball of fear. 
So, we're not here to help you self-diagnosis but to instead give you a better idea of all the other things that could be throwing your vagina scent off . And, here are 11 of the very best answers. 
To be honest, this rule is actually the worst since it can sort of ruin the post-sex mood. But it's a major must-do!
While you don't have to jump out the sack (as I've been frantically doing), it's important that you do so — not peeing after sex can lead to Urinary Tract Infections , which in addition to a raunchy odor, can be super painful and even slightly embarrassing (if it's causing you to pee your pants. Also me.) 
I repeat: Do not use soap on your vagina.
Now, before you side eye a whole into my head think anatomically for a moment — we use the term vagina so loosely that we forget that it's not the exterior. So, yes, feel free to still wash the are around your vagina and just avoid what's in between the labia (you know, the lips).
Apparently, the inside is self-cleaning or something like that. Ehhh. 
Yes, your clean eating might not taste or smell so clean.
But, no worries, these are the vegetables you have to put on your shit list if you plan on getting laid: Garlic, broccoli, and asparagus. Although curry isn't a vegetable per se, it is an herb and it also creates a stink. 
Drinking throws off the pH of your vagina in the same way that certain vegetables can. 
You remember that D.A.R.E. commercial that swore kissing a smoker wasn't fun because it tasted like you were licking an ashtray? Well, that's your vag if you're a smoker. According to Elite Daily , your vagina can get "ashtray breath." 
Maybe you just finished an intense workout, maybe you're just shopping for groceries. But, instead of little beads of sweat dripping from your forehead — you've been blessed with vag sweat.
Unfortunately, vagina sweat can be more difficult because according to Women's Health Magazine that area never truly gets a chance to breathe throughout the day "so the area stays wet and occluded" — creating a cozy environment for not only funkiness, but also yeast and thus yeast infections. 
Forgetting a tampon up there will definitely do it. Or, a condom. Yep, losing a condom in your vagina would definitely make things a little rank.
I'm really down for cutting red meat out of my diet, but I guess I may have to reconsider .... OK .... no. 
According to Buzzfeed , red meat affects the vagina's pH by cutting the acidity and possibly changing the smell.  In the same article, another expert said that within two hours you may reek of the meat you just ate. Ick.
The jury is still out on this one, as some believe it may be myth . But for quite some time it has been said that wearing tight clothing that doesn't allow your vagina to breath can lead to a fun-filled-yeasty. So with summer approaching resist the urge to dig out those daisy dukes and skip the skinny jeans ... if you can.
10. Not getting checked for sexually transmitted Infections
The most obvious answer? Sexually transmitted diseases. This probably should've been first on my list, right?
11. Getting frisky with someone new 
While Bacterial Vaginosis is not an STI , it is one of the most common bacterial infections contracted by women of all ages. The exact cause of BV hasn't been narrowed down to any one thing, but it has been said that new or multiple sex partners could lead to this fishy-smelling imbalance of the good and bad bacteria.
Sometimes BV treats itself, but for the most part you should go and see a doctor if the symptoms are there. 
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7 Surprising Foods That Can Affect Your Vagina
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Many people may already be aware that certain foods can affect how your body smells ( hello garlic breath). But while we’re usually concerned with how food will affect our breath or sweat, we never really stop to think about how what we eat can affect our vagina. Certain foods can cause anything from a foul odor to a yeast infection, so it’s important to be aware of them to keep your reproductive system happy and healthy. Without further ado, I present to you seven surprising foods that can impact your vagina.
Alcohol We all like to enjoy a drink or two every now and then. But those who already experience vaginal dryness may want to avoid going overboard, as it could make their condition worse. Alcohol can dry out the body, causing your body to stop producing adequate amounts of vaginal lubrication. It’s also important to note that chronic binge drinking can lead to issues with sexual  drive and functioning, as well as sleep.
Sugary foods Eating foods with a high sugar content may increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Having too much sugar that your body can’t get rid of causes it to seep into the bloodstream, running throughout the body–and to your vagina. Yeast is attracted to warmth, moisture, and–you guessed it–sugar. So eating sugary foods, especially if you’re in a warm environment or just worked out and have damp clothes, can greatly increase your risk of having a yeast infection.
