Flowers In Her Hair And Naked Tumblr

Flowers In Her Hair And Naked Tumblr


should I write chapter 3 for "the girl with flowers in her hair" tonight?
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— Meleager, tr. by Peter Whigham, from Greek Anthology; “Epigrams,”
I'm Kierstin, Aquarius 2/8 ,Michigan, taken, cellist. I'm open to talk.
We’ve bought a new house. And our new next door neighbours (two delightful gentlemen) will not stop being nice. 
- bought us a seagull proof refuse bag (yes, they are actual things)
- loaned us garden tools when we didn’t have any
- invited us around for Friday night drinks so we could meet the other people on the lane
- one of them brought me a bunch of sweetpea flowers that he’d picked from his garden
- and tomorrow he’s coming to cut our hedge for us with his electric hedge trimmer thing idk, and all I have to do is hold the ladder.
i may be a terrible person but at least i say please and thank you and use my fucking blinker
Married 💕💍Proud navy wife ⚓️🇺🇸 Mommy 👣💞 Typical girl next door💋 WA🍃 I ❤️ min pins 🐶
| erin. 23. bi. she/her. hufflepuff. infp. t1d. |
Crystal✨|Golden Coast| Los Angeles,CA| Don't let people kill your flowers 🌺
This is a blog. Full of my secrets. The one's that I can't say to people's faces, or just things that I need to get out of my system. Thanks for looking. thegirlwiththeflowerinherhair x
I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel.
I can’t describe the feeling to anyone, not even my best friends. Because the rush that I get when I’m around you is unexplainable.
19 | Dreamer | Art lover | "you have to be insane to handle me" |
Sloane Easton Sixteen I'm a lover not a fighter. {{This is a RP blog with Halebrook}}
I think so, yeah. I mean, everyone ditches school, but what do you protest for? 
Charlotte Soames. Nineteen. Former orphan turned (something of a) lady. Snack Connoisseur. ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” ― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman
Folks Back Home || Harry & Charlotte
Harry grimaced, and cast his eyes down. He was not equal to this woman, in breeding or bearing. The more she spoke, the more quickly it became clear. He did not think that she meant to laugh at him—she was smiling, or trying not to smile, but it was not quite cruel. (She was too well-bred to be cruel.) She was trying to be kind. He still burned with the discomfort of knowing himself not to be quite up to snuff. He fidgeted, still drumming up the words. 
The book, with the letter, slipped away from him, and tumbled to the ground beneath the bleachers, thumping resolutely when it hit gravel. Harry, caught by surprise, cursed aloud, and then cursed again because the damn woman was standing right there. Harry levered himself to his feet and crouched between the rows, straining to collect the book. A flutter of paper had told him the letter had drifted away. He did not know immediately where. 
“How do you not know,” Harry muttered, not quite able to stop himself, searching for the letter. The book he recovered almost instantly. It had not fallen far. Harry disengaged himself from the bleachers and picked his way carefully downward. “Where did it go? Da—”
Harry stopped himself in time. Somewhere, Peggy was applauding, slowly, one eyebrow raised. Each clapped echoed in his bright red ears.
The letter had floated an extraordinary distance (for a letter), coming to rest at the snack lady’s feet. Harry blinked. He stared at the woman; he stared at the letter. He pressed his lips together tightly, holding in every word until he had something polite to say. “I’ll show you where, then, miss,” he mumbled, feeling that this was the only really decent way to apologize for everything.
Bazaar Exploration | Charlotte and Poppet
Charlotte Flynn, 32. Proud owner of Maguire's. Senoia is where the heart is.
Um… Yeah, more or less. How did you know? 
I’m not in a good place today, but that doesn’t mean i’m going to be stuck here forever. I’m going to feel grateful to be alive again.
