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Интернет-магазин напольных покрытий «FLOORING-SHOP»

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Looking to work with a quality supplier with a history of great service, a vast selection of the latest products and exemplary work ethic? Choose from a delicious selection of flooring types, finishes, wood species and fashionable styles. Getting materials to the job site and working with experienced trades is one of your day-to-day priorities. Our many years in the business and our experienced installers will give you peace of mind that the job will be done to your satisfaction? We do our very best to make you feel comfortable with your selection and guide you througout the entire process. From start to finish, the staff at The Floor Shop Wicksteed Ave - Leaside location were very knowledgeable, friendly and great to work with. We wanted to replace the parquet floor in our 40 year old condo with an engineered hardwood floor. On the basis of on line customer reviews, we went to the Floor Shop. The staff provided excellent advice regarding color, material and plank size for our space. We made our selection and placed our work order. Two days later, we were advised that there was a supply issue with our original choice. However, the Floor Shop provided a solution, substituting a higher cost material at our original…. The entire experience from visting the showroom to completion of the installation of the new hardwood was excellent. Debbie did an outstanding job of handling all the details from sample selection to contracts to arranging times for installation. Thomas did a most professional job of the installation on time and at a reasonable price. Fantastic customer service. Not easy to repair year old hardwood but they did a terrific job. They came when they said they would. Did what they promised. Read Full Reviews. Right from our opening in , The Floor Shop has focused on developing extensive product knowledge on all hardwood flooring, engineered hardwoods, exotics and green flooring products. Our newest location in the Kingsway has a Certified Interior Decorator for flooring consultations in your home and to generally assist you in making the right decorating decisions. Each showroom features plus large sample displays and our flooring consultants will introduce you to the unique qualities of each of the domestic or exotic wood species. We encourage you to bring along room photos, wall colour samples, etc. Our Builder, Designer, and Decorator customers like to bring their clients to our showrooms when selecting hardwoods , cork , bamboo or designer laminates because of the comfortable environment; and The Floor Shop consultants, some with a decorating background will be pleased to recommend the right flooring for each rooms purpose. Our Experienced showroom staff is always willing to assist you with room theme, area functionality and of course trying to meet your budget. We expect this from our own suppliers and we are often called upon to assist custom builders, decorators, and designers who expect a professional rapport. A Floor Shop Estimator will visit your home, accurately measure the rooms and explain the necessary stages from tear-out and preparation to the installation of your chosen flooring. As of Wednesday, March 25, , all three of our stores have been mandated to temporarily close to the public. Any booked floor installations will proceed as scheduled unless we contact you otherwise. Any existing orders can be arranged for pick up by appointment only. If you still wish to see flooring options or book an in-home consultation, we will work by appointment. Please contact us via the following options. Interior Designers Looking to work with a quality supplier with a history of great service, a vast selection of the latest products and exemplary work ethic? Go to Flooring Gallery. Thousands of Products Available. View Installations. Visit one of our 3 showrooms in the GTA and talk with our flooring installation specialists. Kingsway Location Dundas St. Mississauga Location Dundas St. Leaside Location Wicksteed Ave. About Us Right from our opening in , The Floor Shop has focused on developing extensive product knowledge on all hardwood flooring, engineered hardwoods, exotics and green flooring products. We strongly feel the flooring we have researched and chosen to represent in solids and engineered products, exotics, cork, bamboo and designer laminates are created by some of the best manufacturers available. They offer excellent value to our customers in manufacturing standards, environmental values and creativity in flooring designs. Trouble Shooting — The qualified Floor Shop staff have years of industry experience and can walk you through the installation process and assist you in trouble shooting any unique issues your renovation or decorating changes may present. Our Experience Shows Our Experienced showroom staff is always willing to assist you with room theme, area functionality and of course trying to meet your budget. Detailed Written Estimates A Floor Shop Estimator will visit your home, accurately measure the rooms and explain the necessary stages from tear-out and preparation to the installation of your chosen flooring. Share with friends. Get in touch with experts. Dear Customers, As of Wednesday, March 25, , all three of our stores have been mandated to temporarily close to the public. Email: info thefloorshop.

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