Foods That Help And Hurt When Managing Your Diabetes

Foods That Help And Hurt When Managing Your Diabetes

Peanut butter is an excellent way to satisfy a craving for something sweet when you're diabetic. It contains healthy fats and is relatively low in sugar, so grab a spoon and dig in. Lick it like a lollipop and it will gluconite reviews outlast any craving you have. Be careful if you put it on crackers or bread because you will need to include those carbohydrates in your daily counts.

Unlike breastfeeding, no one cares if you shoot up your insulin at the table. Really! Don't hide away in a bathroom or closet, come clean with your diagnosis and have your family and friends share in your recovery. The more they know, the more they can support you when you need them.

If you are diabetic, be sure to wear loose-fitting socks and stockings. Special socks are available for diabetics that have more stretch around the ankles and legs, to provide better comfort and circulation, as well as, to help keep your feet and legs healthier. Good circulation is imperative for the legs and feet of diabetics.

Diabetes causes you higher blood-glucose levels, which also affects how much glucose is in your saliva. You have to take extra care of your gums and teeth to keep the rot and decay away. Floss and brush regularly, and make sure to see your dentist twice a year for cleaning.

If you have a family member or loved one suffering with diabetes, it's vitally important that you offer your help and support to ease their struggle. Sometimes little things such as joining along for doctor appointments, educating yourself with books and website information or just offering a listening ear can all help your loved one feel less alone.

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