Fluid Sexuality Test

Fluid Sexuality Test


Fluid Sexuality Test

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10 Questions - Developed by: Genderboy - Updated on: 2021-04-14 - 1,205,115 taken - User Rating: 4.3 of 5 - 37 votes - 732 people like it

Fairly short, but still able to be styled.

Hi! um I got like 50% male and like %40 percent gender fluid. . .but I think I'm gender fluid but then I want to be only male but then I wanna be non binary its all confusing but I'[m sure I will figure it out soon

Confused πŸ’€ (79602)

The results seemed accurate enough, it's still giving me a lot of anxiety when I think abt it tho 😭😭 gender is so confusing

Soo I am gender fluid I 'm not a girl... Weird How am I gonna come out.....?

i just got tooo many 50 percents in a row

A Existing person (03571)

Finally I got one that is more then 50% and it’s agender um yeah that makes a lot of sense

A Existing person (03571)

A Existing person (03571)

I’m still confused 😐 hmm very confused help

im a girl I play alot with the boys i feel like one i act like one but i often get disapproved by the girls

50% genderfluid So do I go by they/them? cuz it would get annoying telling everyone what I was that day

I feel like alot of these questions misrepresent non-binary and agender people.

I have taken this quiz literally 20 times (not joking) and i am still am questioning myself HEEELLLPPP - A confused genderfluid afab

So it gave me 60% girl and 40% genderfluid which I didn’t expect but I get honestly if I think about it. I was born a girl but I’m not a girly girl. I’ve grown not to like being that way. More of a β€œwhatever feels comfortable that day” person. So genderfluid fits, in that, some days I do feel more masculine than I do feminine; I just never realised it until now. I’ll call myself a girl still, but I think I’m gonna embrace my genderfluid side more now.

@Sara I would suggest you do some more research and try to figure out what YOU want with your body. Like...what you want/don't want from a female body, that also goes mor a masculine body, and an androgynous too. Consider what clothes/aesthetics you want or do partake in. how does it make you feel? Maybe get a journal and write down how your gender shifts, if it does. or just grab a s🐀 piece of paper and write down some of the things you want for your body. if you're an artist like me, then you could even draw what you would like too! i hope you have a great day, please tell me if this helped!!!! (sry if this was a bit late) ~a gay who hates themselves πŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸ³β€πŸŒˆ

I'm 40 percent agender ,30% bona-fide girl 10%bona-fide boy So should i count myself as a nonbinary gender?

It's say I'm 50% gender fluid and 50% agender what I can agree with lol

it says I am genderfuild 50%, I am going to take one more quiz lol

i got genderfluid 70% also wish me lick on my chem test!!! pleae i need jt

@Extremely Confused eyyyyyyyyy my home slice bread slice dawg im back from the deaddddddd well i was at my dad's lol, i only take my laptop to my mom's lol DIVORCED PARENTS CHECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 😍😫✨ HAPPY PRIDE MONTHHHHHHHHHHH πŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜«βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘β€β€β€


hey why dont i ever get 100% on these why r u up a like 3:00? *me running around and screaming*

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Are you feeling confused about your true gender? Your feelings plus societal pressures can make figuring it out pretty hard. With all the information available online, we sometimes end up confused and even think we are something we are not.