Onions There are a couple of facts we already know about onions: they make you cry, and you shouldn’t eat them on a first date. But something we didn’t know? Many foods that cause bad breath can also give you an unpleasant vaginal odor. Eating the pungent vegetable may cause your urine to secrete the same bad odor. While eating a bit of onion probably won’t make too much of a difference, eating it in large quantities can negatively affect your vagina.
Asparagus You may have heard that asparagus can affect the smell of your urine, and sometimes, even give it a greenish tint. But it can also temporarily affect the pH of your vagina, which in turn could cause an unpleasant odor. While it’s not terrible for your body to eat asparagus, you may want to avoid it if you’re concerned about your vagina’s smell or taste.
Broccoli They’ve always told us to eat our broccoli, but they never explained that it would make our vaginas smell! Broccoli itself is generally considered a pretty stinky vegetable, so it may not be surprising that it can cause your vagina to emit a similar odor. And while you shouldn’t cut the nutritious vegetable out of your diet completely, you may want to skip your broccoli treat before a date night!
Fried foods While having the occasional french fry won’t be too detrimental for your vaginal health, having too much of the fatty treat will be. In addition to causing an odor, eating fried foods or foods with a high fat content may cause bacterial vaginosis, a vaginal infection that can cause abnormal discharge, itching, and odor.
Cheese Many people have issues with consuming dairy, but not many talk about the negative impact it can have on your vagina. Eating too much cheese may disrupt the bacteria in your vagina, throwing off your pH balance like many of the other foods on this list. If you love to have a daily cheesy snack, try pairing it with water or other foods that don’t negatively impact your vaginal pH. You can also try swapping your cheese out for yogurt, which is full of probiotics, or bacteria and yeast that’s actually good for your body.
While you don’t have to cut these foods out of your diet permanently, you should try to eat them in moderation for the overall health of your vagina. If you’re experiencing an unpleasant odor or uncomfortable vaginal sensations that won’t go away with a change in diet, you should speak to your doctor.
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Developing good hygiene habits can help women stay healthy. Every day, women shower, brush their teeth, and comb their hair to keep their bodies healthy and help themselves feel clean. Yet there are parts of our routine that we may not realize affect our vaginal health. Many women aren’t thinking…
“Did someone order fish for lunch?” If you ever uncomfortably crossed your legs when a coworker asked that question, fear not. Most causes of vaginal odor are temporary and perfectly treatable. Whether by antibiotics or simply changing your underwear, you can make your intimate region smell like . . .…
Yeast is a fungus, which means it behaves like one too. So like all other fungi, yeast will flourish in dark, moist places. That’s why summertime—the season of not only sunshine and pools but also of profuse sweating and wet bathing suit bottoms—is the term of choice for irksome and…
Taking care of your vagina can feel like a daunting task. Especially knowing that most women will develop some sort of vaginal infection at some point in their life, knowing what symptoms are normal and which ones are warning signs can feel like a maze. After all, all of our…
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Originally Published: Feb. 2, 2017
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When eating particular foods, we usually think about what is good for our body or our energy levels, but we don't typically pick a meal based on what it might do to our vaginal health. However, there are a number of foods that can impact your vaginal health , causing conditions such as dryness or throwing off your natural pH balance. This topic is not exactly something you learn in nutrition class, but if you're looking to keep your vaginal health in tact, you'll want to make sure you're tweaking your lifestyle to help everything run smoothly with your reproductive system.
"Diet affects everything, and the vagina follows the same rules of thumb as the rest of your body," Dr. Angela Jones, M.D., FACOG , tells Bustle. "Too much sugar — not a good thing. Too much alcohol — not a good thing." Everything in moderation.
Some of these foods, especially the ones that just affect your vaginal smell, are still healthy for you — which means you don't want to cut them out completely. Just make sure you're balancing them with other food groups for a well-rounded diet. To keep your vaginal health in tip-top shape, pay attention to these nine surprising foods that may impact vaginal health, according to experts.
It’s not just the harsh hangovers that impact your body after a night of drinking. "While most of us enjoy a drink or two (or three), remember some of the detrimental effects of alcohol ," Jones says. "Alcohol is very 'drying.”' And if your body is dry, Jones says that this may have consequences for your vaginal health as well: "Not being adequately hydrated makes it harder for the vagina to produce adequate amounts of lubrication.”
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