Affirmation of the day. (via riffatmatinpoetry)
The thought of you fogs my mind and rain pours down from my eyes
Kiss: Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn 
Hug: Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo 
KILL: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini
I am nothing but flowers and stardust
"I hope we last. I hope we do. But if we don’t, this is how I want you to remember me: I want you to remember me curled up, listening to the sound of your heartbeat and tracing maps across your skin. Remember me laughing at your jokes, even the stupid ones. Remember me in hysterics for absolutely no reason and in tears because one time you made me so sad neither of us thought I’d recover. Remember me brave, that time you held my hand and I thought I was going to die; remember me scared and gentle and delicate and breakable - only for you though, only for you. Remember me happy, and all the ridiculous ways I tried to get your attention. Remember the way I was too stubborn to talk to you and how absolutely insane it drove the both of us. Remember all the firsts and how they were so delightful we went back for seconds and thirds and fourths. Remember the songs you couldn’t stop listening to and the childish dreams you allowed yourself about the future. If it’s any consolation I allowed myself to have them too. If it comes to it I don’t want you to remember the ending. Remember the beginning. Remember the first time you knew.
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #132 (via blossomfully)
You are not perfect. And that is no one’s business but your own.
Picture this. Ten years from now, you’re sitting in a big house, all white picket fence and porch swings. Ten years ago you swore you’d be living in a big city with her by your side but something happened along the way and you watched as those plans disintegrated in the palms of your hands. You watch the sunrise and you watch the sunset and you wonder if she’s somewhere on the other side of the planet like she promised. “I gotta get out of here,” she said, “it doesn’t matter how I do it or where I go, I’m getting out.” Picture this. Twenty years from now, you find your first grey hair. You dutifully have that middle aged panic attack that everyone seems obliged to have and you screw up your eyes and pull it out. Your life is pretty steady now: good, calm, like you’ve finally figured things out. “I’m getting old,” you grumble. And somewhere, at the back of your mind, you wonder if she’s getting old too. Picture this. Fifty years from now your hair is like snow (if you have any, that is). Your walking stick is your new best friend and memories seem to flit in and out of your head like clouds in the sky. Most days you can’t remember what you had for breakfast or what you’ll have for tea, and some days it’s beginning to hurt to breathe. It’s on these occasions, when your chest is heavy and you have to sit down, that you remember her. You think how true it is that you don’t forget the people you loved when you were young. You may not remember yesterday’s weather but you remember the fifty year old summer breeze and complaining about her hair in your face. “I wonder if she’s happy,” you say, and people mistake it for mindless rambling. “I hope she found what she was looking for.”
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #103 (via blossomfully)
Girl with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
— Lonely Traveller Part 2 by @serenosky (via vegan-veins)
— Aprilynne Pike, Wings (via thegoodvybe)
Adonis [21h38min]: Okay, ótima ideia
Adonis [21h38min]: sobre o que você quer falar?
Cassie [21h42min]: Eu não faço ideia de assunto
Cassie [21h42min]: eu to respondendo dms no twitter pra ver se me animo um pouco
"i want to be close to you, yes i'm so hungry you're like water for my soul when it gets thirsty without you there's no me you're the air that i breathe say sometimes the world is dark and i just can't see with these demons surround all around to bring me down to negativity but i believe, yes i believe, i said i believe i'll stand on my own two feet." -king without a crown, matisyahu.
i swear to a god i don't believe in. if my older sister puts her hands on me, or throws something at me one more time i'm going to lose it and punch her in her face. she's not pregnant there. i don't care if anyone thinks its cruel because no one knows the way she treats me. i'm not even welcomed in my own home, she tells me pretty much every other day she wants me out of here. great. just what i wanted. to move out of a house of people who don't want me to move right into another one that doesn't want me. i'm sick of no one appreciating me, and of no one fucking showing me some love. thats why i'm so screwed up in the head! because i've never seen fucking true love, or love for that matter. all i want is a house. where i can step in. and not have to walk on eggshells. i can just be me. i wont be called "lazy" or "stupid" or "weird", i'll be just me. i'm sick of being in a family i don't belong in. i guess thats why i'm the redheaded stepchild.