This quiz can help you determine whether you're cisgender, transgender, genderfluid or agender.
Try it now... and remember, there's no "right" or "wrong" result - whatever you get is awesome, like you!
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The topic of sexuality has aroused a lot of emotion since the dawn of time. It would seem that in the twenty-first century, sexuality has no secrets for us. How wrong are we? Despite the enormous development of humanity and openness to these matters, sexuality is still a taboo subject. Sexuality quiz is a specific answer to all the understatements related to this topic. If you have a problem with perceiving your own sexuality, you've come to the right place. The sexuality quiz will answer a key question that millions of people around the world ask themselves; it will determine with 100% certainty your sexual orientation.
To start considering your sexuality at all, at first, you need to find out what it really is. What does "sexuality" actually mean? Let's start from the very beginning, i.e., the genesis of the word itself. The word "sexuality" comes from the Latin word "sexus." However, what else does this concept cover?
Sexuality is primarily an area of intimacy, closeness with another person, or a sense of emotional connection. However, this concept is not limited to just a few definitions - it is much broader. Sexuality is also about fantasies, thoughts, or perceived sexual tension. Our sexual identity is a sense of who we feel, to what orientation we belong. There are many sexual orientations; contrary to what psychologists or sexologists believe, there are more than the basic three - heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
Many people at a young age, during puberty, often have problems with determining their own gender identity . Many young people struggle with problems related to sexual orientation. It cannot be denied that partnerships are an integral part of human life, and no one would like to spend their lives alone.
So, what types of sexual orientations do we distinguish? What are they characterized by?
Heterosexuality is by far the most common sexual orientation in society. It is characterized by a permanent attraction to people of the opposite sex. However, it should be emphasized that if a heterosexual person experiences sexual fantasies with a person of the same sex, it does not mean that he is a homosexual person.
This sexual orientation is not only a sexual attraction but also an emotional or psychological same-sex attraction. Homosexual people identify with their orientation and feel sexual attraction and attachment to people of the same sex.
A bisexual is a person who feels both physically and mentally attracted to both sexes. Both a woman and a man can be bisexual. It often happens that contacts with one of the sexes are sporadic, and a person with this orientation feels more attracted to one of the sexes.
Demisexuality is a slightly more complicated orientation than the above 3. Demisexuals are characterized by the fact that they feel sexual attraction only when a strong emotional bond with their partner is established.
Pansexuality is somewhat similar to bisexuality. However, it has some notable differences. Pansexual people don't label people by gender or orientation, and they don't see others through bipolar gender division. For a pansexual, there is simply a human. A pansexual can fall in love with a woman or a man regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. " Am I Pansexual " - have you been asking yourself that question?
Contrary to appearances, polyamory is not a new phenomenon. It consists of having sexual contact with more than one person at the same time. However, as polyamorous people argue, sexual attraction does not play a major role in their lives.
Asexuality means a complete lack of sexual attraction to any gender or sexual orientation. Asexual people are not attracted from birth, so asexuality has nothing to do with acquired disease or trauma. It is worth adding that asexual persons also often feel the need to be close to another human being.
The obvious fact is that the above sexualities are only a small fraction of all that occurs. However, it is impossible to list them all because the world around us is changing very dynamically, and day by day, we learn many new things about our sexuality. However, it is worth mentioning the other sexualities , and these are allosexual, androsexual, autosexual, fluid, graysexual, gynesexual, queer, sapiosexual, skoliosexual, and spectrasexual. We can also distinguish nonbinary people .
You are already familiar with the key information about human sexuality and sexual orientations. The time has come for the sexuality quiz, thanks to which you will broaden your horizons and learn many interesting facts about yourself. Keep in mind that the quiz will only be able to judge your sexual orientation if your answers to the questions are as honest as possible.



April 23, 2021, 5:21 am

Sexuality is a complex issue that covers more than lays on the surface. It would seem that such an essential part of self-identity would be studied profoundly and talked about in the open. But what do we get? More questions than answers and lots of stigmas in society. Hopefully, this sexuality test will help you in taking a look into your inner preferences and identity. At the minimum, we should all be able to accept who we are and learn to enjoy it.Β 
If you are Gen Z, you’ve probably heard of different sexualities your whole life. And the spectrum was not as diverse as it is now (at least what was discussed in society); you have it easier to accept that people are not all heterosexual or monosexual (preferring one gender) for that matter.Β 
However, if you are older, you know exactly how hard it is for people to be open-minded about the diversity in sexuality? But why is that? It’s not like this is a new development. Sexuality tests have been out there for a long time.Β 
A few interesting facts for you to consider.
While I mainly cover the topic of homosexuality here, it is only because this is the most documented one.Β 
When it comes to sexualities, modern society has differentiated; there are no bounds to human identity issues. Among the most commonly referred sexualities are
And this is only the tip of the iceberg.Β 
However, I’d like to stress out that these are all the terms used by society. That is why thy ar used for this sexuality quiz . Generally, they are accepted by the LGBTQ community. However, you should not be pressured to identify as one of these. If you are not comfortable being labeled as such, do not push yourself to name it. Just accept what you feel and who you are and describe it all in your terms. If you are comfortable talking about such an intimate matter, of course.Β 



June 26, 2022, 10:42 pm
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