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Everlasting love is easier to express with the help of our skilled local florists! One dozen roses are the quintessential way to beautifully solidify your bond to your beloved and share a reminder that you'll always be there.
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Candy colored roses and carnations are collected in a sugar-spun shimmering glass vase full of flowers in this dulcet design. A pretty pink ribbon is the icing on the cake! Flowers are a sweet treat to say "Have a great day!"
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Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections in this time of need. A perfect peace lily symbolizes the air of unconditional love with that caressing embrace for the most delicate moments.

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60 Types of Flowers: Huge List Of Flowers With Names & Pictures was last modified: August 7th, 2022 by no_name12
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There are thousands of different types of flowers that come in many sizes and colors. Different types of popular annual flowers can bloom in the spring and summer. This can give your garden beautiful white, pink, red, or yellow flowers. Many types of perennials produce blooms of flowers, mainly in the spring and summer.
Common types of flowers such as bulb flowers also produce a variety of different colored flowers in the summer or spring. Other types of famous flowering plants include orchids, succulents , cacti , shrubs, and trees. Growing different kinds of flowers can ensure that you have blooms almost all year round in your garden.
One of the great things about growing a variety of flowers is that you can always have cut flowers to brighten up your home. You may also want to have stunning orchids which grow well indoors and produce small to large flowers in many different colors.
Other types of popular flowering plants that are easy to care for are succulents and cacti. Not all of these kinds of exotic plants flower regularly when growing indoors in containers. However, when they do, they produce small flowers that grace the thick green leaves or stems.
In this article, you will learn about the most popular types of flowers. You will learn about flowers that bloom in winter as well as flowering bushes, shrubs, and flowering trees .
Annuals are a type of plants that grow from seed to bloom and then die in one season. This means that you need to plant annual flowers every year to enjoy their gorgeous colors.
There are some perennial flowers that are grown as annuals as they don’t survive the cold winter. So in warmer zones they are planted as perennials, however in cooler zones they are grown as annuals. You can bring them indoors during winter, and then replant them outdoors in spring.
First, let’s look at some of the most popular annual flowers that bloom in spring.
Types of common flowers: Spring annuals (pansies and primrose)
Some annuals flower well in cooler temperatures and may bloom in early spring or even in late winter. Here are a few varieties of annuals that blossom in springtime.
Pansies are beautiful flowers that come in a wide array of colors
Pansies are one of the most popular early bloomers that produce beautiful flowers with large petals in many colors. Although pansies are perennial flowers, they usually die back in cold winters because they are not hardy plants in cold winters.
Some common types of pansy flowers have stunning 3-color petals in deep blues, yellows, reds, and purple. There are also some types of pansy flowers that are black .
Pansies grow best in full sun and planted in well-drained soil and they add beautiful color to your garden.
There is a wide variety of beautiful primrose flowers to suit any color scheme in your garden
Primrose is another well-loved variety of flowering plant due to its bright yellow, red, or purple petals it produces in early spring. Although there are types of perennial primrose flowers, many gardeners grow primrose as annual plants.
Primrose plants commonly grow in the wild in forests, near beaches, and wasteland. They also make great container flowering plants to brighten up a deck area or balcony area.
Gorgeous primrose flowers have small petals that usually have a bright yellow center.
Plant primrose flowers in an area of your garden that gets some sun but also plenty of shade. Most primrose varieties enjoy moist soil; however, some types of primroses thrive well in dry, well-drained soil.
There are a number of other varieties of flowers that bloom in early spring such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. You can read about those in the list of flowering bulbs later in the article.
Type of flowers: Summer annuals (marigold and sunflower)
Because most annual plants that flower are planted in springtime, you can expect beautiful blossoms in the summertime.
Marigold is one of the most popular and famous type of annual flower that can be found in many gardens
Appreciated around the world for their beautiful flowers, marigolds are a type of flowering plant from the Calendula genius.
Common marigold flowers are generally large flowers with bright yellow or orange-colored petals and the flower head has a dark center. The incredibly beautiful flower head is made up of tiny petals that can have about 6 or 7 layers. Marigolds bloom in the summertime and can continue flowering until early fall. The famous marigold flowers are a perfect type of garden flower because they add great color.
