Flogmaster Spanking

Flogmaster Spanking


Flogmaster Spanking
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On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 02:59:57 -0800, Frank Marsh < flogma...@gmail.com > wrote:
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On 2007-12-06 04:25:58 -0500, domino < dom...@Domin-o.org.uk > said: > > So have you got a website now? > > If you're still looking for a host, may I recommend > http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/ (which a dear friend recommended to > me and it only costs $4 a month.
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On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 08:34:54 -0500, zprymantis < zprym...@smilingwithteeth.com > wrote:
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Greetings, folks, and thanks for the very nice welcome back!
I'm sure you've wondered what happened to me and I'd love to have a wild story about some exotic adventure, but the reality is boringly mundane: I got busy.
Sure, life's had a few twists thrown in there -- I relocated to a different state, had a health issue (not a problem any more), some job trauma, the usual stuff. The timing of everything just combined for me to drift away from the group for a while, and there were technical irritations as well: the free web host I was using vanished, I think my free email account died, and Google Groups was just starting at that point and I was having trouble getting Newsgroup access. Combined with real life needs, I just took a hiatus from posting.
But I've still been writing. A surprising amount, in fact. I have at least a hundred stories finished, and probably three times that in progress. Some of them are quite good, if I'm allowed to say that. I've even got some novellas done and a novel nearly done. So be prepared for lots of Flogmaster stories to come!
In fact, it's the large pile of finished stories that has inspired my return. I keep writing new stuff but not doing anything with it and I've been telling myself for a while now to find a web host and get it uploaded so that at least someone out there might enjoy it. It took some work but I finally managed it (to put the years into perspective, my previous web creation tool was Mac OS 9 only and I've been running Mac OS X now for years, so I had to update to a whole new tool).
I've lurked occasionally over the years, and it's been nice to see familiar names continuing to post and write.
Anyway, those of you who remember know that I rarely comment that much -- I usually let my stories do my talking. But feel free to write me offline and/or post messages or whatever and I'll try to respond.
------------------------------------------------------------ The Flogmaster Story Archive is over one million words of free spanking erotica: http://flogmaster.110mb.com
It is really exciting to know that more stories are on their way. SInce I don't write that many stories lately, I will have plenty of time to read and comment. hehe
Yaaay, you're back! I saw the stories that you posted yesterday, but I haven't had time to dive into them yet. I've already bookmarked your new site, and I intend to have a field day reading them all. I've missed your stories, and I hope there are some of those wonderfully edgy ones like you used to post. I still have my dark side, and there are times when I love to get freaked out.
> > >Greetings, folks, and thanks for the very nice welcome back!
You were the very first person I contacted way back in the heady days of my discovering ASS, and it was your encouragement that made it possible for me to first post there! So I think you deserve the *very* best of welcomes.
If you enter Assville town to buy a plot and take up reseidence once more, you will find banners, flag-waving, fireworks and a huge street party awaiting you :-)
>I'm sure you've wondered what happened to me and I'd love to have a wild >story about some exotic adventure, but the reality is boringly mundane: >I got busy.
happens to us all, but I, for one, and *really* pleased to see you back!
>But I've still been writing. A surprising amount, in fact. I have at >least a hundred stories finished, and probably three times that in >progress.
WOOHOO!!!!! YAY!!!! Not only do you come back, but you come bearing gifts! No wonder we love ya!!! :-)
> I've >been telling myself for a while now to find a web host and get it >uploaded so that at least someone out there might enjoy it.
If you're still looking for a host, may I recommend http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/ (which a dear friend recommended to me and it only costs $4 a month.
>Anyway, those of you who remember know that I rarely comment that much
yeah, but maybe if we talk to you, and pester, chase, run after and pout at, you might talk back :-)
It's great to see you again love domino Obligatory spanking for Pablo
I can no longer recommend them to my spanking friends - unfortunately. :(
I don't wish to get into the details, but I would be willing to share the details with anyone I know privately in email.
Let's just say they have issues with fiction - words - TEXT ONLY - and the child pornography laws in Australia???
I am currently with a more adult friendly server - since early September, 2007.
It's sad, because I recommended TCH to at least 6 people who are now hosted there. I doubt anyone else will have a problem, but I have a few crazy stalkers who recommended me for special unfair treatment.... and TCH has no balls. I am still VERY angry about how they treated me.
PS. I kept seeing people say they visited Flogmasters site, and I didn't know where the link was - THEN I found it - in his signature line at the end of one of the stories! :)
All my stories are archived at "Z's Mind Candy" http://www.smilingwithteeth.com/mindcandy/
>I don't wish to get into the details, but I would be willing to share >the details with anyone I know privately in email.
>Let's just say they have issues with fiction - words - TEXT ONLY - and >the child pornography laws in Australia???
Hmmm... that's a bummer. I don'thave a website up and running there yet, but I was planning on one.
>I am currently with a more adult friendly server - since early September, 2007.
mebbe you'd let me have their details too in the mail you are kindly going to send me!
> >It's sad, because I recommended TCH to at least 6 people who are now >hosted there. I doubt anyone else will have a problem, but I have a >few crazy stalkers who recommended me for special unfair treatment.... >and TCH has no balls. I am still VERY angry about how they treated me.
Well, if they don't want you there then they don't want me either!!
It's wonderful to see you back and active again. What would it take for you to continue the 'Nymphet Juliette' series, a classic of spanking literature, in my opinion.

Site contents Copyright Β©1995-2020 by the Flogmaster (flogmaster100 at gmail). All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to download these stories for personal use only. No other type of publication of these stories is permitted without written authorization of the Flogmaster.

