Florian Poddelka

Florian Poddelka


Florian Poddelka



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For those who don't know. Florian Podellka is the stage name of
a boy model with quite a following both amongst preteens and adults
attracted to boys. He is almost always photographed in speedo type
swimsuits, tight fitting underwear including thongs and various
other tight fitting outfits. In general these images are legal in
most places although not always as laws are getting increasingly
restrictive essentially saying "if it arouses you..its porn)
Florian is not beleived to have ever modeled in the nude or in
an overtly sexual context, however "Photoshop" manipulations have
made the rounds that portray him as naked and in an aroused state.
His people have taken quick action to have them taken down. Some
are quite convincing. Even though fake it would of course be
illegal in most places to download or possess these images

Subpages (1):

Rosencreuzian school Finland

Seventh-Day Adventist Rosencreuzians
website is the subdivision to Aarre Lehtonen's internet book named
"Banned Bible School, Aasenappar's little book of Bible",
that can be found from the below link:
have evidence from the Bible, that I have presented in my book named
"Aasenappar's little book of Bible", to following
first Bible was written entirely in Finnish language.
had cameras, telephones and satellites in Biblical times, and they
are all mentioned in the Bible.
first Christian movement was Rosencreuzians, who were young boys,
living in the Black Sea coast, and they were completely naked. (John
21, Job 24: 5, 7, 10.)
is commonly used for Rosencreuzianism, but it is not the correct way
of spelling it. In the Bible's Old Testament in Song of Solomon
2:1,2,3 it's said: "Minä olen Saronin kukkanen, ja kukoistus
laaksossa. Niinkuin ruusu orjantappuroissa, niin on armaani tytärten
seassa. Niinkuin omenapuu metsäpuiden seassa, niin on ystäväni
poikain seassa: minä istun hänen varjossansa, jota minä anon, ja
hänen hedelmänsä on minun suussani makia." The Finnish
language protestant Bible 1776. Direct translation to English: "I
am the flower of Saron, and the blooming in the valley. Just like a
rose among thistles, so is my love among the daughters. Just like an
apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my friend among the
boys: I sit in his shadow, that I ask, and his fruit is sweet in my
mouth." So in Song of
Solomon, chapter 2, verses 1, 2 and 3 refer to gay relationships
between young boys, "thistles" referring to female harlots,
and "rose" and "apple" referring to a gay boy

(Article found from the net:) Pekka Ervast
is the most important Finnish theosophical writer. He lived 1875-1934
and wrote about 70 books and gave about 1500 lectures. Between the
years 1907-1917 Ervast worked as the general secretary of Finnish
Theosophical Society, but gave up Theosophical Society, led by Mrs.
Annie Besant and Mr. C. W. Leadbeater, because he couldn't accept
their opinions concerning the World War and Jiddu Krishnamurti as new
World Teacher. 
started his own theosophical working in his early youth and hold his
first theosophical lecture on January 24, 1897 in The Theosophical
Library of Helsinki and in public on April 4, 1898. The Theosophy of
Ervast based on his own spiritual experience that he called Baptism
of Jordan and which happened on October 13, 1898.

rebirth showed him that man is basically a spiritual being, the son
of God, and that The Sermon on the Mount is (as good as the teachings
of Buddha) the way of spiritual growth. After the rebirth Ervast was
able to see about other people too, which hindered them to get the
same level of consciousness as himself. This made Ervast valid as
spiritual teacher, who was able to guide other searching people.
Between the years 1893-1898 Ervast studied at The University of
Helsinki among other things The History of Indian Religions, Moral
philosophy and sanskriti, but he liked more to work outside the
academy and associated with the working class.

history of Finnish theosophical movement differs from others while in
Finland the main group of theosophists came from s.c. lower classes.
The first Finnish theosophist were Swedish speaking upper class and
artists who also were often from Finnish origin and their interest was
to improve social conditions and equality.

history of Finnish theosophical movement is likely connected to the
universal history of Finland, that was an autonomic part of Russian
empire since 1809, but in the 1890's the tsarist government started
to unify the empire and rebel Finnish autonomy. Among many others the
socialists and theosophists supported passive resistance, not to
agree illegal actions of the Russian government.