Snapdragons can come in a color combination of pink and white flowers
Appreciated around the world for their beautiful flowers, snapdragons are grown as a type of annual plant even though they are categorized as a perennial plant. The reason for this is that they are not cold hardy and they don’t survive cold winters very well.
When snapdragons bloom in summer, they create a sea of multi-colored flowers in the garden. Snapdragon plants grow long leafy stems that are crowned with conical-shaped bright flowers.
To enjoy these annual flowers that come in a wide variety of colors, plant them in full sun and in well-drained soil. Snapdragons are perfect garden flowers as they are very colorful.
Geraniums can grow as perennial flowers in warmer climates and enhance any landscaped garden
Geraniums are a very popular type of summer-blooming plant due to its multitude of varieties. Although most geraniums are grown as annuals, in warmer zones they are grown as perennial flowers.
The most common colors of petals for geranium flowers are red, orange, purple, white, and pink. Geranium flowers are made up of 5 long petals that have veins running through them.
For some avid gardeners, geraniums are the most popular flowers to grow in the garden as they thrive in most types of soil. You can enjoy the beautiful blooms of geranium flowers from summer to early fall. There are also some types of geranium that bloom in late spring.
Sunflower is a type of annual flower that looks stunning in any garden
One of the tallest flowering annual plants is the sunflower. These famous flowers are easily identified with their long stems and very large big round yellow flowers .
Sunflowers bloom at their peak in the middle of summer. They usually start flowering in the middle of summer and can continue blooming until the fall.
If you have areas of your garden that get all-day sun, you can plant sunflowers there as a stunning backdrop for your bushes or flower beds.
Sunflowers are grown commercially for their oil and their seeds.
Begonia and petunia are beautiful flowers that bloom during autumn
It can be difficult to categorize plants that specifically bloom in the fall due to the fact that many summer flowers continue blooming through the fall.
Let’s look at some plants that produce some of the most beautiful autumn flowers.
Begonias are decorative flowers that don’t survive the winter well
Extremely popular worldwide, begonias are a type of annual flowering plant that will continue to flower into the fall.
The beauty of begonias is that they can provide pretty flowers throughout all of the growing seasons. Most gardeners plant begonia flowers in their garden as annuals and not perennials as they don’t survive the winter well. Begonias have become one of the most popular flowering plant varieties due to their showy display of flowers and attractive leaves.
Plant begonias in partial shade and well-drained soil to enjoy maximum blooming time from these delightful flowering plants.
Petunia is an annual flowering plant that comes in many colors
Petunias are an autumn or fall flower that produces mainly pink, white, and violet blossoms.
Having petunias in your garden will give it plenty of color in the fall when some other types of annuals have stopped flowering. Petunias are described as half-hardy annuals as most varieties don’t survive harsh frosts. Their attractive flowers grow in the shape of a funnel and come in light pink, dark purple, lilac, and crimson colors.
Some of the most beautiful petunia flowers have multicolored petals shaped like a trumpet with dark, almost black centers. Some other common types of petunia flowers have small round petals with light-colored stripes originating from the center.
Chrysanthemum is an extremely popular outdoor flower because it adds color to your garden
Chrysanthemums (or, sometimes called mums) are a type of flowering plant that produces large colorful blooms in the fall.
The beautiful flower heads of chrysanthemums consist of long petals that form a large flower. Some popular types of chrysanthemum flowers can be ball-shaped, globe-shaped, or star-shaped. Hybrids of chrysanthemums can come in a wide variety of colors including bright orange, red, pink, green, and white.
Chrysanthemums will give you plenty of delightful blooms in the fall that also make great cut flowers for your home.
Let’s look at some of the flowering annual plants that give your garden or home a dash of color during winter months.
Sweet pea is an annual climbing flowering vine that thrives in full sun
Sweet peas are a type of flowering climbing plant that you need to plant every year to enjoy their dainty flowers.