i'm always all smiles, but deep down..i have some fucked up issues.
i've had an AMAZING past few days :] basically sunday allie texted me asking to hangout and sleepover and of course i said yes! haha. and so basically, i got her and chris back as my friends, yaaay! :D<3 and we've been causing mischief just like the good ol' days.
i started to gauge my hurts realllllly bad :[ i'm not so sure it was a good idea now lol. but i think the small ones are cute so i'll deal with the pain. oh welllll.
so i've been talking to this boy for a little bit. and after hanging out with him for a little a weekish ago, i've come to the terms with something. i like him. he's the most adorable boy ever. he called me "the sweetest girl ever" <333 ahhh. and he didn't want to hurt me like some asshole he knows did :] so he just said he's been hurt a lot and just wants to hang out more but "whatever happens, happens" :] so, i hope it happens :] because i deserve to have a sweetheart. <3
and other than that, life has been amazing lately. i have the bestest friends, family, and crush. haaaay! :D (told you, your life would suck without me, my life doesn't suck without you.)
so it's been a realllly fun week so far! its too much to explain. or really remember lmao.
last night i went to club tantric with jess to see some local bands. it was reallly fun :] then we went back to her house. and i had to sneak out of a house for the first time. it was exciting. haha!
yesterday during the day i went to seekonk high to film tims movie! it's coming out so well and i'm so so proud of my best friend :] <3
tonight i'm going to the feast. there's always fun there so i'm sure i'll have stories!

🌸 Tuck a flower into my muse’s hair (Eva is pretty and should get to feel pretty too)
“Hm” O-Oh!” Eva smiled and leaned down, sniffing the flower that Ty presented to her, “Mmm~ I do love Tiger Lilies.” “Yeah, I know,” The bluenette smiled. Reaching up, Ty tucked some of Eva’s wavy red hair behind her ear, making room for the long petals of the flower as she tucked the stem along with the locks. 
“Awe, thank you” Eva hummed, fingers gently brushing the petals and insuring that the stem was resting secure so the flower would not fall. “Let’s find a flower for you too!” she took Ty’s hand and tugged her to follow through the spring market. 
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Fashion. Music. Sunshine. And all things beautiful.
"33% bitterness, 33% sleepiness, 33% anxiety, 1% GLITTER."
caroline, 24, german, bookworm, hufflepuff
i'm in love with books, superheroes, female heroines, allison argent, cersei lannister, a place named tree hill & kdramas
var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "4874584"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = ""+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.body.appendChild(fhs);document.write("");
beliza suddenly announcing they got married without ever announcing they were ever dating might be the biggest plot twist of my life
1. Appreciate your dad, you don’t know what will happen. 2. If you don’t want to wear make up, don’t. For Christ sakes, you’re young and beautiful. Society can go fuck their self. 3. It’s really okay to love yourself. Appreciate the funny curve of your nose, and that gap in your teeth make your smile prettier. Just because you don’t look like that girl in the magazine doesn’t mean you can’t tell yourself you’re beautiful every now and then. 4. Do what makes you happy. I know you’ve heard this a million times, but I can’t stress this enough. Go after your dream job even if it goes against every thing your parents wanted. If you don’t like where you live, move. Your friends don’t make you laugh until your sides hurt? You don’t have to be friends with them anymore. You’re in control. No one else. Don’t fall under the pressure of pleasing people. Please yourself and live for you. 5. Love who you want. Regardless of gender, skin color, or societal views. Please never give up true love because you’re scared. Love is a beautiful, beautiful thing, and if you’re lucky enough to come across it don’t you dare walk away from it because of what others will think. Take the looks, the whispers, and the criticism with a smile, grab your lovers hand, and if you’re feeling extra happy, kiss them for the world to see. Let me tell you, the world is only jealous because they simply can’t understand. 