(To read the entire story published so far, see Erin Complete . Note that it's a single large page -- over 450K!)
A girl experiences her first caning.
A fate worse than death: boarding school.
Caught spying on the boys, Erin's given a grim choice.
Hard to believe, but Erin's caned again.
Ariana welcomes Erin back from the holiday break.
Erin learns more about her riding instructor.
Erin sees more of her riding instructor.
Erin says good-bye to a dear friend.
Erin acquires a taste for prefecting.
Erin is caught with switch in hand.
Two naughty girls are severely punished.
Erin finds a new boyfriend and earns them both a public caning.
Erin has a bittersweet homecoming and grows up quick.
Erin has her first university Experience.
Erin puts her foot in her mouth again... and pays the price.
Erin gets her first taste of discipline from Rob.
Erin is forced to find new employement.
The tables are turned between Erin and Heidi.
Erin sees a spanking and takes action.
Heidi and Erin pose for a last painting.
Erin goes back to school and makes up for lost time.
Erin finds her destiny and her wild adventures come to an end.

Site contents Copyright Β©1995-2020 by the Flogmaster (flogmaster100 at gmail). All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to download these stories for personal use only. No other type of publication of these stories is permitted without written authorization of the Flogmaster.

Sorry I've been quiet lately. Just a lot going on and I haven't had time to publish a new collection. But I finally got all the editing and formatting finished and I'm proud to announce my latest collection of short stories. These are primarily schoolgirl.

There's pure punishment in the elegant A Simple Beating . Schoolgirls' schemes backfire in Getting Away With It and Leather Pants . A girl learns that even a light cane hurts if used Everyday . While a princess and her cousin suffer the cane in A True Princess , in an ancient culture a whipping girl learns her trade in Genetically Designed . A good girl makes a brave decision in IοΏ½ll Take the Cane . There's painful tenderness in the somber Happy Family , while there's wicked fun in several stories of manipulation, such as Inga from Denmark (exchange student conned), The Spanking Man (a too-curious little girl), The Trap (a man tricks his son's pretty girlfriend), and The Witness (a woman wants what a daughter gets).

If you'd like to check it out, click on the picture above to download a sample of the book.

To purchase the book in print or digital formats, visit the Flogmaster Bookstore on Lulu: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster .

zzz FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense)
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FLOGMASTER: SSC: Bedtime (****, F/fx8, nc caning, intense)
Bedtime inspection at a girls' school.

Another erotic story from the FLOGMASTER!
Copyright 2009 by the Flogmaster. All Rights Reserved. Free
distribution via electronic medium (i.e. the internet or
electronic B.B.S.) is permitted as long as the text is _not_
modified and this copyright is included, but _no_ other form
of publication is allowed without written permission. This
document _may_ contain explicit material of an ADULT nature.
***READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!*** Anything offensive is your own
problem. This story is for **entertainment** purposes only,
and it does _not_ necessarily represent the viewpoint of the
author or the electronic source where this was obtained. All
characters are *fictional* -- any resemblance to real people
is purely coincidental.

SSC: Bedtime

Lights out at Kerrywood Academy was 10 p.m. But every night
at 9:45 was "rounds," when the House Mistress would check
on her girls before bed. This was the most dreaded time of
the day.

The girls were all required to be in position by 9:45. That
meant dressed only in flimsy nightgown and slippers, bent
well over the end of the bed with bums pushed up and out
for the HM to inspect. The nightgowns were devilishly
short, of course, and always rode up embarrassingly to
reveal naked bottoms.

This night Miss Reyna walked in to find that all the girls
were properly in position except Suzy Montgomery who was
frantically trying to pull off her panties and get bent
over the end of her bed. Miss Reyna carried with her a
short willow rod -- not nearly as devastating as a three
foot classroom cane, but stingy enough -- and she promptly
delivered three sharp cuts to Suzy's pert bottom.

There was dead silence as none wanted to attract attention.
Breaths were held as Miss Reyna walked the room.

She paused at Jenna Davis, a pretty 15-year-old, admiring
the girl's smooth rump. "No marks," she murmured. "How long
has it been?"

"I haven't been whacked since last month," Jenna said

"Well, I don't want you forgetting what it's like, so I'm
giving you two." The short rod snapped twice across the
girl's pretty bare rump, making her hiss through gritted

Lana and Stacey were spared, but Kim's head was hung low
for she'd been given six in maths and expected Miss Reyna
to give her a couple. It turned out to be a frantic three,
leaving Kim crying.

Maggie had it worse, for she wore nine stripes: six from
English and three from geography. Miss Reyna clucked in her
tongue in annoyance. "This is too much, Maggie. You were
just beaten a few days ago."

"Sorry Miss!"

"Not sorry enough. Front and center. I'll deal with you at
the end."

So Maggie had to wait, touching toes with her nightgown
raised and caned bottom on view, until all the girls in the
dormitory were dealt with. She listened as Miss Reyna
dished out several more canings, a few strokes here, a few
there. Cathy Slater got four for her stripes from Miss
Harper in gym, and Cynthia was supposed to just get two but
the dose was repeated for "fidgeting."

Then Miss Reyna was ready for Maggie, announcing that it
was to be a whopping six -- and with a real cane, not the
two foot toy she'd been using. Maggie had to wait while the
cane was fetched and then the strokes were applied.

She whimpered and moaned as her bottom was beaten. After
her miserable nine earlier in the day she was really
feeling it.

It's unfair, she thought. It's always the beaten who are
beaten. If I've already been punished I shouldn't be again.

Unfortunately for Maggie, she was not in charge.

- 30 -

The Flogmaster Story Archive is over one million words
of free spanking erotica: http://flogmasterstories.com

Buy the Flogmaster's stories in printed book form at the
Flogmaster Bookstore: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster

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