One of the reasons why sweet peas have become a popular winter flower is that they have a delightful fragrant aroma. The wafer-thin petals on the flowers are usually delicate shades of pinks, purples, and whites.
Plant sweet peas in your garden where they can get plenty of sun and in well-drained soil. Furthermore, sweet peas also flower at other times of the year.
Violas flower throughout fall and winter and display a stunning array of color
Plant violas in the fall if you want them to flower on and off during the winter months. Winter violas are tough enough to survive cold weather and can flower all through the winter.
Winter violas have small flowers that come in many color combinations so they will brighten your garden during winter time.
Roses and peony are common perennial flowers
Perennials are a type of flowering plant that grows year after year. That means that you don’t have to plant perennial flowering plants if you want to enjoy their blooms every year.
Though perennials should last for years, not all of them grow year after year. Some perennials are tender and they die in winter. They are called annuals if you live in a place with a cold winter. Only hardy perennial flowers survive the winter and come back year after year.
Bulbs are also a type of perennial flower; however, flowering bulbs are listed as a separate category of flowering plants.
Roses are very popular perennial flowers that include many species and cultivars
There are more than 360 rose species and thousands of rose cultivars, all producing beautiful flowers that have a wonderful fragrance.
Botanically, a rose is considered to be a complete flower because it contains the four main parts of a flower : petals, sepals, stamen, and carpel (also known as a pistil).
Some rose stems produce one large rose flower, whereas other popular varieties of roses produce multiple small roses on each stem. The woody stem of flowering rose plants makes them the perfect type of cut flower. Rose flowers come in a variety of colors and shades from dark red, to light orange, purple, pink, orange, and white.
Roses are a common type of romantic flowers to express deep feelings or love. In fact, types of white roses are common wedding bouquet flowers as they symbolize new beginnings.
You can expect roses to bloom every year from late spring to the end of the summer. They should be planted where they get full sun during the summertime.
Daylily is a perennial tall flowering plant with attractive showy blooms
Extremely popular worldwide, daylilies produce mainly yellow or orange flowers that come back every year. However you can actually get exceptional daylilies flowers in many other colors including pink, purple and red.
Planting daylilies is popular with gardeners as the long-stemmed flowering plants grow in most conditions. The star-shaped beautiful flower has long leaves that turn back on themselves and have a protruding stamen . In some ways, daylilies ( Hemerocallis ) look like flowers from traditional lilies ( Lilium ).
Peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers and they have great scent
Peony is a type of flowering shrub-like plant that produce stunning large puffy flowers that have a wonderful fragrance.
The large peony flowers are usually a light pink, dark pink or white color. Due to the fact that this popular flower has lots of petals, they look like a fluffy ball. The plant blooms year after year in the late spring or early summer. However, the peony plant only blooms for 7 -10 days every year. Due to their striking appearance, peonies often make great cut flowers for large bouquets or fancy ornamental flowers.
In fact, some wedding bouquets that include peonies can cost hundreds of dollars.
Shasta daisy is an early blooming flower
This early bloomer, the Shasta daisy produces small white flowers with a yellow center every year.
The daisy flowers sit on top of long stems and the stems usually grow in clusters. These extremely beautiful perennial flowers that bloom every spring may even last throughout the summer if you cut them back properly.
Lilac is a type of flowering bush that is easily identifiable
Most types of shrubs and bushes produce blooms every year. Some types of perennial bushes can even grow to the size of a small tree, whereas others are small shrubs that are only knee-height or smaller.
Lavender is a type of perennial flowering plant with purple fragrant flowers
Flowering lavender shrubs are one of the most popular small flowering shrubs due to their beautiful light- blue flowers and fragrant aromas.
Lavender is generally a hardy shrub that can grow in dry sandy soil and withstand full sun. Lavender flowers consist of tiny petals that grow up the stem. These long lavender blooms can start flowering from early spring, and some varieties can last until the end of the summer.
When it comes to medicinal flowering plants, lavender usually tops the list. The essential oil of lavender is prized for its antibacterial and soothing properties.
Lilac bush
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