6. Take long showers and lay on your bed naked after, sing too loud, sleep through your classes one day, and another day just don’t leave the couch. It’s okay to just decide you don’t have responsibilities for a little bit. Everyone needs a day ever so often to just relax. It’s okay to be lazy. It’s okay to sleep for 12 hours straight. It’s okay to go to bed at 6 AM because you’re reading and wake up at 3 the next day. Treat yourself, but most importantly love yourself enough to give yourself time to breathe. 7. Alone time is good for the soul. I truly believe that. I think it’s good to cancel your plans sometimes, close your door, turn off your phone, and play some John Mayer (or whatever your prefer). Maybe you could read a book, or hell even write one if you’re up for it. But take some time to yourself and learn to be happy with just you and the sound of your breathing. At the end of the day, you are the only person that is guaranteed to stick around, so you might as well learn to enjoy the way laugh at your own jokes or the way you pronounce words when you read aloud. Being comfortable alone is more important than you know. 8. It’s okay to be 20 and still love Disney movies. It’s not even a guilty pleasure. Everyone has their favorite whether they admit it or not. 9. Do not compromise who you are to impress someone else. You are a wonderfully constructed individual. Your trials, experiences, and life all together have sculpted you into the most lovely version of you possible. If a person doesn’t like the way you live, from your sex life to your music taste, who cares? You were not put on this earth to impress them, or anyone for that matter. Impress yourself. Stick to what you want, stand up for what you believe, and tell people to screw off if they have an issue with any of it. It’s your life. 10. High school does not in any manner prepare you for college. One time my teacher dismissed class early because a kid fell down the stairs and he was laughing too hard to continue the lecture. That’s all I have to say about that subject. 11. I know you’re making a ton of new friends at this stage in your life, but don’t forget whose been there from the start. Your new friends may be exciting and wonderful and the best friends you could imagine but the ones that knew you back in middle school and were still there for you are genuine. If they loved your through your awkward phase, they’re probably in it for the long run. So send some love their way ever so often. When you’re older, you’ll be glad you did. 12. Your mom will probably cry a lot during the next few years. Let her. Hug her. Cry with her. She just wants you happy at the end of the day. You’re growing up, and life’s exciting, but you have to remember that you’re her baby, and the more you find yourself, the more she feels she’s losing you. I know you’re getting older, but so is she. Spend Sunday afternoons telling her about your life or reading her your new poetry. She’ll appreciate that so much, and you will too later on. 13. It’s okay to get drunk. Whether it be just for fun or that you need liquid courage to text an ex, it’s completely fine. And you know what else is completely fine? Not getting drunk. It’s okay to be the mom, the DD, or to not even show up to the party at all. It’s all okay. But you know what isn’t? Judging whatever decisions your peers make. So what there was a photo posted and that girl you went to high school with was wasted? It’s not really any of your business is it. And if that guy decided to go to that poetry reading and skipped the biggest party of the year, It’s really not effecting you at all, so don’t act like it does. 14. Stop glamorizing sadness. Sadness is not beautiful. It does not glow. Disorders are not something to make light of, and scars are not something to be ignored. Be proud of who you are. Eat that hamburger, and put the razor down. And most importantly, smile. Happiness is by far the most beautiful thing about a person. 15. It will all be okay at the end of the day. Life has a funny way of working out. 16. Speaking of funny, life literally never goes as planned. Don’t waste your time fretting over the future. Faith and destiny work hand in hand to make sure life keeps you on your toes. 17. Karma is a real and powerful thing. Please try to keep it on your side. Your bad deeds catch up with you in a big way. Take your time to build up your good karma, and do some good for other people, even if the deeds are small. Put a quarter in an expired parking meter, serve food at a homeless shelter, or go visit an elderly person at the nursing homes. Good deeds are good for others, and good for your soul. 18. You can never go wrong with pizza. 19. Don’t wish your years away. I know you’re at that age where you’re responsible for your choices, but aren’t really considered an adult but you
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