Following the Way of Karma Correction

Following the Way of Karma Correction

Vinay Bajrangi

It is not easy for a soul to be free from the vicious cycle of birth and death and find eternal salvation. It is only possible when there is no baggage of the pending karmas. Some of you might wonder what the pending karmas are and how they form baggage, averting the soul’s freedom from this cyclical process. Life is like a Ledger, where the deeds of all the lives are listed, and some of them which have not gotten their due are carried forward to the next life. Some people don’t know that why certain things are happening with them. Well, this could be because of the past life karmas. The pending karmas can be calculated using the Karma Calculator Astrology, and then you can work upon the theory of karma correction for the present and future life.

How to find the pending karmas

The pending deeds are the karmic debts that are carried forward from the past life. If they are not balanced, they will continue to be with the soul in the following births and haunt the present birth. If you dig deep into the theory of pending karmas, it will not only make you aware of the pending karmas at the time of birth but guide you towards the accomplishment of the same in your present life.

  • The sixth house in the natal chart is to be read to account for the deeds or karmas of the previous birth.
  • The planets in the sixth house, along with their lordships, are seen to know the pending karmas.
  • The planets which are aspecting the sixth house can also give some idea about the incomplete deeds carried forwards from the previous birth.
  • The position of the sixth house lord also gives clues about the pending karmas.
  • This can also be done with the help of a Past Life Karma Calculator, which is available on various websites.


Going through the theory of Karmas

The word Karma is a combination of Kri means to do or an action. So it is simply the things we do in our lives while playing our roles on this stage. As it is said by the great English poet William Shakespeare that ‘the world is a stage and all the beings perform their roles and go.’ So, the karmas are the acts we do at this stage. All the deeds that we have done in our present or past lives will get reimbursed at some point. These deeds can become a karmic burden based on the positive or negative actions done by us in the past.


Differentiating between Karma and fate

If you are confused about the difference between the karmas and fate, both are different. Karmas can make or break your fate. An individual's destiny is fixed, but the deeds we do in our lives are based on free will. Fate indicates that an individual is controlled by some external power and has no control over it, whereas the karmas can be corrected. An individual's consciousness helps him choose, depending on his free will to do good deeds or bad ones. This action can have an impact on fate.


How does Karma Correction Help?

If you have used the Karmic Astrology Calculator and are aware of the burden of the past deeds, you should think about the karma correction theory to make the present and future lives better. Going to an astrologer who is the master of Karmic Correction will help you comprehend the following things in a better way.

  • You will be able to understand and know about the past, present, and future births
  • Be aware of the classification of the life spans.
  • How can you modify your fate with modification in your karmas?
  • Who is the lord of your fate, and how it works in deciding your destiny?
  • You can also be aware of the planet that acts as the lord of salvation or Moksha and its powers.
  • The amount of free will that resides within you to execute your deeds.
  • The Yogas present in your chart and how you can utilize them the best to get positive results with Karma correction.


Visiting a Karmic Corrector

One can know about the Karma Calculator Astrology by visiting an able astrologer familiar with all the concepts of past life karmas and the Theory of Karma Correction. Before visiting for a consultation, don’t forget to read the astrologer's reviews, experience, and other insights. By doing this, you will be able to be clear in your mind whether you have made the right choice or there is a need for reconsideration.

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