1900 Pekka Ervast had a vision that Finland will become an
independent state and after that he worked for it in connection with
his theosophical work. The freedom of the nation was for him as clear
as the freedom of every individual humans and he found that every
nation has the dharma of its own for the individuals.
1933/38, 1776 ja 1642 käännöksen apokryfikirjoilla, Agricolan 1548
Se Uuden Testamentin ja Ne osat 1552 Vanhasta Testamentista, jotka
Agricola käänsi. Sivuston voi myös ladata ladattavat
tiedostot-sivulta omalle koneelle luettavaksi ilman jatkuvasti
auki olevaa internet-yhteyttä. Kaikki käännökset myös
PDF-tiedostona Acrobat Readerilla luettavissa. Sivusto ei sisalla
Raamattu kansalle ry:n raamatunkaannosta vuodelta 2012.
UNDER COPYRIGHT! The website includes 1933/38, 1776 and 1642
translations with apocryphal books, Agricola's 1548 That New Testament
and Those parts from 1552 Old Testament that Agricola translated. The
website can be downloaded from the "Ladattavat tiedostot"
page to one's own computer to be read without the internet connection
being open continuously. All the translations can also be read as PDF
files by Acrobat Reader. Website does not include the Bible
translation of Raamattu kansalle ry (Bible for the nation, registered
association) from the year 2012.
also our other website named Banned Bible School, Aasenappar's little
book of Bible, in the below link:
Lehtonen's time travel experience:
went to sleep in Thailand one evening in the year 1998, and I woke up
at a time what I thought was the next morning. I asked someone what
day was it, and when he told me, and when I also checked the day from
a newspaper, I realized that four days had elapsed. I surely couldn't
have slept four days and nights continuously. Then I remembered
having seen in the evening multiple sunsets which occurred rapidly
one after another, like days passing by in seconds.
preacher Aarre Sakari Lehtonen from Finland, the founder of
Seventh-Day Adventist Rosencreuzians, has discovered from the year
1642 Bible's Finnish language translation, from Song of Solomon, the
sensation of the millennium. That Bible was officially released by
Finland's Protestant Church, and at the beginning of each chapter of
Song of Solomon (in Finnish Korkea veisu, later known as Laulujen
laulu), there is an explanatory text added by the church to clarify
the exact meaning of the chapters. As it is well known, the original
congregation of Christ consisted only of males, not females at all.
In the Gospel of John, chapter 21, it is told that the disciples of
Christ were young boys, children, as Christ called them. Also
throughout the New Testament in all Finnish translations the
disciples of Christ are called with the word "opetuslapset",
in English "child students'. So the explanatory texts at the
beginning of each chapter of Song of Solomon mean that the texts in
Song of Solomon describe the same-sex polygamy relationship between
Christ and his young boy students.

language in the Finland's Protestant Bible from the year 1642 is old
Finnish, but I translate it to modern English. For comparison, after
that there is also the same text from Finland's Protestant Bible's
Song of Solomon in the year 1776 translation.
the beginning of chapter 1, there is written in 1642 translation:
kirjoitetan Christuxen puhe rackan morsiamens/ se on/ hänen pyhän
seuracundans cansa/ joca ikäwöidze lohdutusta hänen sanastans ja
Evangeliumistans/ v. 1.
hänen suruans/ v. 5. ja lohdutetan v. 8. täsä tehdän myös
tiettäwäxi Christuxen ja hänen seuracundans sisällinen rackaus/
v. 9.

it is written the speech of Christ with his beloved spouse/ that is/
with his holy congregation/ which is yearning solace from his word
and his Gospel/ v. 1
is also made known the inner love between Christ and his
congregation/ v. 9.
the Bible's Old Testament in Song of Solomon, chapter 2, verses 1, 2
and 3 it is written in Finland's Protestant Bible in the year 1642
translation: "MInä olen Saronin cuckainen/ ja cucoistus laxosa.
Nijncuin ruusu orjantappurois/ nijn on minun arman tytärten seas.
Nijncuin omenapuu medzäpuiden seas/ nijn on minun ystäwän poicain
seas. Minä istun hänen warjosans jota minä anon/ ja hänen
hedelmäns on minun curcusan makia."
Direct translation to English: "I
am the flower of Saron, and the blooming in the valley. Just like a
rose among thistles, so is my love among the daughters. Just like an
apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my friend among the
boys: I sit in his shadow, that I ask, and his fruit is sweet in my
the Bible's Old Testament in Song of Solomon, chapter 2, verses 1, 2
and 3 it is written in Finland's Protestant Bible in the year 1776
translation: "Minä olen Saronin kukkanen,
ja kukoistus laaksossa. Niinkuin ruusu orjantappuroissa, niin on
armaani tytärten seassa. Niinkuin omenapuu metsäpuiden seassa, niin
on ystäväni poikain seassa: minä istun hänen varjossansa, jota
minä anon, ja hänen hedelmänsä on minun suussani makia."
Direct translation to
English: "I am the flower of Saron, and
the blooming in the valley. Just like a rose among thistles, so is my
love among the daughters. Just like an apple tree among the trees of
the forest, so is my friend among the boys: I sit in his shadow, that
I ask, and his fruit is sweet in my mouth."
So in Song of
Solomon, chapter 2, verses 1, 2 and 3 refer to gay relationships
between young boys, "thistles" referring to female harlots,
and "rose" and "apple" referring to a gay boy

first Christian movement was Rosencreuzians, who were young boys,
living in the Black Sea coast, and they were completely naked. (John
21, Job 24: 5, 7, 10.)

Kuningasten kirja 14:24: Ja maassa oli myöskin haureellisia
pyhäkköpoikia. Finland's 1933/1938 Bible translation.
English translation: And in the land there were also boy prostitutes
of the temple. 1 Kings 14:24.
after Christ's ascension, the disciples were naked:
tänäkin hetkenä me kärsimme sekä nälkää että janoa, olemme
alasti, meitä piestään, ja me kuljemme kodittomina.       1 Corinthians
4:11. Finland's 1933/1938 Bible translation.
English translation: Even at this moment we suffer from both hunger
and thirst, we are naked, we are being beaten up, and we walk homeless. 1 Corinthians 4:11.
37:1-28, King James version:
hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the
Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was
full of bones,

2 and
caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were
very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.

3 And
he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered
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